
Parents who "want their children to be soldiers" must know this!

Parents who "want their children to be soldiers" must know this!
Parents who "want their children to be soldiers" must know this!
Parents who "want their children to be soldiers" must know this!
Parents who "want their children to be soldiers" must know this!
Parents who "want their children to be soldiers" must know this!
Parents who "want their children to be soldiers" must know this!
Parents who "want their children to be soldiers" must know this!
Parents who "want their children to be soldiers" must know this!
Parents who "want their children to be soldiers" must know this!
Parents who "want their children to be soldiers" must know this!
Parents who "want their children to be soldiers" must know this!
Parents who "want their children to be soldiers" must know this!
Parents who "want their children to be soldiers" must know this!
Parents who "want their children to be soldiers" must know this!
Parents who "want their children to be soldiers" must know this!
Parents who "want their children to be soldiers" must know this!
Parents who "want their children to be soldiers" must know this!

Late at night, I was sorting out some materials at home when I suddenly heard a sharp knock on the door. I opened the door and saw an anxious neighbor, who said nervously, "Do you have time? ”

"Of course, what's the matter?" I looked at him quizzically.

The neighbor sat down, with an anxious face, "My youngest son has been thinking about whether to join the army recently, and my wife and I have a different opinion, I want to hear your opinion." ”

I thought about it for a moment and understood that this was a tricky but important question, "It's a big decision that involves the future and direction of the child's development. Tell me what you and your husband and wife think. ”

The neighbor's brow furrowed even tighter, "I think being a soldier can cultivate a child's discipline and sense of responsibility, exercise his body, and be able to contribute more to the country." But the wife is worried about the child's suffering in the army, and is afraid that it will have a negative impact on his growth. ”

I nodded, "It's a complicated issue. I think the first thing you have to do is hear what your son thinks about whether he really wants to be a soldier, and not just because of your expectations. Secondly, you can learn more about the training and environment of the army to see if it suits your son's personality and interests. ”

The neighbor pondered for a moment, then smiled, "You're right, we probably haven't really understood his mind yet." I'm going to talk to him and see what he thinks. ”

A few days later, a neighbor came to me with a happy face, "I had a good talk with my son, and it turned out that he had always longed for the life of a soldier and felt that it was a duty and honor." We decided to go to the barracks together to find out what was going on. ”

I nodded applauded my neighbor's decision, "That's great, it's wise to make a decision after understanding it thoroughly." Every family has a different perspective on the issue of becoming a soldier, but the most important thing is to respect the child's choices and wishes. ”

The neighbor smiled and said, "Yes, after all, the child has grown up, and we can't always arrange his future according to our own ideas." Thank you for the suggestion, it made me understand a lot. ”

Time flies, and the neighbor's son finally decides to go to the army. Before he left, our family of three held a small farewell party together. The neighbor's wife looked at her son with moist eyes: "I hope he can train a better version of himself in the army." ”

I shook my neighbor's hand and said, "Everyone's choices are different, and it's important to be able to take responsibility for your own decisions." Children will learn a lot in the military and will become more mature and strong. ”

With the neighbor's son leaving, the house became much quieter. I sat on the couch with my heart filled with blessings for this young man. Perhaps, joining the army is a valuable experience in his life, and it is also a manifestation of bravery and responsibility.

In the process, the neighbor's family experienced a sincere dialogue and understanding. There is no set answer to the question of whether or not to let their children become soldiers, and the key is whether parents can truly understand their children's thoughts and make the right decisions based on respect. It's a story of family warmth, but also a reflection on growth and choice. Perhaps, every family will face one choice or another, and the key is to be able to grow together and be proud of each other's choices.

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