
This elegant man has been dead for 53 years, how can there still be so many fans who miss him deeply

author:Bertie talks about the world

Feng Zhe is a gentle and elegant movie star who became popular in the 40s

In the 40s of the 20th century, Feng Zhe was already a well-known film actor. He was born with a good skin, clear eyebrows, and a tall posture. Different from the burly and rugged "Xiaosheng" image on the screen at that time, Feng Zhe has a handsome appearance and an elegant bookish atmosphere, giving people a sense of gentleness and elegance.

This elegant man has been dead for 53 years, how can there still be so many fans who miss him deeply

This elegant man became popular as soon as he appeared on the screen. In that relatively simple era, the combination of his student temperament and intellectual temperament was just in line with the audience's taste. Feng Zhe quickly became a household name in the movies, and with his excellent acting skills, he successfully portrayed many different types of screen roles.

Whether it is a scholar or an officer or general, he can control it very well.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Feng Zhe became an important actor in Shanghai Film Studio. In many films that sing the praises of the new life, he continues to play his acting strengths, perfectly combining his gentle and elegant temperament with the inner quality of the Chinese, and is deeply loved by the audience.

It can be said that in the golden age of the film industry in the 50s, Feng Zhe was one of the most high-profile actors.

This elegant man has been dead for 53 years, how can there still be so many fans who miss him deeply

In 1961, Feng Zhe was assigned to Sichuan Emei Film Studio

In 1961, Feng Zhe, who was in the middle of his career, suddenly received a notice asking him to leave the Shanghai Film Studio and work at the resource-poor Sichuan Emei Film Studio.

This is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Feng Zhe.

It stands to reason that he was already a pillar-level star in Shanghai Film Studio at that time, with a high appearance rate, and his performance opportunities also increased. The company asked him to change jobs at the peak of his career, and Feng Zhe couldn't accept it for a while.

But in the face of the organizational arrangement, he finally did not choose to object, and only set off westward with apprehension and anxiety.

This elegant man has been dead for 53 years, how can there still be so many fans who miss him deeply

Coming to Emei Film and Television Studio, Feng Zhe's performance opportunities plummeted. At that time, the strength of Emei film and television was thin, and there were very few movies that could be made every year. As a professional actor, his days of being able to appear on the screen are becoming less and less.

This undoubtedly had a great impact on Feng Zhe's psychology and life. Perhaps, it was this turning point that buried the cause of his future tragedy.

During the Cultural Revolution, Feng Zhe was imprisoned and criticized, and suffered a huge blow

At the beginning of the Cultural Revolution in 1966, Feng Zhe was branded as a "reactionary academic authority" and a "reactionary star", and was criticized day and night for several months, suffering serious physical and mental damage.

He was originally depressed because of his transfer from the Shanghai film and television industry, which made it even worse.

This elegant man has been dead for 53 years, how can there still be so many fans who miss him deeply

Beginning in 1968, the situation became even worse. Feng Zhe was sent to a rural village in Dayi County, Sichuan, to undergo a labor camp. There, he lived an extremely hard life, completing high-intensity manual tasks every day, fetching water from wells and pushing a tricycle to transport weeds and garbage.

This is a huge loss to his originally weak body.

In the cruel environment, Feng Zhe's mental and physical state are becoming weaker and weaker. He lived in the shadow of panic and despair all day long, completely losing the courage and hope to live.

This also laid the groundwork for his tragedy.

This elegant man has been dead for 53 years, how can there still be so many fans who miss him deeply

In 1969, Feng Zhe died mysteriously in the firewood room of the dormitory

On June 1, 1969, a humiliation that made Feng Zhe unbearable happened. He starred in the two films that were screened at the school that night, and he was forced to kneel in the screening room, bow his head and confess his guilt and accept criticism.

The pervasive political persecution of the Cultural Revolution has once again dealt a heavy blow to this fragile soul.

Early the next morning, a news broke that shocked everyone. Feng Zhe's body was found in the school's firewood room, which had been killed. At that time, Feng Zhe was only 48 years old, in the prime of life, and mysteriously ended his short life.

What's even more incredible is that according to his wife's recollection, Feng Zhe's feet did not leave the ground when he died. This casts a layer of fog over the whole incident, and the truth becomes a mystery.

This elegant man has been dead for 53 years, how can there still be so many fans who miss him deeply

After receiving the bad news, his wife Zhang Guangru was in pain. Only then did she understand the tremendous pressure and injury her husband had suffered during his lifetime. Faced with the sudden news of her death, she almost broke down and burst into tears.

This has also become an eternal pain in her heart.

The news of Feng Zhe's death was not made public until 9 years later, which made him even more sad

Due to the closed operation of the Emei Film Studio at that time, the news of Feng Zhe's death was strictly blocked, and the outside world knew nothing about it. All the viewers and fans who care about him, as well as his old colleagues in Shanghai, are still looking forward to his return to the screen one day.

It wasn't until 9 years later, in 1978, at the memorial service for his rehabilitation of Zhao Xue, that people learned like a lightning strike that Feng Zhe had died mysteriously in Chai Fang in 1969 at the age of 48.

This elegant man has been dead for 53 years, how can there still be so many fans who miss him deeply

The last movie before his death was "Peach Blossom Fan" 9 years ago.

This result undoubtedly brought a bigger blow to everyone, especially Feng Zhe's family and fans. After such a long time of confusion and waiting, they finally knew that Feng Zhe had become history, and their grief was difficult to express in words.

Feng Zhe's death has caused continuous mourning to this day

Today, Feng Zhe has been dead for 53 years, but it seems that people's mourning for him has not diminished in the slightest.

First of all, Feng Zhe's unique screen image is really difficult to replace. He has excellent acting skills and has successfully created many popular roles. The handsome and gentle figure on the screen seems to be forever frozen in that era.

This elegant man has been dead for 53 years, how can there still be so many fans who miss him deeply

Coupled with the fact that he still performed well in several final works, this undoubtedly deepened the nostalgia of fans.

Secondly, Feng Zhe's warm and warm external and internal temperament is also unforgettable. His unassuming handsomeness and the feeling of the young man next door have won countless hearts. Fans regard him as a confidant and can't accept his early death.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, it was his tragic life and early death that aroused public sympathy. Many people of good will are saddened by the injustices and torments he suffered in the last stages of his life.

This grief was amplified over time.

This elegant man has been dead for 53 years, how can there still be so many fans who miss him deeply

Feng Zhe's fans spontaneously come to the cemetery every year to pay respects

Now, although Feng Zhe has passed away for many years, his fans still miss this gentle and elegant movie star. A group of "Feng Zhe Fan Group" spontaneously organized by fans, every time Feng Zhe's death day or birthday, they will gather from all over the country to Guangzhou, come to his tomb in the martyr's cemetery to offer flowers, burn incense, and sweep the tomb to remember the unfortunate deceased filmmaker.

The spontaneous commemoration of these groups continues to this day, and the fans who come to the cemetery never stop. Many of them did not experience Feng Zhe's film years, but they developed a deep affection for him through television and the Internet.

This kind of feeling has even flowed to the next generation, and there are many post-80s and post-90s generations who come to pay their respects. This is impressive, Feng Zhe's attraction to the audience is cross-era.

From such sincere condolences from fans, it can also be seen that Feng Zhe's appeal and personality charm to the public are still strong. He seems to have become a symbolic figure in the glorious years of film art and gained a high status, and these spontaneous commemoration activities have thus become a kind of sustenance for the public's beautiful memories of the films of that era.

This elegant man has been dead for 53 years, how can there still be so many fans who miss him deeply


To sum up, the reason why Feng Zhe is still so widely mourned and remembered is inseparable from his unique position and symbolic significance in film history.

He is an important witness of Chinese film from the silent film period to the sound and light period, and he is also a participant and contributor to the new Chinese film industry. He was also the registrant for the film's transition from black and white to color.

In him, he recorded and embodied a colorful stage of development of Chinese films.

Therefore, remembering Feng Zhe is also remembering this glorious period of film art that is difficult to replicate. It was the golden age when Chinese films went from trying to maturity, cultivating a large number of film talents and producing popular classics.

This elegant man has been dead for 53 years, how can there still be so many fans who miss him deeply

Now that all this has become history, people are more nostalgic and nostalgic.

We should not forget the predecessors who dedicated their youth and even their lives to Chinese film art, and their dedication and dedication deserve respect. It is also necessary to reflect on the mistakes and misfortunes that occurred in that era, which caused a generation of filmmakers to suffer innocently, which should not have happened again.