
The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

author:Movie Rotten Tomatoes

Recently, Hainan TV host Xiao Chenghao was temporarily suspended for making "inappropriate remarks".

Unexpectedly, netizens did not "fall into the well", but praised it.

Someone said, "Whether it's right or not, I absolutely agree with your remarks, at least to prove that you are a Chinese and support you 100 percent." ”

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

So, what happened, and what did Xiao Chenghao say that made so many netizens call him crazy?

It turned out that recently, a 7.4-magnitude earthquake struck Japan, which also triggered a 5-meter tsunami.

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

For a while, major media reported on this matter, and Xiao Chenghao, in addition to the identity of the host, is also a self-media person on a video platform, and has more than 6 million fans.

So, he gave his opinion on this matter on his social platform.

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

In the video, Xiao Chenghao said this-

On the first day of the new year, such a natural disaster occurred in Japan, and I am afraid that the whole of 2024 will be shrouded in a gloomy dark cloud over the country.

In addition, he said, "There are some things that Japan still does less, and nuclear sewage should not be discharged into the sea." ”

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight
The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight
The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight
The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight
The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight
The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight
The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight
The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

Of course, at the end of the video, he still hopes that his compatriots in Japan will be safe.

Actually, at first glance, there is nothing wrong with this video.

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

As netizens said, there was such a serious earthquake and tsunami on the first day of the new year, and it was really impossible not to be in the haze.

The discharge of nuclear sewage by Japan mentioned by Xiao Chenghao is a mistake recognized by the outside world.

So what's the problem?

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

Maybe it's in the title.

On the video sent by Xiao Chenghao, there is a subtitle, "Retribution is coming?".

From the semantics of "retribution", natural disasters such as earthquakes affect more ordinary people, so they do not apply to the current context.

In addition, although Xiao Chenghao posted his opinion videos on his social platform, he actually has multiple identities.

Whether it is a host or a self-media person with six million followers, he is not an ordinary netizen.

On the one hand, he has the responsibilities and obligations of being a public figure, and on the other hand, he should have the necessary qualities to be a moderator.

It can be said that one of his words has public influence, and the word "retribution" is obviously unreasonable to use before a natural disaster.

In the face of disaster, we should maintain humanitarian care.

is like a netizen's objective evaluation: "There is nothing wrong with him, but he still has to be rational in his speech." ”

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

In fact, this should have come to an end.

However, Hainan TV still dealt with Xiao Chenghao's "inappropriate remarks", "Our station is organizing a verification, and during this period, suspend his work." ”

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

This result made many netizens incomprehensible.

Someone said, "As a news host, what he said may not be appropriate, but he is a Chinese first, and then a host." ”

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

Some people even shouted in the air, "May I ask what the host Xiao Chenghao said? Can you explain it positively?"

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight
The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

However, Hainan TV's official response netizens did not wait, but waited for public figure Hu Xijin to post a small essay on the matter.

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

Although this little essay looks quite long, it probably only expresses two points:

First, Hainan TV's handling of its suspension is correct, and as a public figure with public office, it should follow a higher moral standard.

In the face of a special public opinion ecology, public figures should not be coerced into it, to remain rational, obviously, Xiao Chenghao did not do this well, affecting the credibility and image of China's mainstream media, and this also sounded the alarm for all public figures.

Second, the suspension of Xiao Chenghao is only "temporary", because anyone will make mistakes, as long as he can make a review and restrain his behavior in the future.

However, Hu Xijin commented so seriously, and netizens didn't buy it.

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

In his comment section, most of the comments did not support Lao Hu's views.

And some people also shouted that Hu Xijin should support Xiao Chenghao as a public figure.

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

Some netizens even directly picked up Lao Hu's previous remarks similar to Xiao Chenghao.

In fact, as early as August last year, a 5.8 magnitude earthquake struck the east coast of Honshu, Japan.

At that time, Lao Hu said, "At this time, it is not too much to scold Japan for being punished by God." ”

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

Compared with his comments on Xiao Chenghao's "inappropriate remarks", Lao Hu's words at that time did not seem to be very appropriate.

Seeing that netizens were gradually pointing the finger at him, Lao Hu hurriedly went online again and gave an explanation.

Here's what he said—

First, it was said at a very coincidental time, the day after Japan started discharging nuclear sewage into the sea for the first time, and the emotional point was just there, and there were no casualties in the earthquake, and the context provided the space to say that.

Second, and the earthquake was a case of casualties, and the context of the word "retribution" is completely different from the previous one, which does not allow public figures to make such expressions.

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

However, Lao Hu's explanation obviously can't make netizens buy it.

Some bloggers also compared the words of the two, "From a purely grammatical point of view, Hu Xijin's scolding of the Japanese earthquake and "being punished by heaven" is an affirmative sentence, while the host of Hainan TV station is asking for verification, 'Retribution is coming?' This is a question sentence. ”

He said that the host himself did not clearly think that "retribution is coming", but more of a benevolent opinion, and a wise person's opinion.

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

At present, the matter of Xiao Chenghao's "inappropriate remarks" continues to heat up on the Internet, and it presents two extreme phenomena.

First, the official video platform of Hainan TV was "attacked" by netizens.

Netizens have asked the TV station to give an explanation.

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

In the face of netizens' questions, Hainan TV officials did not respond at the first time.

Not only that, but the comment function has also been turned off in the recently updated video.

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

Second, the fans of the host Xiao Chenghao rose by one million overnight, and this momentum has not stopped.

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

One side is "boycotted", the other side is sought after.

Why such an extreme situation?

Quite simply, it stems from patriotic feelings.

In fact, most of us understand that a public figure should maintain the necessary caution and scale when speaking, but in the face of historical issues, we, as ordinary people, are still willing to see a public figure can say something from a national standpoint.

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

In addition, Hainan TV should respond responsibly and generously to the doubts of netizens before facing the surging public opinion.

This is not only about Xiao Chenghao's personal reputation and rights, but also about the development and future of the entire industry.

And as a public media that communicates with the public and transmits social news, whether it is a TV station or a host, it should be concerned and supervised by the public.

If there is any unfair behavior towards the moderator, it should be apologized and corrected, and if not, the correct information should be conveyed to eliminate the misunderstanding.

Finally, let's talk about the host Xiao Chenghao.

Looking at his videos, we can find that the quality of his works is good, full of positive energy, and very distinctive, so each of his videos has a very high number of likes.

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

It can even be said that his influence in short videos far exceeds the official short video account of Hainan TV.

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

Coupled with patriotic feelings, even if netizens speculate that the worst result is "resignation", he can walk well on the road of self-media.

The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight
The host was suspended for inappropriate remarks, and Hu Xijin's comments were questioned, and the former gained millions of fans overnight

As for his "inappropriate remarks", if it is indeed inappropriate to benchmark his identity, after all, he is a public figure, and it is still such a natural disaster, but from an emotional point of view, Xiao Chenghao can indeed be forgiven.

I hope that Hainan TV can give a satisfactory statement as soon as possible and draw a successful end to this matter#文章首发挑战赛! #

(Movie Rotten Tomatoes Editorial Department: An An)

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