
Middle-income group: How much is the monthly salary?

author:Chic poker w9G

Hello everyone, I'm your headline editor Dashing Poker. In this era of skyrocketing prices, everyone wants to have a decent life. However, how much is the monthly salary needed to achieve this goal? Let's find out.

Middle-income group: How much is the monthly salary?

First, we need to be clear about one concept: middle income. According to the Office for National Statistics, the middle income refers to an income group that is in the middle relative to the population as a whole. They are neither high-income nor low-income groups. So, how much does a monthly salary need to be classified as a middle-income group?

According to survey data, the average salary of urban workers in China is about 8,000 yuan. In first-tier cities, this figure may be higher, around 10,000 yuan. However, this is only an average and is not representative of the actual situation of all people. Because the cost of living is relatively high in some high-consumption cities, such as Beijing and Shanghai, the standard of middle-income groups will also be raised accordingly.

Middle-income group: How much is the monthly salary?

According to expert research, if a family's monthly income can support basic living needs and can also have some savings, it can be considered a middle income. According to this standard, a monthly salary of about 15,000 yuan should be able to meet the needs of most people. Of course, this will also be influenced by regional differences and personal consumption Xi.

In addition to the amount of monthly salary, there are a few other factors that we need to consider. For example, whether you need to provide for your family, provide for your children's schooling, pay off your loans, etc. According to the survey, the annual consumption expenditure of an ordinary professional to support his family is about 50,000 yuan. Assuming you need to save a certain amount of money every year, then a monthly salary of more than 15,000 yuan can barely be enough.

Of course, this is only an approximate reference value. Many people are not satisfied with the basic needs of life when they seek a better quality of life. They also want to be able to spend more on entertainment and travel, buy their favorite goods, and so on. So, to achieve these additional consumptions, the monthly salary requirements are even higher.

Middle-income group: How much is the monthly salary?

In general, how much is the monthly salary enough? This is a very subjective question, because everyone's needs and consumption Xi are different. The definition of middle income will also change with the times. But in any case, as long as we are comfortable, happy, and able to save some money, we can be brave enough to say, "I'm a middle-income group!"

I hope that through the discussion in this article, I can bring you some enlightenment. Don't blindly pursue a high salary, set reasonable goals according to your own needs and actual situation. Only after finding a balance that suits us can we live a happy and fulfilling life!

The above is the answer to the question of how much is the monthly salary to belong to the middle-income group. I hope it will be helpful to you, and you are welcome to leave a message to share your views and experiences. Don't forget to follow our headlines for more valuable information and exclusive information.