
It's been a whole month since the war, and there are 10 in the world that didn't expect

author:Love Life Lakes 0x1G

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Have you ever thought about the sudden change in the world, the unpredictable outbreak of war, and at that moment we all seem to become helpless bystanders. The world has become unrecognizable. And I, having experienced this storm myself, felt helpless and deeply appreciated the cruelty of war. Let me tell you this heart-wrenching story from my perspective.

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The once calm was ruthlessly shattered, and war swept in like a tidal wave. Putin's determination came as a surprise. The scale is unbelievable. The conflict between fraternal countries is like a family quarrel, which is painful.

It's been a whole month since the war, and there are 10 in the world that didn't expect

In the early days of the war, the destruction of urbanization, the multi-directional offensive of the army, plunged people into panic. I witnessed it all with my own eyes and felt powerless.

The tough sanctions imposed by the West have made the situation even worse. Comprehensive sanctions, Russia was excluded from SWIFT, and the economy was hit hard. This sanction quickly spread to individuals and countries, causing severe economic fluctuations. The insecurity of society is everywhere.

Ukraine's strong resistance gives a glimmer of hope. The unexpected tenacity of the army, the heroic resistance on the battlefield, is admirable. In the street battles in the cities, Ukraine showed an amazing will to fight, as if fighting for freedom.

This kind of heroism has given me a new understanding of the power of human nature.

The threat of nuclear weapons has become the focus of the world. The readiness posture for nuclear weapons, the cautious intervention of the United States and NATO, and the growing global fear of war. All this makes us wonder where the world is headed.

Globalization, which was originally a bridge connecting the world, has become a weapon in this war. A tool of Western sanctions, which affects a wide range of individuals and countries. This betrayal of globalization has plunged the world into tension and turmoil.

The massive refugee influx is another humanitarian catastrophe brought about by the war.

Neighboring countries and Europe have to deal with this challenge, and the pressure is enormous. This could lead to populism and xenophobia, which could lead to further social unrest.

In this war, I saw the selfish behavior of the United States and Britain. The irresponsible attitude towards the crisis, especially the selfishness of the United States and Britain, is deeply deplorable. Driven by interests, small countries have suffered the scars of war for a long time, which is an irreparable loss.

War and sanctions have wreaked havoc on the global order. It has affected the economies of various countries, affected the supply of food and energy, and broken the original industrial chain. This war, like a ripple, pushed the whole world into chaos.

It's been a whole month since the war, and there are 10 in the world that didn't expect

However, the outcome of the war was fraught with uncertainty. We can't predict how the world might change. And the aftermath of the war, the challenge to the world order, has also made people deeply worried.

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The response of members of society to the war has been mixed. There is support for sanctions as a powerful response to aggression. Some people condemn the selfish behavior of the United States and Britain, arguing that they are the main culprits in creating chaos. And there are also those who express admiration for Ukraine's strong resistance, believing that it is the shining side of human nature.

The issue of refugees has aroused widespread concern in society.

It's been a whole month since the war, and there are 10 in the world that didn't expect

Some called for more countries to help and share the burden of refugees. Others, concerned about the social unrest and security that the influx of refugees could cause, advocated a more cautious approach.

There is a general sense of anxiety about the uncertainty of war. They called on the leaders of all countries to think calmly and find ways to resolve the issue peacefully. The phenomenon of globalization as a weapon has also caused people to reflect deeply on international relations.


In this war, we have seen a sharp turn for the worse in the world situation. Whether it was an accident in the early days of the war or a tough Western sanction, people felt caught off guard.

It's been a whole month since the war, and there are 10 in the world that didn't expect

The strong resistance of Ukraine, the threat of nuclear weapons, the mutation of globalization, all this seems to have pushed the world into an unknown abyss.

Society's responses are varied, with different views on war. Behind it all, however, we see the brilliance of humanity. For those who are helpless, and for those who hold fast to their faith, we should give more love and understanding.

The repercussions of war and sanctions have undermined the global order. But we can't just stop at complaining and blaming. In the face of an uncertain future, the only way out is to reflect calmly and find a way to solve the problem peacefully.

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