
The six stars of the new season are shocking, Watanabe is swimming against the current, and Poole is highly paid and incompetent

author:Idle poker umms

The six stars of the new season are shocking, Watanabe is swimming against the current, and Poole is highly paid and incompetent. That's a real hit the nail on the head

The six stars of the new season are shocking, Watanabe is swimming against the current, and Poole is highly paid and incompetent

First of all, I would like to talk about Yuta Watanabe. He didn't average a lot of points per game last season, but his defensive performance was impressive. At the start of the season, his performance did dip a bit, but it wasn't as "big as others say". He's still one of the Nets' key rotation players and has had some highlights. So, this statement is not entirely accurate.

And then there's Poole. Indeed, Poole's performance this season has been somewhat disappointing. He has a high salary, but his contribution on the field is not satisfactory. A lot of the time, he was cold to the touch and his shot choices weren't smart enough. However, I believe it was also part of his upbringing. After all, he is still young, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. Therefore, we cannot blindly deny his ability.

The six stars of the new season are shocking, Watanabe is swimming against the current, and Poole is highly paid and incompetent

In addition to Watanabe and Poole, the performances of the other four stars were also mixed. However, I don't think their performance last season was necessarily a "big surprise". Basketball is a team sport, and the performance of an individual is often influenced by the team as a whole. So, we can't just judge a player's performance based on individual stats.

The six stars of the new season are shocking, Watanabe is swimming against the current, and Poole is highly paid and incompetent

All in all, my take on this question is that every player's performance has its ups and downs and we can't just jump to conclusions based on how well we perform in one season. We need to look at the performance of the players rationally, and analyze and evaluate them more from a technical and tactical level. The above is just my personal opinion, I hope it will be helpful to you.

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