
"I don't know much about it", let's talk about the integrated platform of government services that I know

author:Everybody is a product manager
The emergence of the government service platform has facilitated our daily life and online services, so do you know what systems are supporting behind the display layer of the government service integration platform? In this article, the author talks about his views according to his own cognition, let's take a look.
"I don't know much about it", let's talk about the integrated platform of government services that I know

The government service integration platform provides supporting business support for informatization construction under the premise of standardized construction of government services, and realizes interconnection, data sharing and business collaboration through docking.

1. Overview

From the perspective of the types of service objects, government service platforms can be roughly divided into collaborative office platforms (G2G) for internal personnel, business service platforms (G2B) for enterprises, and online service platforms (G2C) for ordinary people.

In the past five years, the development of the online service platform for the people has been particularly rapid, from the past relatively single PC online portal, to the present there are a variety of clients, such as APP, WeChat applet, Alipay applet, other applets or H5, fast applications, etc. As the display layer of the integrated platform of government services, we can easily find the services we want on the terminal, so what systems are behind the display layer?

Second, the overall structure

From a business perspective, the provincial and municipal government service platform is roughly composed of the following levels, including: data resource layer, support platform layer, unified handling platform, service platform, data exchange and sharing platform, provincial and municipal business line system, district comprehensive window system, display layer and so on. The above description and the following diagram are just my understanding, and the actual business is much more complicated.

"I don't know much about it", let's talk about the integrated platform of government services that I know

1. Data Resources

In the government service scenario, data resources mainly include population databases, legal person databases, spatial databases, etc., as well as other existing and important basic data, such as geographic information databases, archive information databases, development strategy databases, and environmental resource databases.

These data from administrative authorities or public utility service agencies will not be directly used, but will be processed through data conversion and processing in some specific business scenarios to assist business decision-making and analysis. At the same time, the business data generated in the process of commissioning business is also an important data asset of the integrated platform, and the effective use of data is realized through the data sharing mechanism when other commissions have data utilization needs.

"I don't know much about it", let's talk about the integrated platform of government services that I know
  • Population database: The main body of the basic population information database includes the basic information of citizens, and also includes the population information generated by the business systems of various departments in the process of using the basic population information and the sharing needs of other departments, so as to achieve interconnection and information sharing.
  • Legal person database: The data of the legal person information database mainly come from the enterprise registration database and organization code database of the Market Supervision Bureau, the registration of public institutions, the registration database of social organizations of the Civil Affairs Bureau, the tax database of national and local taxation, and the basic unit census database of the Bureau of Statistics.
  • Spatial database: The natural resources and spatial geographic information database is based on electronic maps, integrating basic data such as roads, administrative divisions, buildings, vegetation, and underground pipelines, as well as thematic data such as land use, planning land, landscaping, ecological environment, and natural resources.
  • Data resource platform: catalog management, data integration, data asset management, data governance, data development, data analysis, data sharing, and data security. In the government service scenario, the data resource platform plays a significant role in the collection of office data, the distribution of office data, and the sharing and invocation of basic data.
  • Big data analysis platform: the operation and business system of government services will accumulate a large amount of historical data every day, with the continuous increase and accumulation of the system, the data precipitated in the depths of the system is more difficult to extract and integrate, so the big data analysis platform is very necessary, on the one hand, it can connect the various business systems of government affairs, open up data resources from the source, on the other hand, it can also realize data extraction, integration to data cleaning, processing, Visualized one-stop analysis helps enterprises truly extract value from data and improve their operational capabilities.

2. Support platform

The support platform mainly provides unified infrastructure for the government service platform, data resource services, big data analysis and other data support, unified identity authentication, unified electronic licenses, unified electronic seals and other public support, as well as business support such as matter management, "good and bad reviews" management, and user experience monitoring.

Take a G-end Mini Program project I participated in as an example, refer to the product roadmap below. The ability output of the support platform can be seen in all aspects of the interaction between the user and the application, which of course includes the underlying support platform for the municipal unified construction project, such as the unified user database, the unified office library, the unified payment platform, the unified search, the unified electronic license database, etc., and also includes the self-built support background within the backend of the applet, such as the application management platform, the matter power platform, the portal management platform, etc.

"I don't know much about it", let's talk about the integrated platform of government services that I know

3. Unified acceptance platform

The unified acceptance platform includes the following five systems: business operation system, configuration customization system, operation control system, intelligent support system, and interface service system.

  1. Business operation system. Directly provide external application acceptance related business functions, mainly including the following: intelligent guidance, online declaration, online pre-examination, online acceptance, window acceptance, standard handling module, result feedback, online payment, logistics delivery, service evaluation, handheld service, self-service.
  2. Configure a custom system. The platform provides configuration functions to realize the unified acceptance of simple matters through interface configuration definitions, mainly including: guidance knowledge configuration, acceptance element configuration, business document configuration, acceptance process configuration, verification rule configuration, acceptance interface adaptation and data pipeline configuration.
  3. Operational control system. The platform provides operation management functions, and centralizes the control of the operation status and version update, data collection and sharing application of all matters included in the unified acceptance, mainly including: item access management, acceptance and release management, real-time operation monitoring, online training support, business data management and operation data analysis.
  4. Intelligent support system. The platform provides AI-related support services, and encapsulates the technical interfaces provided by the underlying AI vendors into business interfaces that can be directly accepted and invoked, mainly including: real person empirical verification (based on biometric verification technologies such as face recognition), image material pre-inspection (based on national image recognition and image pattern matching), natural language interaction (based on speech recognition and natural language processing), document text recognition (based on text recognition), service user portraits, business knowledge graphs, etc.
  5. Interface service system. The platform provides external unified interface services, including data service interface and secondary development interface, as well as corresponding security control and operation control, for all departments, districts and relevant units to carry out data landing, service docking and secondary development.

III. Conclusion

The General Office of the State Council has also issued many documents on the relevant guidelines for deepening the decision-making and deployment of "Internet + government services" and accelerating the construction of a national integrated government service platform. This content is based on the knowledge understood and Xi in personal daily work, and is not detailed and comprehensive enough~

This article was originally published by @陈日尧 on Everyone is a Product Manager. Reproduction without permission is prohibited

The title image is from Unsplash and is licensed under CC0

The views in this article only represent the author's own, everyone is a product manager, and the platform only provides information storage space services.

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