
Urbanization of rural migrants: Harmonious coexistence between cities and villages

author:Gourmand Berry 1S6q
Urbanization of rural migrants: Harmonious coexistence between cities and villages

With the acceleration of urbanization, the urbanization of rural migrants has become the focus of social attention. How to fully integrate the rural migrant population into the city and share the fruits of urban development has become an urgent problem to be solved. In this article, we will discuss the importance and challenges of the urbanization of rural migrants, as well as how to promote the urbanization of rural migrants.

Urbanization of rural migrants: Harmonious coexistence between cities and villages

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1. The importance of urbanization of the agricultural migrant population

Urbanization of rural migrants is an important way to promote urban-rural integration and achieve common prosperity. On the one hand, with the acceleration of urbanization, the demand for labor in cities is increasing, and the rural migrant population has made great contributions to the development of cities.

Urbanization of rural migrants: Harmonious coexistence between cities and villages

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2. Challenges faced by the urbanization of rural migrants

Although the urbanization of rural migrants is of great significance, there are still many challenges in the actual process. First of all, the hukou system is one of the main obstacles to the urbanization of rural migrants. Due to the restrictions of the hukou system, many rural migrants do not have access to the same public services and social benefits as urban residents in urban areas. Second, there are many difficulties in housing, education, and medical care in urban areas, and it is difficult for rural migrants to truly integrate into urban life. In addition, the cultural differences and psychological quality of the agricultural migrant population also restrict the process of urbanization.

Urbanization of rural migrants: Harmonious coexistence between cities and villages

The picture comes from the Internet

3. Measures to promote the urbanization of the rural migrant population

In order to speed up the process of urbanization of the rural migrant population, the government and all sectors of society should take the following measures:

1. Reform the hukou system: remove the restrictions on rural migrants under the hukou system, so that they can enjoy the same social security and public services in the cities. This will help to eliminate the "marginal" identity of rural migrants and enhance their sense of belonging to the city.

2. Strengthen housing security: The government should increase investment in building housing suitable for rural migrants, such as public rental housing and co-ownership housing. At the same time, enterprises are encouraged to provide diversified housing options to meet the needs of different levels.

Urbanization of rural migrants: Harmonious coexistence between cities and villages

The picture comes from the Internet

3. Solve the problem of children's education: Establish and improve the education guarantee mechanism for the children of rural migrants to ensure that they enjoy the same access to school and treatment as local students. Strengthen the construction of schools for the children of migrant workers, and improve the quality of teaching and the level of teachers.

4. **Improve the medical and social security system**: Integrate the rural migrant population into the urban medical and social security system to ensure that they enjoy the same medical security as urban residents. Increase investment in grassroots medical institutions to improve service quality and coverage.

5. Strengthen vocational skills training: Carry out diversified vocational skills training to improve their employability and competitiveness in response to the skill needs of rural migrants. At the same time, enterprises are encouraged to increase investment in the training of agricultural migrants to promote their career development.

Urbanization of rural migrants: Harmonious coexistence between cities and villages

6. **Promote cultural integration**: Strengthen cultural exchanges and integration between rural migrants and urban residents, and eliminate cultural barriers. Organize various cultural activities to enhance mutual understanding and recognition, and create a harmonious and symbiotic social atmosphere.

7. **Strengthen psychological counseling**: Pay attention to the psychological adjustment of rural migrants, carry out mental health education activities, and help them better adapt to urban life and integrate into urban society. At the same time, establish and improve psychological counseling and crisis intervention mechanisms to provide timely psychological support for people in need.

8. **Improve relevant laws and regulations**: Formulate and improve laws and regulations to protect the rights and interests of rural migrants, and ensure that they enjoy equal political, labor, and educational rights. Increase the extent of punishment for acts that infringe on the rights and interests of rural migrants, and safeguard social fairness and justice.

9. Give play to the role of social organizations: Encourage and support all kinds of social organizations to participate in the work of urbanization of rural migrant population, and provide them with diversified services. Through the power of social organizations, we should strengthen the care and assistance for the rural migrant population and promote their all-round development.

Urbanization of rural migrants: Harmonious coexistence between cities and villages

The picture comes from the Internet

10. **Strengthen policy publicity and guidance**: Increase the publicity of the policy of urbanization of the agricultural transfer population, and improve the policy awareness rate. Popularize relevant knowledge through various channels such as the media and the Internet, and help the rural migrant population understand the policy, grasp the policy, and make good use of the policy. At the same time, positive guidance should be strengthened, typical examples should be set up, and the enthusiasm and creativity of the rural migrant population should be stimulated to integrate into the city.

In short, promoting the urbanization of the agricultural migrant population is a systematic project, which requires the joint efforts of the government and all sectors of society. Only by fully integrating the rural migrant population into the city can we achieve the goal of common development and common prosperity between urban and rural areas. Let us work together to make unremitting efforts to realize the vision of a better urban-rural symbiosis!

Urbanization of rural migrants: Harmonious coexistence between cities and villages

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