
Stay in a snow town for 3,000 a night? Don't be funny! Netizens are furious, you are going to blow up!

author:Xiao Wang loves to say

Description: Recently, the little potatoes in the south came to the picturesque snow town, but found that the accommodation price was unacceptable! It cost 3,000 oceans in one night! What secrets are hidden in this? Who is doing the trouble? Let's take a look at the grand occasion of this netizen fryer!

It was cold, and the little potatoes in the south decided to come to the snow country in the north to feel the romance of the ice and snow. Who knows, as soon as the problem of accommodation comes to the problem, it will be dealt a hard blow! The price of accommodation during the Chinese New Year is as high as 3,000 oceans a night, which is too cheating!

Stay in a snow town for 3,000 a night? Don't be funny! Netizens are furious, you are going to blow up!

Netizens immediately fried the pot and turned on the spit mode in the comment area. Some netizens joked: "Oh, I can decorate at home for half a month for one night!", and some people humorously said: "This price is almost higher than my monthly salary!" Boss, please give me a salary increase!"

But why are the prices of accommodation so high in Snow Country?

First of all, we need to clarify a concept: winter is the peak season for snow tourism. Because of this, a large number of tourists flock to the snow town, especially during the winter holidays and the Chinese New Year. High demand has led to a shortage of supply, which has naturally led to a skyrocketing price of accommodation.

Stay in a snow town for 3,000 a night? Don't be funny! Netizens are furious, you are going to blow up!

Secondly, Snow Town is a vast and sparsely populated place, and hotel resources are limited. To cater to tourists from all over the world, hotels will have to charge high prices to secure revenue and squeeze more resources out to provide services. After all, it's not easy to provide warm and comfortable accommodation on a cold winter night.

Finally, there are not only expensive luxury hotels in Snow Town, but also some B&Bs and hostels that are relatively affordable. Of course, these options may be a bit more rudimentary, but they are also good options for some visitors on a budget. Everything needs a balance to grow and develop, and this also applies to the tourism market.

Stay in a snow town for 3,000 a night? Don't be funny! Netizens are furious, you are going to blow up!

Don't be disappointed, there are some tips to save money!

First of all, plan your itinerary in advance, arrange your time wisely, and choose a non-popular date to visit the snow country, so that you can not only avoid the crowded tourist rush period, but also enjoy better prices.

Stay in a snow town for 3,000 a night? Don't be funny! Netizens are furious, you are going to blow up!

Secondly, you can try to choose some urban accommodation close to the snow town, such as a nearby county seat or a nearby town. Although there is a certain distance from the snow town, the transportation is convenient and the price is relatively close to the people. In addition, experiencing the local folk customs is also a unique travel experience!

Finally, if you're interested in outdoor camping, that's even better! Pitching a tent around the snow country and getting in touch with nature can not only save a lot of accommodation costs, but also enjoy a unique wilderness experience.

To sum up, it is simply staggering for the southern little potatoes to complain that the accommodation in the snow town is as expensive as a sky-high hotel! However, we must also look at this problem rationally. After all, travel itself is an investment, and moderation is also a fundamental principle of our travel. So, let's embrace the beautiful snow town and experience this ice and snow world in the best way!