
If a woman is over 50 years old, if these phenomena have not appeared, it often means that the aging is slow and the person is young

author:Dr. Li Ning, who is serious about science popularization

Ms. Wang from Jiangsu is 50 years old this year, she was originally a mature and rational woman, rarely had major mood swings, and was loved and respected by many people in the company.

But in recent days, she has become sensitive and suspicious, and a little thing can make her lose her temper, which makes many people scratch their heads and wonder if something happened to her family.

After receiving greetings from many people, Ms. Wang asked for leave in distress, it turned out that there was no problem at her home, but there was a "problem" with her body.

She found herself menstruating less and less, wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, and she was terrified of her constant aging. Eventually, under the influence of fear, her temper changed dramatically.

If we look closely, we will find that many people are very frightened when facing aging, and the whole person will have earth-shaking changes because of this emotion, so have you ever wondered: why are most of us afraid of aging?

If a woman is over 50 years old, if these phenomena have not appeared, it often means that the aging is slow and the person is young

Why are many people afraid of aging?

There are many reasons why people are so afraid of aging, and one of the more important reasons is the decline of physical function.

Aging is not just what we call aging, but a state that is really reflected in our body, and we will find that various functions of the body have declined greatly, and various diseases have also come in, bringing a lot of physical suffering.

This pain is not only confined to the body, but also affects our spirit, because many of the things that we could have done are no longer able to be done due to physical reasons, which can take a toll on our self-esteem and reduce our sense of self-identity.

This kind of double "torture" of mind and body is bound to make people full of fear of aging and extremely resistant to the arrival of aging. Moreover, modern society has overemphasized age, and many companies even say that they do not want 35-year-old employees, and under this atmosphere, people are naturally afraid of aging.

If a woman is over 50 years old, if these phenomena have not appeared, it often means that the aging is slow and the person is young

This fear stems from our inability to realize our self-worth, our inability to be recognized by society, and our uncertainty about our future lives. If this confusion is not relieved in time, some people will even fall into long-term panic and pain, suffer from mental illness, and have a tendency to commit suicide.

Of course, the most important factor in the fear of aging is related to the end point of aging.

The end of aging is actually death, but the problem is that death is an unknown outcome for all human beings, we don't know where we will go after death, and fear is a very normal thing in the face of the great unknown.

However, although many people are afraid of aging, but everyone's aging speed is different, and everyone's time node for aging is also different, for female friends, if there are no 3 signs after the age of 50, it belongs to women with slow aging, come and see how fast you age!

If a woman is over 50 years old, if these phenomena have not appeared, it often means that the aging is slow and the person is young

For women, the fact that these phenomena do not appear after the age of 50 proves that the aging rate is slow

1. Menstruation is still very regular

The age of menopause for most women is between 45-53 years old, if women are over 50 years old, menstruation is still very regular, and there is no lack of menstruation and disorderly menstruation, which proves that women's endocrine system is still very young, and the aging rate of the body is slower than others.

However, female friends should not blindly pursue late menopause, because too late menopause is also bad for the human body.

If a woman has not yet gone through menopause after the age of 53, the endometrium will be stimulated by estrogen for too long, and the risk of cancer will be significantly increased, which needs to be paid attention to.

If a woman is over 50 years old, if these phenomena have not appeared, it often means that the aging is slow and the person is young

2. Maintain stable weight and no sudden obesity

As we age, our metabolism slows down. Many people will be surprised to find that their food intake and exercise have not changed much, but they are still "fat", this is because after the metabolism slows down, our body has no way to consume so many calories, and the excess calories can only be stored in the body and converted into fat.

If a female friend is over 50 years old, and finds that her weight is still very stable after making adjustments to diet and exercise, it proves that our metabolic rate is still relatively young, and the overall aging rate is naturally slower.

If a woman is over 50 years old, if these phenomena have not appeared, it often means that the aging is slow and the person is young

3. The hair is still black and shiny

The reason why our hair can be black and shiny is because tyrosinase is constantly synthesizing melanin, and the hair is affected by melanin, so it appears black.

However, aging will cause our tyrosinase amount to decrease, and the level of melanin will also decrease, and the melanin will not be able to reach the hair, and the hair will turn gray. If a woman's hair is still black and shiny after the age of 50, it proves that the tyrosinase in our body has not been greatly reduced due to aging, and the level of melanin can still remain normal, which is one of the manifestations of slow aging.

If a woman is over 50 years old, if these phenomena have not appeared, it often means that the aging is slow and the person is young

Both men and women should do this if they want to slow down the rate of aging

It is not enough to understand the manifestations of slow aging, how to delay the rate of aging and improve the quality of life is the most important, and we should not only understand how women slow down aging, but also how men can slow down aging.

I believe that everyone should often hear people say that if you want to delay aging, you should exercise more, maintain a light diet, maintain a happy mood, etc., these words seem to be a cliché, today I will tell you about the latest discoveries and suggestions on delaying aging.

A few days ago, the Australian research team published a paper in the journal "European Nutrition", pointing out that if you can increase the intake of magnesium in daily life, it is very beneficial to delay brain aging.

If a woman is over 50 years old, if these phenomena have not appeared, it often means that the aging is slow and the person is young

This may be because magnesium enters the human body, which affects nerve conduction, promotes cell metabolism, plays a role in improving memory, and also has a good effect in preventing Alzheimer's disease.

Therefore, we hope that everyone can consume more high-magnesium foods every day, such as oats, peanuts, soybeans, etc. In addition to eating foods high in magnesium, it is also hoped that everyone can reduce their daily calorie intake.

On October 12, 2023, a study published in "Aging Cell" showed that when a person's daily caloric intake decreased by 12%, genes related to inflammation were down-regulated, while the expression of genes such as muscle growth and DNA repair was up-regulated, and the experimenter's aging rate was significantly slowed down.

The reason for this is not yet known, but some researchers have pointed out that caloric restriction may be due to the stimulation of the brain's epigenome by the hunger pangs that cause changes in gene expression, so that in addition to the series of changes mentioned above, people age at a lower rate.

If a woman is over 50 years old, if these phenomena have not appeared, it often means that the aging is slow and the person is young

Write at the end

Aging is a problem that people have been suffering from since ancient times, because aging means that our body functions are gradually declining, social value is getting lower and lower, social recognition is also declining, and more importantly, the end point of aging is death, death means unknown, and this unknown fear makes us unable to face aging calmly.

However, although people are full of fear of aging, but there is a difference in the speed of aging for everyone, after the age of 50, if women have regular menstruation, stable weight, and black hair, it can prove that the aging rate is relatively slow, which is a manifestation of good health.

We recommend that you increase your daily intake of magnesium foods and limit your daily calorie intake to delay the aging process and make yourself healthy and long-lived.


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