
Insomnia in the elderly can't be combated? Experts bluntly say: pay more attention to these two things every day, and insomnia will stay away from you

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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In the wisdom of the ancients, there are always many precious revelations.

As it is said in the Analects: "If you don't suffer from others, you don't know yourself, and you don't know people when you suffer from them." This sentence seems to us today not only for a deep understanding of human relationships, but also for our understanding of health.

Insomnia in the elderly can't be combated? Experts bluntly say: pay more attention to these two things every day, and insomnia will stay away from you

For the majority of elderly friends, insomnia, a small "enemy", is often ignored, and fighting it actually requires attention in daily life.

The story takes place on an ordinary afternoon, and Grandma Li Liu is attending a calligraphy class in the community. She has always loved this ancient art, and every time she splashes ink, she feels happy.

Insomnia in the elderly can't be combated? Experts bluntly say: pay more attention to these two things every day, and insomnia will stay away from you

However, on this day, she suddenly felt a sore right arm. She was worried that it might be a muscle problem, and she couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"Maybe I've been too tired lately. Grandma Li Liu said to herself, but her daughter didn't think so. The daughter insisted that she go to the hospital for a check-up. At the hospital, she was received by Dr. Wang Wu, a geriatric specialist.

Insomnia in the elderly can't be combated? Experts bluntly say: pay more attention to these two things every day, and insomnia will stay away from you

"Grandma Li Liu, I look at your arm, it doesn't look like a serious problem. But I'm wondering, how have you been sleeping lately?" asked Dr. Wang. Grandma Li Liu shook her head: "It's not good, I often have insomnia at night, and I don't have energy during the day." ”

Dr. Wang Wu nodded: "Actually, your arm pain may be related to your insomnia. Insomnia not only affects your mental state, but it can also lead to various physical discomforts. ”

Insomnia in the elderly can't be combated? Experts bluntly say: pay more attention to these two things every day, and insomnia will stay away from you

Grandma Li Liu asked in surprise, "So, my insomnia and arm pain affect each other?" "Insomnia leaves your body without enough rest, which can lead to all sorts of minor problems. ”

Insomnia in the elderly is not only a physiological phenomenon, but also a comprehensive reflection of lifestyle and psychological state. The fight against insomnia in old age can start with the tiny details of daily life.

Insomnia in the elderly can't be combated? Experts bluntly say: pay more attention to these two things every day, and insomnia will stay away from you

For example, appropriate daytime activities, such as walking, gentle gymnastics, and avoiding evening stimuli, such as high-excitement TV shows or heated arguments.

As the story develops, Grandma Li Liu begins to gradually adjust her schedule and activity schedule. She tries to take a relaxing walk in the afternoon and rest early in the evening.

Insomnia in the elderly can't be combated? Experts bluntly say: pay more attention to these two things every day, and insomnia will stay away from you

Gradually, she found that she was able to sleep better at night, and the pain in her arm began to subside. For the elderly, changing some Xi and adjusting their mentality is an effective way to combat insomnia.

As the old saying goes, "Those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy." "Enjoy life and cherish every peaceful night, and old age can be more fulfilling.

Insomnia in the elderly can't be combated? Experts bluntly say: pay more attention to these two things every day, and insomnia will stay away from you

In this warm process of transformation, the details of Grandma Li Liu's life have also quietly changed. Every evening, she walks slowly in the community's garden, watching the changing scenery of the four seasons.

At night, she began to cultivate the Xi of reading, picking up those former books and reading quietly. In the struggle with insomnia, Grandma Li Liu also learned some simple ways to relax.

Insomnia in the elderly can't be combated? Experts bluntly say: pay more attention to these two things every day, and insomnia will stay away from you

Sometimes, she will gently do some breathing Xi exercises, feel the rhythm of her breathing, and calm her mind. She found that these small changes not only helped her sleep better, but also made her life more orderly and peaceful.

What do you think about insomnia?

Insomnia in the elderly can't be combated? Experts bluntly say: pay more attention to these two things every day, and insomnia will stay away from you