
Please, don't do these 7 face-ruining actions!

author:Blessing trivia

Everyone has a love for beauty, but some seemingly innocuous Xi actions can quietly damage our faces. Today, let's take stock of those face-ruining actions.

1. Frequent cheek support

Many people are Xi to supporting their cheeks, but this seemingly simple action may bring a lot of damage to the face. The cheek support concentrates pressure on the head and neck in the cheeks, resulting in poor blood circulation and deformation of the cheeks. Over time, the cheeks may become saggy, sagging, and affecting facial contours.

Please, don't do these 7 face-ruining actions!

2. Sleep with your mouth open

Sleeping with your mouth open will not only affect the quality of your sleep, but it will also cause damage to your face. Sleeping with your mouth open for a long time may lead to mandible dysplasia, misaligned teeth, and even a "ground-to-earth" situation. Therefore, try to avoid the Xi of sleeping with your mouth open.

Please, don't do these 7 face-ruining actions!

3. Massage your face excessively

Proper massage can help eliminate puffiness and improve blood circulation, but over-massaging can be counterproductive. Excessive massage can lead to sagging skin, increased fine lines, accelerated skin aging, wrinkles, and even inflammation. Therefore, massage your face in moderation and do not use too much force.

Fourth, frequent squeezing of acne

Acne is a problem that many people experience, but squeezing pimples can cause more serious problems. Squeezing pimples with your hands can bring bacteria deeper into the skin, which can lead to skin infections, spreading inflammation, and even scarring. Therefore, you should stay calm and take care of your skin scientifically.

Please, don't do these 7 face-ruining actions!

5. Bow your head and play with your phone

Bowing your head and playing with your mobile phone has become a common problem for modern people. However, long-term bowing of the head to play with the mobile phone may lead to increased pressure on the cervical spine, causing cervical spine problems. At the same time, bowing the head will also cause pressure on the skin of the face, affecting blood circulation, resulting in sagging skin and increased wrinkles. In order to protect the health of your face and cervical spine, please try to maintain a correct posture and play with your mobile phone.

Please, don't do these 7 face-ruining actions!

6. Stay up late often

The damage to the skin from staying up late is enormous. Staying up late often can lead to endocrine disorders, affecting metabolism and making the skin lose its radiance and elasticity. Staying up late for a long time can also lead to problems such as dark circles and eye bags. For the sake of beauty and health, it is important to get enough sleep.

7. Overeating

Poor eating habits such as irregular eating and overeating Xi may cause damage to the face. Excessive calorie intake can lead to obesity, double chin and other problems, while excessive sugar intake can lead to breakouts and dull skin. In order to maintain a healthy and beautiful appearance, we should develop a healthy diet Xi habits and eat scientifically.

Please, don't do these 7 face-ruining actions!

The impact of the above seven face-destroying actions on the face should not be underestimated, and we should try to avoid these actions and develop a good lifestyle Xi and diet Xi habits.