
"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

author:Chen Zhihua views the world

Liu Zhaohua is known as China's version of "Breaking Bad".

Since 1997, it has produced a total of 31 tons of drugs, far exceeding the total production of drugs in other countries around the world, and the profit has reached more than 30 million.

In 2015, Liu Zhaohua was finally arrested, and in the face of police reprimands, he claimed that he was avenging the Opium War, "People have used opium to open the door to China, and I should be able to open their door with methamphetamine." ”

With a patriotic voice to cover his crimes, what happened to him now?

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are detailed at the end of the article

1. The starting point of drug production

Liu Zhaohua, talented and intelligent, has been an excellent member of the class since he was a child, in all disciplines, his favorite is chemistry, and he has also won the second prize in the National Chemistry League.

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

Unfortunately, his family was poor, he dropped out of school early, and at the age of 18, he was conscripted into the army, and within five years, he was promoted to an outstanding cadre, and he also acted as the secretary general, which can be said to have a bright future.

But Liu Zhaohua was in pain, his original intention was to make a lot of money, after being promoted to a cadre, he could only continue to serve for 15 years before he could change jobs, and during these 15 years, his salary was only a fixed few dozen yuan, which could not satisfy his ideas at all.

So he took advantage of his position, deliberately embezzled 145 yuan to make people discover, the following year, he successfully changed careers, became a bailiff, since 1990, all localities are actively developing the economy, began to attract investment.

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

And won the third prize, Liu Zhaohua, who is known as an advanced worker, naturally accepted the task, he received all kinds of businessmen who came to invest, although there were all kinds of people who came, they all had one thing in common, that is, money.

Liu Zhaohua cooperated with them, took advantage of his position, went through the back door for them, and bought 2 of the most popular cars at that time in just a few years, and he also realized the benefits of making a lot of money.

In 1993, he hosted a Guangdong investor, Chen Bingxi, and this directly changed his life.

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

2. Liu Zhaohua made drugs

At a dinner table, Chen Bingxi took out a bag of drugs and introduced to Liu Zhaohua that as long as such a small bag was tens of thousands of yuan, under the temptation of money, Liu Zhaohua decided to follow Chen Bingxi to do it together.

Taking advantage of his position, he provided Chen Bingxi with internal information about the police station many times, and also made a lot of money, but he was still not satisfied, he wanted to make a lot of money, in his opinion, the money earned by providing information for Chen Bingxi was just the tip of the iceberg.

So, in 1994, Liu Zhaohua completely resigned from his position as a bailiff and built a three-story small western-style building in his hometown, devoting himself to the development of drugs.

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

The biggest difficulty he encountered at that time was that ephedrine, the raw material for the production of drugs, was strictly controlled by the state, and the first step in the production of drugs seemed to fail, but Liu Zhaohua did not give up, used his chemical advantages, taught himself synthesis technology, and finally discovered that methamphetamine and another raw material can be mixed to replace ephedrine.

This also gave him a lot of confidence, but the drugs he produced were always unformed, yellow in color, and ugly in appearance, so that no one would buy them.

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

So Liu Zhaohua inquired in many ways, and finally heard that there was a retired old professor at Xi'an Jiaotong University who specialized in crystallization and purification technology, so he took the sample he made, claiming that it was a diet pill, and asked the old professor for advice.

The old professor checked the information and found that the sample did contain weight loss ingredients, so he kindly helped Liu Zhaohua, but he never expected that Liu Zhaohua not only did not apply the technology to diet pills, but used it to make drugs.

With the help of the professor's technique, this time he made a drug that was not only translucent in color, but also 99% pure.

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

So he cooperated with Chen Bingxi again, the two divided the labor, Liu Zhaohua was responsible for production, Chen Bingxi was responsible for sales, in order not to attract the attention of the police, Chen Bingxi specially transported drugs overseas, so the first batch of them safely earned millions of yuan, but this did not satisfy the ambitions of the two, but made the drug business bigger and bigger.

In 1997, while Chen Bingxi was selling drugs, he and another companion were arrested by the police, but the two refused to confess to Liu Zhaohua, the producer behind the drugs, because Liu Zhaohua had promised them that they would be rescued once they were arrested.

It wasn't until the last trial that the two found out that they had been deceived, so they recruited Liu Zhaohua, and this also began Liu Zhaohua's 10-year escape journey.

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

3. Slipped out of the eyes of the police three times

At that time, after the trial, the police immediately arrested Liu Zhaohua, but who would have thought that Liu Zhaohua was sitting under the trial stage at that time, and after hearing the two confess themselves, Liu Zhihua immediately got up and left.

When the police arrived at Liu Zhaohua's home, Liu Zhaohua had already crossed the river through the tunnel of his home and left by speedboat, which was the first confrontation between Liu Zhaohua and the police.

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

In the following two years, Liu Zhaohua disappeared without a trace, as if there was no such person, until another drug case occurred, and Liu Zhaohua was unexpectedly involved.

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

In 1999, the police seized 400 catties of drugs in Guangzhou, and accidentally found a warehouse, which was full of 12 tons of drugs, according to the captured drug dealers, these 12 tons of drugs were made by Liu Zhaohua, and they were generally traded in the presidential hotel in Guangzhou, and Liu Zhaohua lived in room 818.

The police hurried to the hotel, and it happened that Liu Zhaohua was rushing back to the hotel at that time, and saw the police surrounding the hotel, he did not turn around and leave, but put on a mask, pretended to be a cold, and entered the elevator with the police, when he saw the police pressing the 8th floor, and learned that he was looking for himself, Liu Zhaohua pressed the 7th floor and walked out of the hotel from the 7th floor.

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

After walking out of the hotel, he knew that the nearby stations and major traffic intersections must be strictly guarded, so he bought a second-hand bicycle, rode slowly to Tianhe, Guangzhou, and then took a taxi to Xiamen.

Later, he came to Guilin, Guangxi, started a business with a fake identity, and continued to make drugs secretly, with the outflow of a large number of drugs, the police issued an A-level reward order: Liu Zhaohua, about 1.7 meters tall, fat, with a scar on his right eyebrow, a reward of 200,000 yuan to collect information.

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

In the following hour, the police received a large number of police calls, among which two identical clues attracted the attention of the police, the other party's name is Li Senqing, an investor in Guilin, Guangxi, and after police identification, the other party is Liu Zhaohua, who is on the run.

And the most ironic thing is that Liu Zhaohua was eating in a restaurant at the time, and happened to see the wanted notice on TV, and calmly chatted with the boss, saying that the people on TV really looked like him, and he left after eating slowly, without arousing suspicion at all.

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

Subsequently, Liu Zhaohua fled to a cave in Yangshuo, Guangxi, where he lived for 16 days, and when the police finally searched the cave, all that was left was the words "Li Senqing visited here", and in the depths of the cave, there were three big characters of Liu Zhaohua.

The police pounced again, this is the third confrontation between Liu Zhaohua and the police, so how was Liu Zhaohua arrested?

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

4. Liu Zhaohua was arrested

Liu Zhaohua is arrogant and confident, and in 2003, he also made headlines in the newspaper because of his courage and courage with 3 thieves, but unfortunately, this newspaper did not cause much sensation at the time.

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

In 2005, Liu Zhaohua came to Fu'an, Fujian Province again, and came to a small village as an investor, where yew was planted, but in fact, Liu Zhaohua was interested in the nearby natural caves, which were very easy to make drugs.

In 2005, this time the police focused on Liu Zhaohua's third wife Li Xiaoqing, it turned out that on the way to escape, Liu Zhaohua also married two wives, and his original partner also became a monk because of his escape.

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

This time, the police kept an eye on Li Xiaoqing, did not startle the snake, and finally after a month of observation, Liu Zhaohua appeared, and this time the police finally arrested him.

However, Liu Zhaohua, who was arrested, claimed that he was educated to make drugs, and that people used opium to open our country, and now he can also use drugs to open people's doors.

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

He also claimed that he did not make a mistake and did not force others to take drugs, but after the court ruled that Liu Zhaohua produced 31 tons of drugs and was sentenced to death.

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

Subsequently, Liu Zhaohua was not satisfied and appealed, and finally in 2009, with the approval of the Supreme People's Court, Liu Zhaohua upheld the original verdict and carried out the death penalty, and a generation of drug lords finally came to an end.

So why is Liu Zhaohua so obsessed with making a lot of money? Even if he violates the law and commits crimes, in fact, this is inseparable from his upbringing.

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

5. Reasons for embarking on the path of drug production

Liu Zhaohua, born in Fu'an, Fujian Province in 1965, is from a poor family, and the family only relies on his father to sell tofu for a living.

Liu Zhaohua's childhood can be said to be extremely unsmooth, his father died of illness when he was 12 years old, his mother was paralyzed, and he could only rely on his 4 older brothers and sisters to take care of him.

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

Although he was smart and had excellent grades, Liu Zhaohua could only drop out of school early and became an apprentice in an auto repair factory.

This left a lot of shadows on Liu Zhaohua's heart, he always thought that if he had money, would things be completely different, he didn't have to drop out of school, his brothers and sisters' children were treated in time, and they were still alive, and the family was happy.

Slowly, Liu Zhaohua became obsessed with money, as long as he could get money, he could do whatever he wanted, even if it was illegal or criminal, and this also led him to participate in drug production later.

"Breaking Bad" Liu Zhaohua: 31 tons of drugs were exported to Europe and the United States, threatening to avenge the Opium War

6. Conclusion

It is undeniable that if Liu Zhaohua had not embarked on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes, he would definitely become a rare chemical genius, but it is a pity that his cleverness was used in the wrong place.

Information source: Hebei Satellite TV documentary "The Whole Journey: Hunting for the Big Drug Lord Liu Zhaohua"