
Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

author:Glad to see Talk
Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

(All of the content stated in this article is based on reliable sources, and is repeated at the end of the article)

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

What flies in the sky, swims under the sea, as long as people want to, there is nothing that cannot be eaten.

But are we really "those who come and don't turn away" and treat everything as food?

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

This must be inappropriate.

After all, people are always particular about eating.

Do not touch carnivores, only eat herbivores.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

Even if we have no food for a long time and are already hungry, we have never violated this red line.

So why is that?

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?
Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

The origin of human eating meat

A long time ago, people in primitive times relied on the sky for food and collected fruits and wild vegetables from the forest.

But over time, primitive people slowly became "tired" of vegetarian food, and turned their heads to have a new love.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

And this dramatic change seems to have been traced as early as two million years ago.

The change in the environment prompted people at that time to find ways to cope.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

When people discover the deliciousness and value of meat, they find that they can no longer live without meat.

Meat not only provided enough energy for the people of the time, but also promoted the slow evolution of the body.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

However, the forest is full of murderous motives, and if you are not careful, you may fall into a trap.

Hunting rabbits, pheasants and other more docile animals was not a big deal for people at that time.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

And those lions, leopards and other fierce animals, no one dares to touch them easily unless they have to.

However, the demand for meat is gradually increasing, and the number of prey that can be caught in the forest is decreasing.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

This also led to the fact that meat was in short supply to people at that time.

In order to have meat to eat for a long time, people began to use their wisdom.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

Thus began the long road of taming animals.

Hunted animals are not eaten there, but kept there.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

Animals such as chickens, ducks, geese, etc., are not only easy to tame, but also very easy to feed.

Whatever you stutter, these poultry can meet our daily needs.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

However, we found that during this whole process, people rarely went into captivity and ate the meat of carnivores.

Rather, he has always been fond of herbivores.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

What's going on here?

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

Why eat grass instead of meat?

Containment of the food chain

"The strong are king, the fittest survive" is an unwritten law of survival in nature.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

If you want to survive in nature, you can either rely on your own strong ability to "fight a bloody way" for yourself.

Either learn to "survive and steal", so that you can live your life in peace.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

Predators at the top of the food chain, as strong men, always stand on a high place and despise everything under their feet.

But how can they be at the top of the food chain?

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

That's of course because of their innate talent for survival in the wild.

Even we humans have to be polite to these carnivores at the top of the food chain.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

After all, if we are not careful, we can become food in their mouths.

Once this kind of "shameful" thing comes out, it will affect the reputation of his family.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

Since it is risky to hunt carnivores, it is natural to choose the one who is good to "bully".

俗话说:“柿子要挑软的捏。 ”

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

It's okay if the carnivore "can't be beaten", isn't there still herbivores waiting for us?

In comparison, the lethality of herbivores is simply not worth mentioning.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

Herbivores in nature are not too hostile to exotic "predators".

will even happily "beckon" humans to their lair.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

I don't know if it's going to be "a pot".

With such a low-risk good thing, we don't want to risk our lives to hunt predators.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

However, the distinction between herbivorous and carnivorous food seems to have only just begun.

Herbivores are easy to keep

Wild and untamable seems to have always been an indelible "label" on wild animals.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

Quietly ambush, stand still, just wait for a good time, and then "kill the prey in front of you with one blow".

The risk factor of carnivores has always been full of stars.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

In the era of backward production technology, let alone keeping them in captivity, it is difficult to even hunt them.

In contrast, herbivores don't seem to be as risky.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

The docile nature of herbivores, as well as their proximity to people, make it easy to "persuade" them.

In the era of agriculture, people's vision has long been not limited to the one-third of an acre of land in front of them.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

"How can I have a constant supply of food, how can I have no worries about food and clothing?"

Slowly, people at that time seemed to have found a way to survive.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

Make a circle with a fence, prepare food and grass, catch a few herbivores, and put them in your own enclosure.

Just wait for sheep to give birth to sheep, pigs and pigs, and you can't eat them all when you raise them.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

In addition, even if we can tame wild animals such as tigers and lions, it is difficult for the average family to afford them.

Herbivores are easy to feed, and farmers only need to mow more grass and prepare sufficient nutrients during the slack season.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

What about carnivores?

Ordinary people can't eat meat themselves, let alone feed it to these carnivores.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

We are naturally unwilling to pay at a high cost but not receive the same harvest.

Well, in addition to this, there is another benefit of herbivores that we did not expect.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

The safety of meat

As the saying goes, "Sickness comes from the mouth." ”

Both for us humans and for animals in nature, it is possible to suffer because of gluttony.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

For herbivores, as long as there is grass in the forest, there is no shortage of food and drink.

But what about carnivores?

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

The flowers and plants of the forest are no longer delicious food, they prefer meat.

So, lying in ambush in all corners of the forest, waiting for the "fish to take the bait".

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

If you're lucky, carnivores can easily have a good harvest and then have a full meal.

But there are always misfortunes.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

After all, they are also animals, and no one is willing to cook each other's food.

Carnivores can starve or even starve to death if they don't eat meat.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

As a result, carnivores wander the forest in search of abandoned food.

Abandoned food has long since become stale and some have gone bad.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

But carnivores can't do that much.

I just want to bury my head in hard work and enjoy the "big cake that has fallen from the world".

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

At this time, the germs produced in the food enter the animals.

At this point, the carnivores seem to be a walking "germ".

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

No matter how delicious this kind of meat is, people don't want to eat it.

In contrast, herbivores rely on safer food sources to avoid the "invasion" of germs.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

If we know that there are tigers in the mountains, we still prefer to go to the tiger mountains.

Once something happens because of gluttony, you can only bear it yourself.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?
Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

Meat and vegetarian matching, balanced nutrition

As the saying goes, "No meat, no joy." ”

Nowadays, in the eyes of many carnivorous lovers, it is simply inseparable from meat.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

If you don't get your favorite meat one day, you find it hard to swallow the whole meal.

But even if we have a great love for meat, we must refrain from it.

After all, liking is convergence, and liking is restraint.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

Carnivores' penchant for eating meat is never something to be seen for.

But in any case, it is necessary to refrain from eating meat.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

After all, once it is excessive, it may end up with a counterproductive effect.

Meat and vegetable combination and balanced nutrition are also part of our lives.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

Eating meat is good, but our lives are also inseparable from the nutrition of a vegetarian diet.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

Nowadays, our lives have been turned upside down, and it is not uncommon to have meat all of a sudden.

Different regional characteristics have created different carnivorous cultures.

Why is it that most of the meat people eat comes from herbivores, and rarely eats the meat of carnivores?

While we respect the carnivores, we must also be careful not to put any meat in our mouths.

Reference Sources:

[1] Guangming Daily, the official website, "Animal History: A New Field of Research"

[2] The official website of Xinhuanet "Zooarchaeology Revealed: What Meat Do Liangzhu People Love to Eat?"

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