
Wang Shuo criticized Bai Yansong fiercely: The artificiality in his bones, Bai Yansong: Never return the favor, unless you scold my mother!


Wang Shuo is one of the top 10 Chinese writers in 2007 and the founder of the "ruffian literary style" in the true sense, but the reason for Wang Shuo's skyrocketing popularity has nothing to do with these two points.

Wang Shuo criticized Bai Yansong fiercely: The artificiality in his bones, Bai Yansong: Never return the favor, unless you scold my mother!

Wang Shuo has long been controversial in both the industry and society, and the main reason for this situation is that he boldly ridicules other public figures, which is not so much ridicule as criticism and evaluation.

Qi Baishi, Jin Yong, George W. Bush, the current leaders of Taiwan Province, Zhang Yimou, and Yu Qiuyu, no matter what your identity is and what kind of influence you have, from national leaders to industry leaders, you can all be the target of ridicule and criticism by Wang Shuo.

Wang Shuo criticized Bai Yansong fiercely: The artificiality in his bones, Bai Yansong: Never return the favor, unless you scold my mother!

And today, we will tell you a funny story about Wang Shuo's ridicule of a public figure.

01 The Fuse of the Incident: "Pain and Happiness"

In 2001, an autobiographical paperback book called "Pain and Happiness" landed on the market, and the author of this book was a well-known figure - Bai Yansong.

Wang Shuo criticized Bai Yansong fiercely: The artificiality in his bones, Bai Yansong: Never return the favor, unless you scold my mother!

In this book, Bai Yansong mainly tells about his experience from first leaving school to working at CCTV after that, and Bao Yansong not only describes his life experience in great detail in the book, including the daily life of the journalists he works with.

For the public, the journalists who appear on the TV screen themselves have a strong sense of mystery, and Bai Yansong's autobiography can become a major way for the people to satisfy their curiosity.

Wang Shuo criticized Bai Yansong fiercely: The artificiality in his bones, Bai Yansong: Never return the favor, unless you scold my mother!

Coupled with Bai Yansong's personal appeal as a guarantee, "Pain and Happiness" has been selling all the way, and in the case of the book's big sales, the distributor responsible for the publication of the book has also seen a major business opportunity.

As a result, the publisher approached Bai Yansong to hold a symposium on the content of his book, and Bai Yansong readily agreed, and with the successful completion of the symposium, the nature of the book and Bai Yansong's behavior quietly began to change.

02 Overheated hype and a burnt smell

The symposium was held as scheduled, and Bai Yansong and several colleagues and friends who had appeared in his book were present at the same time, and in the face of questions from the news media, Bai Yansong replied truthfully, and also brought his usual polite attitude and humorous style.

Wang Shuo criticized Bai Yansong fiercely: The artificiality in his bones, Bai Yansong: Never return the favor, unless you scold my mother!

As the publishers expected, after the symposium, the sales of "Pain and Happiness" reached another climax, but they did not intend to stop the sale, and of course the symposium could not be held again and again, so the publisher began to sublimate the depth and height of the book and its authors.

As we all know, Bai Yansong's life experience can be described by the word Huacai, since graduating from the Communication University of China, he was directly assigned to work at CCTV, and now every household will watch the news program "Oriental Time and Space" was founded by Bai Yansong.

In addition, Bai Yansong has presided over the live broadcast of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the site of the Three Gorges Dam interception of the flow of labor, the closing of the Olympic Games and other major occasions, these experiences that are difficult for ordinary people to achieve have given publishers great room to play.

Wang Shuo criticized Bai Yansong fiercely: The artificiality in his bones, Bai Yansong: Never return the favor, unless you scold my mother!

With the blessing of layers of packaging and hype, Bai Yansong's life achievements are even more chic and prominent, and even looks like a proud son of the sky.

Although the author's personal hype is helpful to the sales of the book, this kind of trick to steal the crowd is really too eager for quick success, and the publisher even forcibly connects Bai Yansong's personal experience with the development of the society and the country.

Obviously, the publisher's means aimed at profit are really excessive, but Bai Yansong's vague attitude of not standing up for timely self-reflection and correction also poured gasoline on this fire.

Wang Shuo criticized Bai Yansong fiercely: The artificiality in his bones, Bai Yansong: Never return the favor, unless you scold my mother!

At this point, some people in the literary world began to stand up and question this wave of overly exaggerated propaganda, Mr. Liu Heng once publicly shouted Bai Yansong, expressing in very vague and tactful words that personal experience should not be compared with the success of the country's social development.

03 "qualified" white rock pine

To say that among the doubts from the industry, Wang Shuo's "attack" is the most violent, and he bluntly said that Bai Yansong has a kind of "artificiality planted deep in the bones".

Because he has a more brilliant life experience and outstanding career achievements, he always exudes a kind of arrogance, but in some moments about interests, he reveals an extremely flattering low profile, and this contradiction reflects a very disgusting and contrived attitude.

Wang Shuo criticized Bai Yansong fiercely: The artificiality in his bones, Bai Yansong: Never return the favor, unless you scold my mother!

Regarding Wang Shuo's direct attack, Bai Yansong naturally did not fight back angrily, but responded lightly, "Being selected by Master Wang also shows that I am 'qualified', I will never fight back in the face of Wang Shuo's questioning, unless I scold my mother." ”

I have to say that Bai Yansong's reply is really ingenious, passing over the hot topic, and the last sentence used to embellish it also seems to contain, I have the meaning of bearing but I also have the bottom limit, and it also piggybacks at Wang Shuo's frequent comments on various celebrities.

In a recently aired program, Bai Yansong, who appeared as a guest, was also asked about Wang Shuo's evaluation of the incident that year, Bai Yansong responded, saying that there are too many misunderstandings, interlaced like mountains, and Wang Shuo does not know much about some rules in their industry circle.

Wang Shuo criticized Bai Yansong fiercely: The artificiality in his bones, Bai Yansong: Never return the favor, unless you scold my mother!

The above is all the content of Wang Shuo's ridicule of Bai Yansong, so what is your attitude towards this incident between Wang Shuo and Bai Yansong, and whose camp are you on?

04 Epilogue

In fact, about Bai Yansong, in the current Internet environment, the controversy about him is widespread and loud, and some netizens even ridiculed that "there was Yue Buqun in the past, and there is Bai Yansong today", this sentence even carries a slight personal attack.

After all, in martial arts novels, Yue Buqun, who is known as the "gentleman's sword", is actually an out-and-out hypocrite.

But Bai Yansong often adopts an accepting and tolerant attitude towards this kind of voice, and also responds with "If scolding me can make netizens feel better, it can be regarded as help".

Wang Shuo criticized Bai Yansong fiercely: The artificiality in his bones, Bai Yansong: Never return the favor, unless you scold my mother!

When it comes to Bai Yansong's business ability, he must be an excellent news media worker, and there are few places that can make people pick out the shortcomings when it comes to the impression he leaves in front of the public, so is the complaint of the masses the truth or an attempt to add to it?

The answer to this question seems to be really only vaguely answered by Bai Yansong's own words, "interlaced lines are like mountains".

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