
The girl has been in love for 7 years and was broken up when she talked about marriage, and the reason was: getting married and having children made him confused

author:I crouched in the corner and watched the world

Recently, netizens shared a video: A girl and her boyfriend have been in love for seven years from 19 to 26 years old, but when it came time to talk about marriage, they were dumped fiercely. The reason is that getting married and having children makes him confused. It's really distressing and infuriating.

The girl has been in love for 7 years and was broken up when she talked about marriage, and the reason was: getting married and having children made him confused

Love, like a midsummer fireworks, is gorgeous but short-lived. We always forget the fate of the fireworks that will eventually dissipate at the moment when they bloom. In this fireworks, the girl burned her youth for seven years, but she was beaten to the ground by a sudden breakup. The person who had watched the fireworks with her used her as a springboard to a better life, and then turned away without hesitation.

The girl has been in love for 7 years and was broken up when she talked about marriage, and the reason was: getting married and having children made him confused

In this world, some people's hearts are like onions, layered on top of each other, making people unable to see the truth. The girl gave wholeheartedly, but after all, she failed to see through the man's heart. She thought they could spend the rest of their lives together, but she didn't expect that she was just a passerby and a springboard in his life.

What kind of pain is it to be used as a springboard? It is like being stabbed in the heart, bleeding nonstop, but unable to cry for help. The girl broke down and cried in the middle of the night, and the happy moments she had spent with her boyfriend had now turned into a sharp knife that tormented her.

Seven years, how many days and nights of companionship, how many times of laughter and tears intertwined? The girl gave all her youth to this man, looking forward to a better life in the future, but all illusions were shattered by a word. Do you call her stupid? But I think she's just too kind, too much in love.

In this world, some men are just so selfish. They use the kindness and love of women to pave the way for their careers and lives, and once they have achieved their goals, they do not hesitate to abandon the promises they once made. This kind of man, we call it a "scumbag". But, you know, the reason why these scumbags are so arrogant is precisely because our society is tolerant of them.

The girl has been in love for 7 years and was broken up when she talked about marriage, and the reason was: getting married and having children made him confused

We always say that love is selfish, but if it is selfish to the point of hurting others, it becomes despicable. We always say that marriage is the grave of love, but what is the point of even love being buried on the eve of marriage? We always say that women should be independent and self-reliant, but when they devote themselves wholeheartedly to love, why should they be required to remain strong at the last moment?

What happened to this girl is not only an individual tragedy, but also a tragedy of love in our time. We pursue materialism, fame and fortune, but we forget the purest love. We crave success, we crave status, but we ignore the most precious people. We always complain about social injustice, but we never think that we ourselves are the perpetrators.

I hope that this girl will be able to come out of this painful experience and regain her worth and dignity. I hope that she can understand that love is not the whole of life, and she is the most cherished. I hope that she can be strong and brave to face the future and stop crying about the love of the past.

Finally, I want to say a word to that scumbag: you lost someone who loved you, and it was she who made you understand what is precious. And you will eventually grow old alone, because you have never understood what true love is.

May everyone who has experienced love setbacks be brave enough to stand up and move on. Because, only by letting go of the past can we embrace the future. True happiness often awaits us just ahead.

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