
My family's 8 dishes must be served in the New Year, which means auspicious, meat and vegetarian matching, good luck, delicious and good-looking

author:Love Yinan

Time is like a thief, slipping silently through our fingertips. In the blink of an eye, the familiar smell of the New Year has quietly approached again.

How much money have you earned this year, are you ready to go home to share the joy with your family and have a hearty Chinese New Year's Eve dinner? Whenever you mention the New Year, do you feel a warm fire in your heart? Because the New Year is not only a festival, but also a moment of relaxation after a busy year, and a warm time to reunite with relatives.

My family's 8 dishes must be served in the New Year, which means auspicious, meat and vegetarian matching, good luck, delicious and good-looking

Of course, in addition to the reunion with the family, the highlight of the Chinese New Year is the table full of food. The table of the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner always carries the taste and blessings of home. So, is your family's Chinese New Year's Eve dinner menu ready this year? If you are still worried about this, then let me reveal my family's 8 auspicious dishes for you!

These dishes are not only beautiful in color and flavor, but also auspicious, and the recipe is simple, and can be served in as little as 8 minutes. Let's cook a delicious and auspicious Chinese New Year's Eve dinner for our family! Let the whole family eat happily and satisfied!

---【Chestnut Roast Chicken】---

Meaning good luck, this dish is soft and glutinous with chestnuts and smooth chicken wings

My family's 8 dishes must be served in the New Year, which means auspicious, meat and vegetarian matching, good luck, delicious and good-looking


1. Heat oil in a pan, add the chicken and fry until the surface is slightly charred.

2. Add ginger and garlic, dried chili, salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, and stir-fry over high heat to bring out the fragrance.

3. Pour in the chestnuts, add beer to remove the smell and increase the flavor, add water, and simmer over medium-low heat for 10 minutes until the soup thickens.

4. Put the green and red peppers, stir-fry evenly over high heat.

---【Braised Carp】---

It means that there are fish every year. The dish is sweet and savory, and the soup is rich

My family's 8 dishes must be served in the New Year, which means auspicious, meat and vegetarian matching, good luck, delicious and good-looking


1. Hit the carp with a flower knife, sprinkle salt in hot oil and fry until golden brown on both sides, and set aside.

2. Put green onions, ginger, garlic, millet spicy, and bean paste in the bottom oil and stir-fry until fragrant.

3. Add dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, chicken essence, sugar, beer, water and simmer for 10 minutes.

4. Collect the thick soup on high heat and sprinkle with chopped green onions.

--- [Maruko Komai]---

It means reunion. This dish is delicious and full of happiness

My family's 8 dishes must be served in the New Year, which means auspicious, meat and vegetarian matching, good luck, delicious and good-looking


1. Soak the glutinous rice overnight in advance.

2. Add minced meat, diced carrots, corn kernels, chopped green onions, etc.

3. Mix with salt, sugar, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, egg seasoning and meat until flavored.

4. Scoop out the small balls with a spoon and put them in a pot and steam for 20 minutes.

---【Cabbage and tofu soup】---

It means blessing and wealth. The dish is light and delicious, tender and sweet

My family's 8 dishes must be served in the New Year, which means auspicious, meat and vegetarian matching, good luck, delicious and good-looking


1. Change the cabbage into knives, cut the tofu into pieces, fry 3 hen eggs directly until golden brown on both sides without beating, and then cut into pieces.

2. Don't wash the pot, add shredded ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, then add eggs and boiling water.

3. Add tofu and cabbage and simmer for 5 minutes.

4. After seasoning, add salt, chicken essence and shrimp skin, and drizzle with sesame oil.

--- [Four Happiness Lucky Bags]---

It means happiness and longevity. This dish contains a variety of ingredients that are both delicious and healthy

My family's 8 dishes must be served in the New Year, which means auspicious, meat and vegetarian matching, good luck, delicious and good-looking


1. Brush the dumplings with oil, roll them out, and steam them in a bowl for 8 minutes.

2. After the oil is hot, fry the minced garlic and green onions, then add the shrimp, peas, corn and diced radish, season and add salt, chicken essence, pepper and light soy sauce to stir-fry to make the filling.

3. Do not cut the shallots, blanch them and set aside.

4. Wrap the steamed dumpling wrapper with the filling and tie it tightly with shallots.

--- [Full of Gold] ---

It means that the five blessings are coming. This dish is tender and has a lingering aftertaste

My family's 8 dishes must be served in the New Year, which means auspicious, meat and vegetarian matching, good luck, delicious and good-looking


1. Bring the water to a boil, add salt and oil, pour in green beans, corn and carrots and blanch the water.

2. Stir-fry the shrimp in another pot until it changes color, add green onion and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add side dishes, add salt and chicken essence to taste, stir-fry evenly to taste.

3. Finally, add the fried cashew nuts, drizzle with water starch to thicken, and quickly stir-fry evenly out of the pot.

---【Stir-fried pork with green beans】---

It means that the four seasons are safe. This dish is tender and juicy, with good color and flavor

My family's 8 dishes must be served in the New Year, which means auspicious, meat and vegetarian matching, good luck, delicious and good-looking


1. Cut the green beans into sections.

2. Boil water in a pot, add a spoonful of salt and cooking oil, pour in green beans, blanch for 1 minute, remove and set aside.

3. After the pork belly is stir-fried in hot oil, add minced garlic and millet to stir-fry until fragrant, and then stir-fry with green beans.

4. Add salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce and oyster sauce to taste, stir-fry evenly and remove from the pot.

---【Vinegar soaked peanuts】---

The implication is endless. This dish is moderately sweet and sour, and it is a good snack for wine

My family's 8 dishes must be served in the New Year, which means auspicious, meat and vegetarian matching, good luck, delicious and good-looking


1. Soak peanuts in warm water for two hours, and steam for 20 minutes.

2. Add green onion, ginger, green and red pepper, light soy sauce, aged vinegar, sugar, sesame oil, mix well, seal the jar and preserve.

The above eight simple and delicious Chinese New Year's Eve dinner auspicious dishes have been taught to you, do you feel that the taste of the year is stronger? If you think these recipes are good, don't forget to like and collect them! May your family's Chinese New Year's Eve dinner be full of warmth and happiness, and may you have all the best in the new year, and your family will be happy!

Editor丨Zheng Wei

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