
In the gods, how should the strength of the seven monsters of Meishan be ranked, and what is the ending of the seven monsters?

author:Careful Huadian 5G3

#梅山七怪: The Battle of the Gods of the Monster Legend#

There are countless legends hidden in the deep history, and now, we will turn back the clock and return to the era of the War of the Gods. The focus of this story is on Mengjin, which is not only the route of the Western Zhou army, but also the battlefield where many monsters gather.

##孟津之战: The gathering of the Seven Monsters of Meishan##

Mengjin was a necessary place for the Western Zhou army, however, they encountered seven monsters from Meishan here, each with their own unique skills, providing strong support for the Shang King to fight against the Western Zhou forces.

## #揭开七怪的神秘面纱###

Seventh place: Goat spirit Yang Xian

The goat essence Yang Xian, with a white face and long beard, has two horns on the top, and holds a Fang Tian painting halberd. In the fierce battle with Yang Jian, the fierce general of the Western Zhou Dynasty, he was able to fight evenly. He won by spitting white light, but this move was revealed in the confrontation with Yang Jian, and was finally cut into two sections by Yang Jian with eight or nine Xuan Gong.

Sixth place: Wild boar monster Zhu Zizhen

The wild boar monster Zhu Zizhen has a vicious appearance, long lips and big ears, and a long sword. Known for stunting his opponents with black smoke in his mouth, he once successfully won a duel with Yu Zhong, a general of the Western Zhou Dynasty. However, in the duel with Yang Jian, Zhu Zizhen failed to succeed again, and was finally defeated by Yang Jian's Eight or Nine Xuangong.

In the gods, how should the strength of the seven monsters of Meishan be ranked, and what is the ending of the seven monsters?

Fifth place: White Snake Jing Chang Hao

The white snake is Chang Hao, whose body is like snow training, and he is holding a spear. Win by spitting black gas in your mouth, and at the same time be good at turning green smoke and escaping. In the battle with Yao Shuliang, the general of the Western Zhou Dynasty, he successfully escaped with this technique, but in the end, he was turned into ashes under Yang Jian's eight or nine Xuan Gong.

Fourth place: Centipede spirit Wu Long

The centipede spirit Wu Long, with a pointed mouth and big ears, holds two knives. Stun opponents with black mist from his mouth, and are good at escaping by light. He successfully won the victory in a fierce battle with Peng Zushou, a general of the Western Zhou Dynasty, but was finally controlled by Yang Jian's Eight or Nine Xuangong, and was finally killed by the combined efforts of the Roaring Sky Dog and Yang Jian.

Third place: Dog Monster Dai Li

The dog monster Dai Li, with a pointed mouth and big ears, is armed with two knives. fought with Yang Jian for 20 rounds, and was known for spitting red beads and hurting people. However, Dai Li's fate is ironic, he was easily subdued by the Roaring Sky Dog, and was finally cut into two pieces by Yang Jian.

Second place: Bull Monster Jin Dasheng

The bull monster Jin Dasheng, one foot and six feet tall, has two horns on the top, and holds a three-pointed and two-edged knife. Riding a unicorn, he was infinitely powerful, and successfully killed Zheng Lun, a general of the Western Zhou Dynasty, with the technique of spitting bezoar and hurting people. However, in the duel with Jiang Ziya, he was restrained by the Immortal Flying Knife and was finally killed.

First place: White Ape Spirit Yuan Hong

Yuan Hong, the white ape, is six feet tall, has two horns on the top, and holds an iron rod. Yuan Hong not only killed Yang Ren, a member of the Sect of Exposition with an iron rod, but was also known for his eight or nine Xuangong supernatural powers. Yuan Hong has a variety of eight or nine Xuangong, and has outstanding life-saving ability, and has successfully escaped deadly threats again and again. However, with the help of Nuwa Niangniang, Yuan Hong finally could not escape the fate of the War of the Gods and was killed on the battlefield.

In the gods, how should the strength of the seven monsters of Meishan be ranked, and what is the ending of the seven monsters?

##梅山七怪的终局: The curtain call of the War of the Gods##

After the Battle of the Gods, the Seven Monsters of Meishan did not disappear in history, but each embarked on a different path.

Legend has it that after they became gods, they became gods in the heavens, each in charge of different duties. Yuan Hong became the Four Waste Stars, Jin Dasheng became the Heavenly Plague Star, Dai Li became the Desolate Star, Zhu Zizhen became the Volcanic Star, Wu Long became the Broken Star, Chang Hao was the Anvil Star, and Yang Xian was the Anti-Evil Star. All of this seems to be closely related to Jiang Ziya's guidance and the need for the great cause of the gods.


The story of the Seven Monsters of Meishan is like a string of bright pearls in history, flashing with the light of the battle of the gods. Their legendary stories not only demonstrate the powerful strength of the monsters, but also add a touch of mystery to the great cause of the gods.

The radiation effect of the legend of the Seven Monsters of Meishan

This legendary story has also stirred up its own ripples in the long river of history. Whether it is Yuan Hong's eight or nine Xuangong, Jin Dasheng's unicorn power, or Dai Li's mouth spitting red beads, they have all become the object of Xi for latecomers. This not only left a strong mark for the Battle of the Gods, but also left a rich monster culture for future generations.

The story of the Seven Monsters of Meishan goes to the depths of culture

The legend of the Seven Monsters of Meishan does not stop at the Battle of the Gods, their story slowly unfolds in history, and integrates the imagination of people at that time for monsters and mysterious powers. These stories became part of the yokai culture and were deeply rooted in people's hearts.

The legendary story of the Seven Monsters of Meishan influenced later generations

In the gods, how should the strength of the seven monsters of Meishan be ranked, and what is the ending of the seven monsters?

The legendary story of the Seven Monsters of Meishan is not just staying in the quiet place of history, but constantly sprouting, taking root and developing. These legends have been passed on in later literature, opera, film and television works. From "Romance of the Gods" to various adaptations, the figure of the Seven Monsters of Meishan has been radiating new vitality in different art forms.

##梅山七怪的传奇故事如何延续至今? ##


The story of the Seven Monsters of Meishan is not just an episode of the Battle of the Gods, but also an important part of the monster culture. With their unique abilities and fate, these monsters have emerged in legends and become cultural symbols. These symbols have been passed down from generation to generation and permeate people's daily lives and literary creations.

## #妖怪文化对当代社会的影响###

Today, yokai culture still has an important influence in contemporary society. Whether it is imagined in literary works or reproduced in film and television works, the legendary story of the Seven Monsters of Meishan is still a topic of conversation. This not only provides rich creative materials for literary creators, but also brings a steady stream of entertainment to the audience.

###梅山七怪的故事如何激发我们对未知世界的好奇心? ###

The legendary story of the Seven Monsters of Meishan arouses people's curiosity about the unknown world. With their mysterious powers and changing forms, these monsters challenge people's perception of the laws of nature. This curiosity not only prompts people to think deeply about the principles behind mysterious phenomena, but also stimulates people's enthusiasm for exploring the unknown.

###结语: The legendary footprints of the Seven Monsters of Meishan still exist###

The legendary story of the Seven Monsters of Meishan, although it takes place in the distant era of the War of the Gods, its influence has endured. Their strength and fate were demonstrated in the Battle of the Gods, leaving behind legendary chapters worth remembering for future generations. This legend, like a string of bright pearls in the long river of history, will continue to shine in the cultural heritage, provide inexhaustible creative inspiration for future generations, and lead people to a broader unknown territory. And we should also maintain our curiosity and courage to explore the unknown world with our admiration for the legend of the Seven Monsters of Meishan. In this vast historical sky, the footprints of the Seven Monsters of Meishan still exist, waiting for us to discover and interpret.

In the gods, how should the strength of the seven monsters of Meishan be ranked, and what is the ending of the seven monsters?