
Why are there more and more children suffering from leukemia now? The doctor advised: You can throw these things away at home

author:Zhang Xuejun, a cardiologist

In recent years, the state has conducted relevant investigations on diseases that threaten children's lives, and the results have found that:

• Malignant neoplasms are the second leading cause of death in children under 14 years of age.

Among the malignant tumors in children, leukemia, brain tumors, malignant lymphoma and other tumors with the highest incidence rate are among the most incidence, among which leukemia is the most, accounting for almost 1/3 of the total incidence.

It is based on the above situation that more and more children are suffering from leukemia nowadays, so what may be the reason for this situation?

Why are there more and more children suffering from leukemia now? The doctor advised: You can throw these things away at home

1. Why are more and more children getting leukemia?

Leukemia is a malignant disease of the hematopoietic system, which seriously threatens the health and life of children, and in life, there are various causes of childhood leukemia, which may be due to their existence, so that more and more children suffer from leukemia.

1. Radiation

When pregnant, pregnant women often undergo prenatal check-ups in order to determine the development of the fetus, which involves radiation. If the frequency of examinations is normal and the radiation from CT and other examinations has less effect on the fetus, then the child is less likely to be threatened by leukemia during growth and development, and vice versa.

Why are there more and more children suffering from leukemia now? The doctor advised: You can throw these things away at home

2. Heredity

Genetic factors play an important role in promoting the occurrence of leukemia, and studies have pointed out:

• If one member of the family has leukemia, the probability of the offspring having the disease is higher than that of children from other normal families.

In addition, certain genetic disorders have also been linked to the development of childhood leukemia, for example, it has been reported that children with congenital dementia are 15 to 20 times more likely to develop leukemia than normal children.

3. Viral infection

Some viruses can cause abnormal changes in the physiological functions and structures of the hematopoietic system, and over time, the hematopoietic system may have genetic information replication errors due to the influence of the virus, which will cause abnormal cell division and cancer.

At present, the virus that is closely related to the occurrence of childhood leukemia is type C RNA tumor virus.

Why are there more and more children suffering from leukemia now? The doctor advised: You can throw these things away at home

4. Chemical factors

Exposure to chemicals and the use of chemical drugs in children may lead to the development of leukemia in children. For example, the chemical chloramphenicol can induce leukemia by damaging the bone marrow, while chemical drugs such as sulfonamides and aminopyrine can cause the appearance of acute childhood leukemia.

All in all, there are various causes of childhood leukemia in life, in addition to the above factors such as genetics and viral infections, abnormal immunity, obesity and other reasons can also lead to the occurrence of the disease. Of course, among the many causes of childhood leukemia, there is one point that deserves our attention, and that is that some special items can also induce leukemia.

Why are there more and more children suffering from leukemia now? The doctor advised: You can throw these things away at home

So, what exactly are these special items?

Second, for the sake of the child's health, it is recommended that you throw away these items quickly!

There are good and bad things in life, some inferior things in addition to quality problems, they also carry harmful substances that can cause leukemia, if there are these items in the home should be thrown away as soon as possible.

1. Inferior furniture

Poor quality furniture is not uncommon in life, and while they affect the quality of life, there may also be a potential risk of inducing leukemia.

For example, when the dining table at home is made of colloidal wood panels, the formaldehyde or benzene released by them in the body will eventually be metabolized into toxic products such as quinones and free radicals, which may damage DNA, inactivate tumor suppressor genes and activate proto-oncogenes in hematopoietic stem cells, which may lead to leukemia in children.

Why are there more and more children suffering from leukemia now? The doctor advised: You can throw these things away at home

2. Inferior children's clothing

Most of the clothes will be exposed to chemicals such as dyes in the process of production, and some black-hearted merchants will use raw materials that do not meet the national quality standards in order to make money, which will lead to carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes, formaldehyde and other harmful substances exceeding the standard.

If children use these low-quality clothing for a long time, the harmful substances contained in it may cause harm to the hematopoietic system through the skin, which can lead to the occurrence of leukemia.

3. Inferior children's toys

Children's toys as children often come into contact with items, if the quality is not controlled, there will be harmful substances such as formaldehyde, lead, etc. residues, over time, children may develop leukemia because of these harmful substances. What's more, some children also have the Xi of biting substandard toys with their mouths, and in the long run, harmful substances such as formaldehyde and lead are more likely to enter the body, resulting in the appearance of leukemia.

Why are there more and more children suffering from leukemia now? The doctor advised: You can throw these things away at home

All of the above items may cause damage to children's health, and if these items appear in the home, parents are advised to throw them away as soon as possible for the sake of children's health. Of course, there is no need to despair if a child is unfortunate enough to suffer from leukemia, because there is also a possibility of curing leukemia, provided that it is detected as early as possible and treated accordingly.

3. If these abnormalities occur, beware of leukemia!

The most effective and simple way to identify leukemia is to check, and in real life, most people go to the examination because the body has abnormal discomfort, and the following symptoms are common clinical manifestations of leukemia, when they occur, you need to be vigilant and go to the hospital for examination in time to find out whether it is caused by leukemia.

Why are there more and more children suffering from leukemia now? The doctor advised: You can throw these things away at home

1. Anemia

Leukemia is a systemic disease of the blood, when leukemia occurs, the white blood cells in the body will multiply abnormally, on this basis, the patient's hemoglobin and red blood cell production will be inhibited. You must know that the most intuitive indicators of clinical anemia are these two, and the decrease in their number means the appearance of anemia.

Therefore, after the occurrence of leukemia, patients will have symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness, etc., and some surveys show that anemia is the first symptom of many leukemia patients.

2. Bleeding

It has been reported that about 50% of children with leukemia will have bleeding, and the bleeding is mostly in the mouth and skin.

This may be due to the fact that when leukemia occurs, the number of platelets in the patient's body decreases, and at the same time, the patient may also develop conditions such as abnormal function of clotting factors. In conclusion, under the influence of multiple mechanisms, leukemia patients, including children, are prone to bleeding symptoms.

Why are there more and more children suffering from leukemia now? The doctor advised: You can throw these things away at home

3. Fever

In addition, after the occurrence of leukemia, the patient's immunity will decrease, and then it is easy to be infected by bacteria, viruses and other infections and fever, more than half of the early leukemia patients will have fever, and its fever is characterized by irregular and high fever.

Of course, leukemia as a kind of malignant tumor, even in the early stage, cannot guarantee 100% cure, so our attitude towards leukemia is prevention first.

So, what can we do to prevent leukemia?

Why are there more and more children suffering from leukemia now? The doctor advised: You can throw these things away at home

Fourth, there is a way to prevent it? Parents have seen it

As with lung cancer and other cancers, the prevention of leukemia is important, and parents should pay attention to the following for the sake of their children's future.

First, it is necessary to reduce children's exposure to harmful substances such as benzene and formaldehyde.

Of course, the most important point is: do not move in the newly renovated house immediately, but let the harmful substances out as soon as possible, because it has been reported that the chance of leukemia will increase by 4.76 times if you move into the newly renovated house within half a year.

Second, parents need to quit smoking.

Studies have found that parents who smoke during pregnancy may have an increased risk of leukemia in their children, for example, if a pregnant woman smokes more than 10 cigarettes a day during pregnancy, her child may double the risk of developing acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Why are there more and more children suffering from leukemia now? The doctor advised: You can throw these things away at home

In addition, in order to reduce the probability of developing leukemia in children, it is also recommended that parents have regular check-ups during pregnancy and not too often. It is also necessary to screen for certain diseases that affect the incidence of leukemia in order to prepare for coping, such as screening for congenital dementia.

Parents should also supervise their children to develop good living Xi, such as eating regularly and healthily, so that children can play less with electronic products with radiation such as mobile phones and computers.


[1] Yu Jiaole. An incurable ≠ childhood leukemia [J]. CHILDREN AND HEALTH, 2023, (08): 4-5.

[2] Wang Ying, Song Xianmin. Vigilance against juvenile leukemia [J]. Adolescent Health, 2023, 21 (10): 28-29.