
People who don't have cash at home should be careful: it is important to prepare 4-50,000 yuan to avoid 4 troubles

author:Raven-kun's first aid workplace

In this era where digital payments have become the norm, people have almost forgotten what cash looks like.

After all, street vendors, fancy restaurants, and even roadside vending machines are starting to support mobile payments.

This reality has also made us gradually Xi not keeping cash.

However, is this really reliable, and will there be an accident that will cause the lack of cash to be particularly troublesome?

The answer is yes!

Some people's experience tells us that it is important to prepare 4-50,000 yuan at home to avoid 4 troubles!

People who don't have cash at home should be careful: it is important to prepare 4-50,000 yuan to avoid 4 troubles

01 Avoid account limit issues

In today's prevalence of digital payments, the transaction limit of bank accounts often becomes an issue that cannot be ignored.

Imagine when you need a large sum of money urgently for an emergency, but you can't transfer it in time because of your bank's daily limit.

This is not uncommon in life. Whether it's buying a house, buying a car, going to the doctor, or something else, you'll encounter similar problems.

In such a scenario, if there is a certain amount of cash reserves at home, this inconvenience can be greatly reduced.

This is not only a supplement to the financial system, but also an effective strategy.

After all, the immediacy of cash, which can be used in many emergency situations, ensures that we have enough flexibility to respond to problems.

So, while digital payments are very convenient, there are certain situations where it's better to keep some cash on hand.

People who don't have cash at home should be careful: it is important to prepare 4-50,000 yuan to avoid 4 troubles

02 Avoid the hassle of visiting relatives and friends

Visiting relatives and friends is an important tradition in Chinese culture.

At these social events, we usually bring gifts or red envelopes as a tribute to the host.

However, in this era of digital payments, we will encounter an awkward situation when we only carry our mobile phones and forget to bring cash.

Especially in front of some elders, it is difficult for electronic red envelopes to be accepted.

In this case, if you have a certain amount of cash reserves at home, you can be comfortable in these social situations.

It's not just a sign of respect for traditional etiquette, it's also a testament to the meticulous consideration we take into our relationships.

In addition, even in some modern social occasions, such as weddings or celebrations, cash gifts are still a popular option.

Not only does it convey our blessings, but it also shows how much we value these important moments.

Therefore, despite the great convenience that digital payments provide us, cash still plays an integral role in maintaining traditional social etiquette and relationships.

People who don't have cash at home should be careful: it is important to prepare 4-50,000 yuan to avoid 4 troubles

03 Avoid consumer privacy from prying eyes

In today's world where digital payments are becoming the order of the day, every transaction leaves an electronic footprint.

While this brings convenience to our lives, it also poses a potential threat to our consumer privacy.

Whenever we pay electronically, our consumption Xi, preferences and even location information may be recorded.

This information may be used for business analysis or even to invade personal privacy.

Therefore, when it comes to some private or sensitive consumption, cash payment is particularly important.

It provides a way to pay without leaving a trace, protecting our spending behavior from outside surveillance.

In some special occasions of purchase, such as when buying intimate items or handling personal matters, the use of cash can better protect our privacy rights.

This doesn't mean eschewing digital payments, but finding a balance between privacy and convenience.

People who don't have cash at home should be careful: it is important to prepare 4-50,000 yuan to avoid 4 troubles

04 Avoid extreme situations where it cannot be used

In our daily lives, the convenience of digital payments is almost ubiquitous.

However, as with any technology, it has its limitations.

In some extreme cases, such as a large-scale cyber attack, a technical system failure, or infrastructure damage caused by a natural disaster, a digital payment system can be completely paralyzed.

In these moments, payment methods that rely on the internet and electricity will become useless.

For example, in the event of an earthquake, flood, or other natural disaster, power and network services are likely to be disrupted.

In such a situation, having cash becomes the key to dealing with urgent matters and buying necessities.

This nature of cash, which is not dependent on external technical systems, is particularly important in extreme cases.

In addition, for some remote or less technologically well-equipped areas, digital payments are not always a viable option.

In these places, cash remains the most reliable and universally accepted form of transaction.

Therefore, although digital payments provide great convenience in our lives, the importance of cash cannot be ignored in some extreme or special cases.

People who don't have cash at home should be careful: it is important to prepare 4-50,000 yuan to avoid 4 troubles

In general, it is not a good Xi to leave no cash at home.

It is best to prepare 4-50,000 yuan to deal with various needs, otherwise, it may be very troublesome at a critical time, and even have to ask people everywhere.