
Is regular gua sha good for the body?Is the scraped sha a toxin in the body?

author:Xiaoya's head nurse

Gua Sha, an ancient and traditional Chinese medicine method, has flowed for thousands of years in the history and culture of the mainland, and it has been loved by the public for its unique health care concept and simple and easy operation from ancient times to the present.

Nowadays, whether it is a health center, a physiotherapy center or a home self-care, we can see the figure of gua sha. You may have experienced the skillful gua sha of your friends and family, or tried to soothe your back with a tool when you are tired.

So, is it really good for the body to do gua sha regularly? When the red and purple "scars" appear on our skin, are they really the toxins excreted from the body? These doubts have put a question mark in the hearts of many people.

Today, I will lead you to demystify the gua sha therapy, so that you can use this traditional and modern health care method more wisely.

Is regular gua sha good for the body?Is the scraped sha a toxin in the body?

First, the introduction of gua sha

When we talk about gua sha, we're talking about an ancient technique that has thousands of years of history. Gua Sha, which originated from the mainland, is not only a simple body care method, but also a complex and exquisite medical theory deeply rooted in the traditional Chinese medicine system.

The history of gua sha can be traced back to the Stone Age, when people used a variety of stones to gently scrape on the skin with the aim of relieving pain. The earliest written record of gua sha technology can be traced back to the Song Dynasty, and with the evolution of history, gua sha did not enter the orthodox medical system like acupuncture, but was more spread among the people.

Is regular gua sha good for the body?Is the scraped sha a toxin in the body?

So, how does gua sha work? In the system of traditional Chinese medicine, a person's health status is determined by the smooth flow of "qi and blood". According to TCM, physical discomfort is often caused by a blockage of the flow of qi and blood, or a blockage of the "meridians" (an imaginary path of energy flowing through the body). Gua sha is to stimulate these meridians by scraping on the skin, thereby promoting the flow of qi and blood, and achieving the purpose of relieving pain and disease.

Traditional Chinese medicine also pays attention to the concept of "disease from the outside". To put it simply, it is to help the body eliminate those external factors that cause discomfort, such as cold and moisture, through external operations such as gua sha. This is also why many people will see those red, purple, purple scars on their skin after gua sha, which Chinese medicine believes to be a sign that bad elements in the body have been taken out of the body.

Of course, from the perspective of modern medicine, there is still some controversy about the effect and principle of gua sha. But it is undeniable that as a time-honored traditional treatment modality, gua sha still has a place in many people's daily health care. It is not only a simple treatment, but also a cultural inheritance and embodiment.

Is regular gua sha good for the body?Is the scraped sha a toxin in the body?

Second, the operation of gua sha

Okay, now let's talk about how gua sha works. Gua sha may sound a little intimidating, but it's actually quite a simple process, and the key is to get the technique right.

First of all, you have to have the right tools. Traditionally, the tools used for gua sha are made of horn or buffalo horn, although there are many gua sha boards made of jade, stainless steel and even plastic on the market. In fact, it is okay to choose any material, mainly depends on personal preference.

Then, it's time to apply some lubricant. This is important because it is not very comfortable to scrape directly on dry skin. Gua sha oil, massage oil, or even a regular body lotion can generally be used. After applying the lubricant, the skin will be slippery and much easier to scrape.

Is regular gua sha good for the body?Is the scraped sha a toxin in the body?

Next is the core part of gua sha. Holding a gua sha board, scrape along the skin with the edges, but with some force. It usually follows the meridians of the body, such as from the neck down to the back, or from the arms to the wrists. During this process, you may feel a little sour and a little painful, but you must not scrape too hard, otherwise it is easy to hurt the skin.

During the process, you will see some red or purple marks gradually appear on the skin, commonly known as "sha". These scars are actually bruising caused by the stimulation of the small blood vessels under the skin. In traditional Chinese medicine, this is considered to be to eliminate bad elements from the body, but from the perspective of modern medicine, this is more of a reaction of local blood circulation.

The whole gua sha process takes about a few minutes to ten minutes, depending on the size of the area you scrape. After shaving, remember to drink some warm water to help your body recover. Generally, the scars will fade naturally within a few days to a week.

Is regular gua sha good for the body?Is the scraped sha a toxin in the body?

3. Gua sha in modern medicine

First of all, it has to be said that Western medicine actually has some reservations about the ancient art of gua sha. Why? Because scientific research has not yet fully understood the effect and mechanism of gua sha. But that doesn't mean gua sha isn't useful. In fact, some studies suggest that gua sha may indeed help relieve muscle tension and pain, especially for office workers who sit in the office for long periods of time, and scraping their backs or shoulders can relieve some stress.

Then, regarding the scraped sha, modern medicine believes that it is more due to bruising caused by the rupture of small blood vessels under the skin, rather than the so-called "detoxification". The detoxification process of the body is actually mainly done through the liver and kidneys, and the scars on the skin have little to do with detoxification.

Of course, gua sha is not a panacea. It may not be suitable for everyone, such as those with sensitive skin or specific health problems. Shaving too hard or with the wrong technique can cause skin injuries or other adverse reactions.

So, although gua sha is a good thing in the eyes of many people, it can relieve pain and relax the body, but we also have to know that it is not without risks. In particular, it is best to consult a doctor or professional before trying any new self-treatment method.

Is regular gua sha good for the body?Is the scraped sha a toxin in the body?

Fourth, the role of gua sha

Traditional Chinese medicine theories believe that gua sha can remove dampness and curb evil, regulate yin and yang, pass through menstruation and blood, activate the meridians and relieve pain. Clinically, it can relieve muscle aches, fever, and the initial symptoms of a cold.

However, modern medicine has increasingly shown that the effects of gua sha also have a biomedical basis, including multiple effects such as promoting metabolism, regulating the immune system and anti-inflammatory system nerves, regulating endocrine regulation, and improving skin tissue and vascular microcirculation.

Overall, gua sha with the right technique and the right timing is good for your health.

Is regular gua sha good for the body?Is the scraped sha a toxin in the body?


In general, gua sha, as an ancient Chinese medicine method, not only carries rich cultural connotations, but also plays a certain role in health care in modern society.

While there are some differences between traditional Chinese medicine theories and modern medicine regarding the effects and mechanisms of gua sha, both recognize its potential benefits in relieving muscle tension, pain, and improving blood circulation.

However, we should also be soberly aware that gua sha is not suitable for everyone, nor is it a panacea for all diseases.

Before performing gua sha, it is very important to understand your physical condition and consult a medical professional if necessary. At the same time, mastering the correct gua sha skills and strength to avoid skin damage caused by excessive operation is also the key to ensuring that gua sha is safe and effective.