
The (expanded) meeting of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and the 2023 annual meeting of the secretaries of the party (work) committees of each town (street) in Mingshan District and the secretaries of the relevant party groups (working committees) directly under the district to grasp the work of grassroots party building were held

author:Mingshan District Rong Media Center
The (expanded) meeting of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and the 2023 annual meeting of the secretaries of the party (work) committees of each town (street) in Mingshan District and the secretaries of the relevant party groups (working committees) directly under the district to grasp the work of grassroots party building were held

On January 4, Yu Yunfeng, Secretary of the District Party Committee, presided over the (expanded) meeting of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and the 2023 annual meeting of the secretaries of the party (work) committees of each town (street) in Mingshan District and the secretaries of the relevant party groups (working committees) directly under the district to grasp the work of grassroots party building and delivered a speech. He stressed that it is necessary to firmly follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, focus on the main business, take the initiative to take responsibility, lead high-quality development with high-quality party building, and strive to accelerate the construction of an open, vibrant and happy socialist modern mountain. Gao Jiaxiu, director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, Ni Lin, chairman of the District Political Consultative Conference, and Cheng Ye, deputy secretary of the District Party Committee, attended the meeting. Relevant responsible comrades of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee attended the meeting to guide and speak.

The (expanded) meeting of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and the 2023 annual meeting of the secretaries of the party (work) committees of each town (street) in Mingshan District and the secretaries of the relevant party groups (working committees) directly under the district to grasp the work of grassroots party building were held

At the meeting, the secretaries of the party (work) committees of each town (street) and the secretaries of the relevant party groups (working committees) directly under the district reported on their work on the spot, and some of the "top leaders" reported their responsibilities and integrity. The participants commented on the work report and the object of the report on responsibility and integrity.

Yu Yunfeng commented on the comrades who reported on their work one by one, and made a speech after the work report, affirming the practice and effectiveness of party organizations at all levels in the region in grasping party building work in the past year, and putting forward clear requirements for doing a good job in the next step. He pointed out that in the past year, party organizations at all levels in the region have adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implemented the general requirements for party building in the new era and the principle of administering the party strictly in an all-round way, conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the central and provincial party committees and the work arrangements of the municipal and district party committees, and gave full play to the role of grassroots party organizations as fighting fortresses and party members as vanguards, thus providing a strong organizational guarantee for speeding up the construction of a famous mountain of socialist modernization. Party organizations at all levels in the region should conscientiously implement the work requirements of the municipal party committee, closely combine the grassroots party building work with current key tasks such as economic development, project tackling, security and stability, and lead high-quality development with high-quality party building.

Yu Yunfeng pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen political responsibility and enhance the consciousness of fulfilling the "first responsibility." We should further strengthen the awareness of the main responsibility and the main business, set an example and be a good "head goose"; take wholeheartedly supporting the "two establishments" and loyally practicing the "two safeguards" as the firmest political stance, the most solid political conviction and the most important practical requirements, enhance the "four consciousnesses" and strengthen the "four self-confidences", constantly improve political judgment, political comprehension and political execution, and implement the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee and the provincial and municipal party committees on the work of grassroots party building to the letter.

Yu Yunfeng pointed out that it is necessary to adhere to the selection criteria and enhance the forward-looking focus on "successors". We should clearly guide the selection and use of cadres, strengthen the training of cadres, and make every effort to introduce talents in short supply in key industries and important fields. It is necessary to focus on the overall situation of the center and enhance the effectiveness of the "first priority" of service. Resolutely carry out the major mission of "accelerating the construction of a famous tea culture city and building a pilot area for Sichuan-Tibet economic cooperation" given by the Municipal Party Committee, and strive to work hard in the practice of accelerating the integration of urban and rural development with the construction of "one city and one district" as the traction. It is necessary to consolidate the foundation of the grassroots units and enhance the fighting spirit of the "strong fortresses" of the grassroots units. Continue to clearly grasp the orientation of the grassroots level, promote the comprehensive progress of grassroots party building, focus on the key tasks of rural revitalization, and effectively promote rural revitalization with backbone support; improve the mechanism of party building to lead the interests of farmers and farmers, and realize the overall improvement of the ability of village-level farmers to lead farmers; coordinate and promote party building in various fields, and comprehensively improve the quality of party building in organs; strengthen the education and management of party members in the whole chain, and always maintain the advanced nature and purity of the party member team; take the role of party members as a touchstone to test the effectiveness of team building, and guide party members to understand the overall situation. Dedication, strive for the first-class.

Yu Yunfeng stressed that it is necessary to persist in self-revolution and enhance the purity of the vast number of "public servants of the people." Deeply understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's major thesis that "two are always on the road", always maintain a firm grasp of work style, anti-corruption, and promote the concretization, precision, and normalization of political supervision; unceasingly rectify the "four winds" to establish a new style, and promote in one body that dare not be corrupt, cannot be corrupt, and do not want to be corrupt; grasp well the establishment of rules and regulations in key areas and key links, and resolutely win the battle against corruption; persist in combining strict management with benevolence, and pay equal attention to incentives and restraints, so that cadres can let go of their hands and feet. Dare to think and dare to do, and work hard to speed up the construction of an open, energetic and happy socialist modern mountain.

Members of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee, responsible comrades of member units of the Party Building Leading Group of the District Committee, responsible comrades of relevant departments at the district level, and front-line representatives of the grassroots level of the third party congress of some districts attended the meeting.

The (expanded) meeting of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and the 2023 annual meeting of the secretaries of the party (work) committees of each town (street) in Mingshan District and the secretaries of the relevant party groups (working committees) directly under the district to grasp the work of grassroots party building were held
The (expanded) meeting of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and the 2023 annual meeting of the secretaries of the party (work) committees of each town (street) in Mingshan District and the secretaries of the relevant party groups (working committees) directly under the district to grasp the work of grassroots party building were held

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