
Demystifying the world of social networking: "BeeFi" pushes the door to the crypto social SocialFi economy

author:Observer of the crypto space

We are now at a historical turning point: the decentralization of social networks is inevitable on the basis of the Web3 revolution's planned reconstruction of the monetary system, financial markets, and labor. Cybercitizens need a new-age public forum and information marketplace that aligns with the values of decentralized cyberspace.

There is evidence that centralized social media platforms in Web2 are stifling third-party innovation and are already hitting the ceiling of their own user and profit growth. For new builders and giants themselves, decentralization is the most ideal way out. Witnessing how Web3 technologies (blockchain, cryptography, P2P networks) are shaking the global economic order gives us enough confidence that Web3 will change the landscape of social platforms and establish a new order.

Understanding and participating in the historic movement of decentralized social networks will make us – builders, investors, and cyber citizens – more sensitive to change and the future, and able to participate and be part of it. BeeFi will use our unique fusion approach to the construction of decentralized social networking, combined with open finance, using market mechanisms to cultivate a wide range of Internet decentralized innovation, and create a new decentralized social network.

Demystifying the world of social networking: "BeeFi" pushes the door to the crypto social SocialFi economy

What kind of platform is BeeFi?

BeeFi is a decentralized social traffic aggregation platform that helps users seamlessly transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0, providing users with a free, easy, safe and reliable communication application. With "social networking as the core, finance as the foundation", BeeFi builds a troika of "social + finance + DAO autonomy" for users through blockchain decentralized technology, so that users can not only enjoy the pleasant experience brought by social entertainment, but also have the ownership of data and the benefits generated by it through the financial system, which not only protects social privacy, but also obtains economic incentives.

BeeFi's Vision and Goals

We are living on the web. The Internet is not an entertainment place that can be abandoned at any time, but a habitat for our social relationships. Marx once defined man as the sum total of social relations, and now the network is the field where we demonstrate how man can become a modern man.

However, when we look back at this habitat, we will find that it has been monopolized by a handful of Internet giants. When the Internet was first born, the prophets promised us a land of freedom. Today, this land of freedom has lost its vitality, and the field of human self-expression and friendship has become the private property of a group of tech giants. Our data is stolen by them, and our consciousness is interfered with by them. There is no doubt that this is very dangerous.

At a time when the economic size and political influence of multinational tech giants can shake small and medium-sized countries, a long-brewing and incomparably avant-garde force is surging underneath and is almost about to erupt. This force is almost the same as the power that once rose from the tech giants, and it comes from a group of geeks who think deeply about the online world and are deeply concerned about the fate of humanity, and we are part of it.

Just as capitalism has created its own gravediggers, the proletarians, as it has developed itself, we believe that the tech giants at the peak of their development are also creating their opponents. When the totalitarian power of cyberspace and the monopoly of data property developed to a certain point, the forces that rebelled against them began to become a trend. What BeeFi wants to do is to build a portal to Web3.0 for all online citizens in the old Web 2.0 world, and introduce the concept of SocialFI into real life, so as to truly combine the virtual and the real, and create more opportunities and value for users and creators.

What does BeeFi do?

Starting from social networking, BeeFi uses DeFi to motivate every community user, breaking the traditional unfair distribution of creative income, so that every creator can enjoy exclusive income, so as to motivate more users to integrate into the BeeFi community ecology and maintain the healthy and stable development of the ecosystem through DAO autonomy.

In the early stage, BeeFi opened six functions with short videos as the core, gathering more like-minded friends through live broadcasts, shopping, etc., and then further deepening social relationships through honey chatting, honey friends, honey meetings, etc. Users can act as service providers and earn points for content production, tipping, sales, etc.

Demystifying the world of social networking: "BeeFi" pushes the door to the crypto social SocialFi economy

In terms of the DeFi financial system, BeeFi provides users with a SocialFi economic system, which issues honey coins based on the blockchain and is used for all tipping or consumption behaviors of the BeeFi community. Before the opening of the secondary market, honey coins will be distributed in the form of points, and users can obtain computing power output by completing daily tasks, or through gifts such as rewards and gifts from others. At the same time, the economic incentive mechanism launched by BeeFi provides users with more economic incentives and participation opportunities, and users can earn points through social activities, content creation, community building, etc., which can be used to purchase goods and services, or exchanged for other digital assets. Secondly, BeeFi APP has launched a computing power point system, in which you can get computing rewards as long as you complete daily tasks or create content to develop the community, completely breaking the monopoly of traditional social platforms and giving rights and interests to every creator and users who are helpful to the development of the community.

Through the SocialFi economic system + economic incentive mechanism + computing power point system, every user, creator, and sharer can obtain corresponding rights and interests through their own hard work.

In terms of community management, BeeFi co-governs all communities through "honey DAOs" and votes together to make decisions on the development of BeeFi. "Honey DAO" is composed of paid members, and any proposal proposed by node members must be approved by more than 60% of the Honey DAO members within the voting period before it can be implemented.

Honey DAO has many rights and benefits:

1. Voting rights: All votes can only be executed with the consent of more than 60% of the honey DAO.

2. Initiating decisions (node members): such as removing a certain work, such as token issuance rules, community development strategies, etc.

3. Promotion right: You can refer friends to get income.

4. Rank benefits: The higher the level, the better the benefits.

5. Shareholder rights: Honey DAO enjoys all the rights and interests as a shareholder of BeeFi, and everyone is equal.

Who's behind BeeFi?

1) Core team

BeeFi has an elite team from all over the world. There are more than 50 full-time entrepreneurial team members, including technology geeks, members of early-stage crypto venture capital funds, members of the Asia-Pacific crypto community, and full-time members of social media operations. We have extensive experience in social media operations and services.

2)BeeFi Labs

BeeFi Labs is a network protocol research, development and deployment laboratory founded based on the BeeFi decentralized social platform, mainly responsible for the technical research and development of BeeFi, and is committed to promoting the ecological development of BeeFi and the continuous exploration of decentralized encrypted social technology.

BeeFi Labs adopts the DAO community autonomy for technology research and development, and has long invited computer geniuses, financiers, mathematicians, philosophers and IT elites from all over the world to provide solutions for the connection of decentralized encrypted social networks and the Web3.0 world.

3) Strategic partners

BeeFi has reached a strategic partnership with ATV, which has an absolute advantage in terms of content, whether it is the exclusive information of TV programs or the news of ATV's contract artists, you can browse on BeeFi for the first time. Asia Television's ace program [Miss Asia Global Election] will also invite BeeFi as a long-term media partner, more exclusive reports + fan voting mechanism on BeeFi, so that users can enjoy more special benefits.

Demystifying the world of social networking: "BeeFi" pushes the door to the crypto social SocialFi economy

4) Technical support

BeeFi also receives technical support from XpansionChain. XpansionChain provides more convenient functional technical support and powerful application advantages for BeeFi, so that BeeFi can become a key recommended product directly on the XpansionChain official website, so that farming blockchain enthusiasts can better understand the ecology and financial solutions of BeeFi, so as to open up Web3 users to enter BeeFi.

Based on the technical support of XpansionChain, BeeFi enjoys fees that are far lower than more than 95% of public chain transfers and transactions in the market, and obtains functions such as decentralized exchange lending and cross-rollup bridges, which allow users to cross-chain assets between multiple mainstream block networks such as Ethereum, StarkNet, and zkSync, bringing more convenience to BeeFi members.

Demystifying the world of social networking: "BeeFi" pushes the door to the crypto social SocialFi economy

The next phase of development is planned: a better user experience

BeeFi doesn't stop at a crypto social tool

BeeFi will continue to explore in the field of Web3.0 in the later stage, based on the layout of SocialFi social ecology, advertising tasks, live streaming, cross-border e-commerce, supply chain finance, NFT ecology, GameFi ecology, AI ecology, metaverse ecology, Web3.0 aggregator and other tracks, to launch more application ecology, bring more entertainment experience to users, and create a new SocialFi economy.

BeeFi is working hard to develop more features to unleash the imagination on the web, so that users can surf and communicate more freely and freely on the web.

Demystifying the world of social networking: "BeeFi" pushes the door to the crypto social SocialFi economy


In the future, BeeFi will take the function of blockchain to carry value and deliver value to the extreme, build a Web3.0 social network infrastructure that can generate value exchange, decentralized sharing and co-creation, community autonomy (DAO), and hope to realize the interconnection between various independent ecosystems, build a bridge between each continent, let human beings understand the new universe empowered by Web3.0 from a new dimension, and bring the concept of equality and openness of Wed3.0 to the extreme, which will make hundreds of millions of users more free.

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