
Contemporary Prose |

author:Fantasy Magpie M


In the quiet night, in the study, turn on a lonely lamp, in the soft light shadow, make a cup of light tea, a distant and refreshing fragrance comes to the nose, has been into the heart. That kind of faint fragrance, fragrant but not strong, makes people's hearts feel at ease and their hearts are happy! I like to drink tea, especially in this quiet night, when a person holds a teacup, smells the faint aroma of tea, looks at the cup up and down, ups and downs of the tea leaves, and the faint green that slowly spreads out under the soak of hot water, the green is so symmetrical, so clear, so tempting, so that you can't help but hold the glass, the cheapest drink in the world as a treasure in your hand, to taste carefully, in the faint bitterness, reminiscent of the wisps of fragrance, is really a beautiful and quiet feeling in life, bringing me a kind of pampering and forgetting, transcendent spiritual enjoyment。

Contemporary Prose |

With a beautiful enjoyment, I like to unfold a book of poems, accompanied by the fragrance of tea diffused in the rising wisps of mist, quietly read beautiful classical poems, and think carefully about the stories and experiences in the past of life in the wonderful artistic conception presented by ancient poems. Gazing at the faint green in the cup, I feel that many things in life bring us the same life experience as the faint green tea in this cup, with the brewing of boiling water again and again, the color will become lighter and lighter!

Once the desire of the heart is realized, we will feel the helplessness of life and the boredom of life after the short-term joy brought by the momentary success, and then have a feeling of seeing through the red dust, feeling that life is nothing more than this, and that people come to the world and are just a passerby of life. In the rolling red world, most of us do not have an easy life, and we are busy all day long to make ends meet. When the wind comes and the rain goes, who are you tired of? For whom? More is the bitterness of self-knowledge! Because no matter who many of us are in their lives, there will be all kinds of unsatisfactory and unsatisfied. I got more and wanted more! How can I not get tired when my heart is torn apart by worldly desires?!

Tired of the body, tired of the heart, trapped in the brain, this is the common feeling that most people live in this chaotic world and face all kinds of life troubles that cannot be shaken off. Life is in the world, and those who are unsatisfactory are nine times out of ten. In the face of pain and troubles, some people choose to escape, and as a result, even greater pain and troubles will come one after another. Escape is a manifestation of inner emptiness. In today's world, the hustle and bustle of the world has made it difficult for people to find peace in their spiritual world. With an anxious heart, into life, the worldly sound and hustle and bustle make the real life, with a strong utilitarian atmosphere, so that people's spiritual world has been difficult to find the spiritual breath of freedom. The noisy voices all over the world are not for the sake of fame and fortune.

The complacent expression of the successful person can hardly hide the bitterness of the soul, and the frustrated mood of the disappointed person contains the extreme unwillingness of the heart. Life is like this, there is no fulfillment, but everyone expects fulfillment. So on the road to consummation, with a painful and anxious desire to go all the way, no matter how far you go, no matter where you go, the dream of consummation in your heart is always waiting in the distance. Until one day the pace of life stopped, and consummation was still a dream. Man is naturally an animal that lives for the fulfillment of dreams, and as long as there is a breath left, he must walk on the road of chasing perfection without regrets.

The answer to what perfection is in people's minds varies. If you say it, it can really be said that it is strange and varied. In this case, human life in the world is only a brief moment. To use such a short moment to fight for an eternal consummation, I am afraid that it is of little significance to every ordinary person. Since we have come to the world and chosen to live as a way of life, we must strive to make every minute of life fulfilling, which is the meaning of our life. Many people suffer from the troubles of life and do not feel the joy of life, which is completely caused by too much preoccupation. Trapped by things, burdened by fame, and fascinated by love. To live, to have a mansion and a famous car, to have a prominent official position, to have the company of beautiful women who love themselves, it seems that if the above goals are achieved, they will win face, they will have dignity, and they will be able to live a life in style and style. In fact, this is a major dilemma in our life, it is a cocoon that binds us, a cup of bitter wine for the soul brewed, and some people regret that they do not have all this until they die, which is also the tragic root of many people's lives without breaking the cocoon and turning into butterflies.

Therefore, I appreciate the indifferent state of mind, the indifferent life, just like this faint green tea! Indifferent, it is also a feeling, but also a kind of artistic conception! A tranquil life is a way of life, a life of rich struggle, and it is also a way of life! When we open our eyes and look at the world around us, the towering trees are life, and the grass is also life. Although they occupy different living spaces and positions, as living beings, they are not high or low. They all stick to their posts, repay the nurturing grace of Mother Earth with a touch of green life, and decorate our green home.

Just like Mr. Lu Xun said in his essay "Autumn Night", "There are two trees in the center of the courtyard, one is a jujube tree, and the other is also a jujube tree." When I first read it, I thought that such a famous literary hero had written a nonsense sentence! Later, when I read it again, I thought that it was not nonsense, and there was a profound truth. Although the two trees are both jujube trees, are they the same? Maybe the species and size are different! Maybe there are many other differences! How much is this like our life! Is it that everyone has the same life path as the same human being? If you think about it carefully, you will definitely feel that it is different! In today's world, high technology has made our earth smaller and smaller, and people jokingly call the earth, a vast and boundless world in the eyes of the ancients, a "global village."

Contemporary Prose |

With their own wisdom and driven by the utilitarian mentality, human beings use scientific and technological means to turn the home we rely on for survival into a cemetery for our human beings step by step. The sky is no longer blue, the water is no longer clear, the air is filled with dust, the soil is full of harmful substances, and pesticides remain in crops and fruits. In the face of such a terrifying living environment, we can't help but ask: What happened to our human beings, who have always been gentle, to destroy their homes today. In fact, this is also the result of the collective madness of our human beings' extreme utilitarian desires, and they erupt violently and without moderation.

  In the red world of reality, the flame of desire burns so that we are physically and mentally exhausted. This is a kind of mental tiredness that is more tiring than the body! Therefore, more often than not, we should put our minds down and calm down, and when our minds are stable, our minds will be calm...... An indifferent state of mind, an indifferent life! We must maintain a kind of calmness in life. Face the ups and downs of life with an indifferent state of mind and a stable attitude! Watch the rising sun and watch the sunset fall.

This rise and fall is like an undulating life, containing endless deep meaning. Find some free time, squeeze some time, make a cup of weak tea, let your impetuous soul be quiet for a while in the company of clear tea, think in the fragrance of tea, reminisce about the past of life, young people, vigorous youth, tired middle-aged, mature prime, and even look forward to the old age when the taste of life is getting fading away. In this way, the mood will become calmer, and there will be less concern for some of the troubles and pains in life. Stick to the tranquility of the soul, chew the flavors of life, live an open-minded life, and make the ordinary life tasteful, what a chic attitude towards life.

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