
Why do some women always want to "act"? 3 reasons to understand as early as possible and not to be shy

author:Happy Mango 21fg

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Why do some women always want to "act"? 3 reasons to understand as early as possible and not to be shy
Why do some women always want to "act"? 3 reasons to understand as early as possible and not to be shy

"Why do girls take the initiative to want to have a relationship with boys? This question has always bothered me, can any netizens who know the inside story talk about it?"

Just then, my good friend Xiaohong sent me a message asking if I would like to go to the newly opened café together in the evening. I quickly said yes, I can ask her some questions.

Why do some women always want to "act"? 3 reasons to understand as early as possible and not to be shy

Xiaohong blushed and turned her head, "How can a girl take the initiative, what do you want?"

I quickly explained: "I saw this problem on the Internet by accident, and there are many reasons analyzed in it, I really can't figure it out, so I want to discuss it with you, a girl friend, don't get me wrong." ”

Why do some women always want to "act"? 3 reasons to understand as early as possible and not to be shy

Xiaohong nodded: "Well, I understand the reason, what you say is reasonable." As normal people, both men and women will have physiological needs. Please continue. ”

Why do some women always want to "act"? 3 reasons to understand as early as possible and not to be shy

Xiaohong raised her eyebrows and looked at me: "Yo, boy, why are you so in-depth today? I ask you a boy's question, how do you talk to the girl's heart?"

Why do some women always want to "act"? 3 reasons to understand as early as possible and not to be shy

I hurriedly handed over the napkin and comforted, "Xiaohong, don't get excited. My words are just my own feelings, and my daring is still very superficial. I came out of you tonight to talk to you more and hear what your girls really think, so that I can stand in the perspective of women and deepen my understanding of these issues. ”

Why do some women always want to "act"? 3 reasons to understand as early as possible and not to be shy

I nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, girls also need to vent normally." ”

"It turns out that girls also have this kind of little abacus in their hearts, it seems that I really don't understand!" I sighed.

Why do some women always want to "act"? 3 reasons to understand as early as possible and not to be shy

"The last reason," Xiaohong's tone became serious, "is because men and women are never equal in this matter, which causes girls to put in more effort to get normal attention and respect." ”

I was a little confused: "What does this mean? I don't quite understand. ”

Why do some women always want to "act"? 3 reasons to understand as early as possible and not to be shy

Xiaohong explained: "You think, if a girl takes the initiative to pursue a guy on a date, she will be called 'thick-skinned' and 'not ashamed'. But if it's the other way around, people will compliment them and say, 'The boy really took the initiative.'" This double standard is even more pronounced when it comes to relationships. ”

Why do some women always want to "act"? 3 reasons to understand as early as possible and not to be shy

I pondered for a while and said sincerely, "Xiaohong, thank you for helping me open the door to a new world. Let me realize the complexity and fragility of women's hearts, and the efforts you put in to fight for the place they deserve. It helped me tremendously. From now on, I will respect women even more, give support and encouragement, and wish you true equality. ”

Xiaohong smiled slightly: "I believe what you say, Xiao Ming." I hope you can use this as a transformation to become a pioneer who truly respects women. ”

Why do some women always want to "act"? 3 reasons to understand as early as possible and not to be shy

This day's conversation took my friendship with Xiaohong to the next level. It also gave me a deeper understanding of women, and I felt more fulfilled and satisfied than I had ever felt in my life. I will always cherish this precious impression in my heart.

Why do some women always want to "act"? 3 reasons to understand as early as possible and not to be shy

I was worried that this post would cause controversy, but unexpectedly, I received a lot of praise and thanks from the girls. Some girls even sent me private messages to talk to me about their difficulties and hardships, which made me feel very ashamed. Since then, I have also become very popular among the girls, who often come to me to discuss feminist topics and ask for my opinion.

Why do some women always want to "act"? 3 reasons to understand as early as possible and not to be shy

Gradually, I found myself able to play a good role in these discussions, bringing more consensus between the sexes and resolving many topics that might otherwise be controversial. Sometimes I also speak out under some radical feminist rhetoric, defending some men who have been unduly vilified. I feel like I've found a way to build bridges between the sexes, and that's a lot of fun for me.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, I have graduated for many years. During this period, I have been actively involved in women's rights public welfare activities, giving speeches, organizing activities, fundraising and donations, and actively speaking out for women's rights. Many women put a lot of trust in me and see me as an important male supporter of the feminist movement.

Why do some women always want to "act"? 3 reasons to understand as early as possible and not to be shy

Since joining the company, I have met many women of all shapes and sizes, and their struggles and indomitable spirit have strengthened my determination to promote true equality between the sexes. Here, I finally found a like-minded partner and my dream job.

It turned out that someone took a screenshot and dug up the post "Why Girls Always Want to "Act" that I published on the school forum many years ago and sent it to the company's top management. At first, everyone misunderstood that I was blaming women, but after I explained the whole thing in detail, it dawned on everyone.

Why do some women always want to "act"? 3 reasons to understand as early as possible and not to be shy

Since then, I have gradually faded out of feminist circles and devoted more energy to my family and career. I will share my thoughts when the time is right, but never again make the promotion of women's rights the whole of my life.

Perhaps radicalism and mildness are just processes, and eventually we will all return to more universal values: the common suffering of human nature and the common understanding of the meaning of life. There is really no difference between men and women in these ultimate questions. After that, I gradually faded out of public view and lived a low-key and introverted life. Occasionally, when a friend mentions my high-profile support for women's rights in the past, I just smile and don't talk about it anymore.

Why do some women always want to "act"? 3 reasons to understand as early as possible and not to be shy

Until one day, by chance, my life was once again related to the word "women's rights".

I was 35 years old and working as a product manager for an Internet company. One day, the company organized us to attend an industry exchange meeting. After the meeting, there was a free conversation session, and I stood alone by the window with my coffee and looked at the night view.

"Excuse me, are you?" A gentle female voice came from behind her.

I turned around and saw a beautiful woman in a professional dress standing there smiling.

"I am, may I ask who you are?" I'm a little confused.

"That, my name is Li Yue. The woman was a little embarrassed, "Actually, I came to this meeting to meet you." ”

Seeing that I was confused, Li Yue explained that she used to be my junior sister when I was in college. When she was harassed by some hooligan boys, I stood up to help her out and accompanied her to the police station to report the crime. This incident has become a pimple in her heart forever, and she has always wanted to find an opportunity to thank me in person.

As we chatted, we found that we had a lot of resonance with each other. Li Yue has been engaged in public welfare work related to women's rights since graduation, and she said that my deeds have always been her inspiration.

I was a little embarrassed to say that I gradually withdrew from the feminist circle because it was too difficult to combine ideals and reality, and I didn't want to argue with people all day. Li Yue understood my choice very well, and she also told about the various problems she encountered in her work, and it is true that it is difficult to achieve a good harvest in her career and family.

I often see the shadow of a young feminist activist in Li Yue, and she will jokingly say that I am more like a "feminist man". The time I spent with her was always full of positive energy, and it made me regain the faith and passion that I had when I was younger.

Why do some women always want to "act"? 3 reasons to understand as early as possible and not to be shy