
After 17 years of operation, has the investment of 250 billion yuan paid off? How long can the Three Gorges Dam last?

author:The old witch chases the drama

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1. The dream of the century of the Three Gorges Dam

Back in 1918, it was a time when bold dreams blossomed in China's rivers.

After 17 years of operation, has the investment of 250 billion yuan paid off? How long can the Three Gorges Dam last?

Mr. Sun Yat-sen, a bald politician, not only dreamed of the birth of the Republic of China, but also waved his hand in the "Founding Strategy".

He came up with an idea that would have stunned even his barbers: build a huge sluice gate that would allow boats to swim upstream.

This is no ordinary boldness, this is "let the river flow backwards" level of boldness!

However, the idea is not a rhapsody that came out of nowhere. Sun Yat-sen knew that China's rivers flooded every year, swallowing up countless wealth and lives.

His idea is as simple and straightforward as ordering takeout on our mobile phones now: build a dam, flood control and power generation, kill two birds with one stone.

After 17 years of operation, has the investment of 250 billion yuan paid off? How long can the Three Gorges Dam last?

At that time, the level of technology made it even more difficult to realize this idea than to reach the sky.

But what Sun Yat-sen didn't expect was that this seed of his really took root in the hearts of later leaders.

Mao Zedong stood by the Yangtze River and recited the sentence "The Great River Goes East", probably thinking in his heart: "This river, if only it could go to the east, it would be great." ”

This "relay race of ideas" finally came into the hands of the builders of the Three Gorges Dam at the beginning of the 21st century, who said, "Okay, let's do this big thing left by history." ”

But major events in history are often accompanied by big controversies.

After 17 years of operation, has the investment of 250 billion yuan paid off? How long can the Three Gorges Dam last?

During the construction of the Three Gorges Dam, the 250 billion yuan investment was like a stone thrown into the Yangtze River, raising a series of questions: Is it worth spending so much money?

Can the cost of the dam be recouped? The cost of the dam is not just monetary.

People are worried that the dragon of this water conservancy project will stir up more problems in the spewing current?

In this controversy, the Three Gorges Dam is like a star being pushed to the center of the stage, bearing both the illumination of the flashing lights and the applause and skepticism of the audience.

It guards the Yangtze River, but also China's decades-old dreams and controversies.

After 17 years of operation, has the investment of 250 billion yuan paid off? How long can the Three Gorges Dam last?

How did this steel giant, which connects the past and the future, stand firm in the storm?

Second, the economic account of 250 billion investment

Speaking of 250 billion, this number may even make the Minister of Finance nervous to hit the WeChat red envelope.

The amount of investment in the Three Gorges Dam is an astronomical amount beyond the reach of ordinary people.

But behind this "money scene", it is not only a long list of additions to zero, it is also a big question of success or failure and return.

Let's talk about the benefits first, the power generation capacity of the Three Gorges Dam is not covered, it can produce more than 100 billion kilowatt hours of electricity every year, and the power supply can be said to be "half of China is bright when the lights are turned on".

After 17 years of operation, has the investment of 250 billion yuan paid off? How long can the Three Gorges Dam last?

And this electricity does not flow in vain, it is converted into economic value, making investment look like playing a large-scale version of the "money-making game".

It's just that the stakes in this game are incredibly high, and if you lose, it's not just about in-game currency.

Looking at the cost, not all dams can live as cute and popular as Snow Treasure in Frozen.

The construction of the Three Gorges Dam is like putting on a "straitjacket" worth 250 billion yuan for the Yangtze River.

It is necessary not only to make this big river "in shape" better in terms of flood control, power generation, and shipping, but also to ensure that its "freedom" is not oppressed.

After 17 years of operation, has the investment of 250 billion yuan paid off? How long can the Three Gorges Dam last?

Whether this dress is good or not, whether it is worth it or not, depends on whether it can retain water and produce gold, which is a difficult action.

In addition to the direct economic benefits, the Three Gorges Dam also has some "invisible wealth".

For example, it has greatly enhanced the flood control capacity of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, which is a credit of "I block, I block, I block".

Although it is not directly recorded in the account like power generation, the savings in flood control costs and the reduction of disaster losses are also a large amount of "hidden income" that should not be underestimated.

After 17 years of operation, has the investment of 250 billion yuan paid off? How long can the Three Gorges Dam last?

As for the question of returning to the cost, it is like asking, "After eating this super luxury seafood dinner, will you feel that it is worth the money?"

Whether the return on investment of the Three Gorges Dam has met expectations, and whether its economic benefits can continue to grow steadily are all suspense hanging over the head of every tax payer.

So what is the outcome of this big gamble? Is the 250 billion yuan investment in the Three Gorges Dam really turned into a "money Yangtze River" that will never return to its roots, as some people fear?

3. The sustainability of the Three Gorges Dam

When it comes to sustainability, the Three Gorges Dam is like an old man with a heavy burden on his shoulders, not only to maintain his own health, but also to take care of the long-term well-being of his family.

Its future is not simply "living", but "living with quality", and to achieve this, it is much more complicated than simply stacking reinforced concrete.

After 17 years of operation, has the investment of 250 billion yuan paid off? How long can the Three Gorges Dam last?

The first is environmental and ecological considerations. Some people say that the Three Gorges Dam is a "cosmetic surgery" on the Yangtze River, and although it has a new look, there is still a big question mark about the postoperative results. Is it like some celebrities who have failed plastic surgery, looking glamorous, but in fact there are a lot of internal problems?

The change of the water ecological environment, the migration and extinction of species, these problems are like clowns jumping out, constantly challenging the "beauty filter" of the Three Gorges Dam.

The second is socio-economic balance. The construction of the Three Gorges Dam is not only an engineering project, but also a sociological question.

That delicate balance needs to be found between economic development and social stability.

After 17 years of operation, has the investment of 250 billion yuan paid off? How long can the Three Gorges Dam last?

For example, if the resettlement of the relocated residents is not handled well, the relocated residents may think, "Have we been ruthlessly abandoned by this giant by the river?"

Guaranteeing the quality of life of these residents, and the long-term benefits of the dam, are twins who need to be cared for.

Finally, there are the technical and maintenance challenges. The Three Gorges Dam, the contemporary "King Kong", must not only have the shell of a tough guy, but also have the wisdom of "chip level".

Its security monitoring, maintenance and update require cutting-edge technology and constant attention.

Otherwise, this "iron giant" may become a "tin can" and inadvertently leak the crisis.

After 17 years of operation, has the investment of 250 billion yuan paid off? How long can the Three Gorges Dam last?

So as we look forward, the future of the Three Gorges Dam is full of question marks and challenges.

Will it continue to dance gracefully on the Yangtze River, or will it become a "hot potato" in our hands at some point in the future?

Will the giant be able to prove that he is not just a short-lived glory, but a long-lasting legend?

4. What is the future of the dam?

The road ahead of the Three Gorges Dam is like opening a novel full of suspense, and with each page, a new controversy jumps out and plays peek-a-boo with you.

This world-class water conservancy project has undoubtedly become the focus of global debate, and on one side it is praised by its supporters, who praise it as a triumph of human ingenuity.

On one side are the critics, ridiculing it as if they had cut an inappropriate hole in the earth with a pair of scissors.

After 17 years of operation, has the investment of 250 billion yuan paid off? How long can the Three Gorges Dam last?

One of the controversies is the impact on the ecology. Environmentalists point out that dams could lead to a loss of biodiversity.

It's like quietly pulling a straw out of the ecosystem, and you never know which one will crush the camel.

Has the Three Gorges Dam's ecological account been overdrawn and turned into an "overdraft card" in the eyes of environmentalists?

The second controversy involves economic benefits. Economists hold magnifying glasses and examine the input and output of every penny of the dam.

They wondered if the huge hydropower plant would continue to provide a driving force for economic growth, or if it would end up being an old, costly, inefficient machine.

Is the Three Gorges Dam's economic ledger a long account that can never be calculated?

After 17 years of operation, has the investment of 250 billion yuan paid off? How long can the Three Gorges Dam last?

However, while these controversies continue to be heard, there is also a glimmer of hope for the future of the Three Gorges Dam.

Advances in science and technology may bring new life to the dam and make it reborn like a phoenix.

Newer materials science and smarter management systems have the potential to transform the Three Gorges Dam into a more environmentally friendly and efficient modern project.

This will not only alleviate the existing controversy, but may also become a new benchmark for water conservancy construction in China and around the world.

As for the future of the dam, it seems that everyone has an answer in their hearts, but the cover of this answer book has not yet been fully revealed.

Will the Three Gorges Dam be able to prove itself not only as a feat of human engineering, but also as a model of sustainable development in the years to come?

After 17 years of operation, has the investment of 250 billion yuan paid off? How long can the Three Gorges Dam last?

The Three Gorges Dam is not just a huge numbers game, it is a complex and ever-changing picture that involves multiple ecological, economic, social and technological aspects.

There is always controversy, but the outlook remains promising.

Will the future of this steel giant find a new way in the controversy, no longer just a dam, but a model of harmonious development and coexistence with nature.

Could it be that we will witness the birth of a real green energy miracle in the near future?

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