
Which is healthier, "defecation" in the morning or "defecation" in the evening? Most people may be wrong

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

On the stage of life, the five protagonists of eating, drinking, pulling, sprinkling, and sleeping each play a crucial role, among them, the word "pull" is the act of defecation that we have to do every day.

Bowel movements, as the last process of metabolism, shoulder the mission of eliminating toxins, waste and impurities from the body, it is more like a victory for the body to protect itself.

In daily life, people often have the desire to defecate at a specific time, some people get up early in the morning to have the need to defecate, while some people only have the need to defecate at night.

This difference in bowel Xi, over time, gradually becomes a part of people's lives, and at some point, the body seems to have its own consciousness, urging us to go to the toilet.

Which is healthier, "defecation" in the morning or "defecation" in the evening? Most people may be wrong

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So, who is better Xi those who are accustomed to bowel movements in the morning or those who defecate at night? In fact, the habit Xi of healthy bowel movements does not depend on the time, but on the regularity and comfort of bowel movements.

As long as bowel Xi is regular and there is no pain or discomfort, it is a sign of good health, both in the morning and at night. After all, everyone's biological clock and life Xi are different, so there is no need to stick to one "ideal" bowel time.


What's the problem with frequent constipation? Help you find out the 4 "culprits"

1. Dietary factors: Diet is one of the main causes of constipation. Constipation can occur if the diet lacks enough dietary fiber, does not consume enough water, or is too greasy and spicy.

Therefore, maintaining a balanced diet, eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains and other foods rich in dietary fiber, and drinking plenty of water can help prevent constipation.

Which is healthier, "defecation" in the morning or "defecation" in the evening? Most people may be wrong

2. Lack of exercise: Long-term sedentary and lack of exercise can also lead to constipation. Proper exercise can promote bowel movement and help with bowel movements. It is recommended to maintain a certain amount of exercise every day, such as walking, jogging, yoga, etc.

3. Mental stress: Long-term mental stress may lead to intestinal dysfunction and trigger constipation. Learning to relax, regulate your emotions, and maintain a happy mood can help prevent constipation.

4. Intestinal diseases: Certain intestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, etc., can also cause constipation. If constipation persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly.


Which is healthier, "defecation" in the morning or "defecation" in the evening? Most people may be wrong

First, let's take a look at the benefits of having a bowel movement in the morning. Bowel movements in the morning help to remove waste and toxins from the intestines, reduce the burden on the intestines, and prevent constipation and intestinal diseases. In addition, having a bowel movement in the morning can also help improve the body's metabolic level and immunity, which is beneficial to good health.

Which is healthier, "defecation" in the morning or "defecation" in the evening? Most people may be wrong

However, having a bowel movement at night is not without its benefits. For some people, having a bowel movement at night may be more helpful for relaxation and reducing stress and anxiety. In addition, having a bowel movement at night can also help avoid the embarrassment and inconvenience of having a bowel movement at night.

So, which one is healthier? In fact, the key is not to have a bowel movement in the morning or at night, but to have a bowel Xi and regularity.

If a person can maintain a regular bowel Xi and not stick to morning or evening, then he is healthy. In addition, we need to pay attention to the adjustment of diet and lifestyle Xi to avoid constipation and intestinal diseases.


What are the effects of chaotic bowel movements on physical health?

First, it can lead to intestinal dysfunction, which in turn can lead to digestive problems such as constipation or diarrhea. When the timing of bowel movements is irregular, the peristalsis of the intestines also becomes irregular, which affects the normal bowel process.

Which is healthier, "defecation" in the morning or "defecation" in the evening? Most people may be wrong

Secondly, chaotic bowel movements can also have an impact on mental health. Prolonged constipation or diarrhea may cause physical discomfort, affect mood and psychological state, and make people feel anxious, depressed and other negative emotions. These emotional problems further aggravate the intestinal problems, creating a vicious circle.

In addition, disrupted bowel schedules can have an impact on other aspects of physical health. For example, intestinal problems can affect nutrient absorption, leading to problems such as malnutrition, abnormal weight, etc. Long-term constipation may also increase the risk of diseases such as hemorrhoids and bowel cancer.


How to develop a good Xi habit of regular bowel movements?

First of all, develop good eating Xi. Eating more foods rich in dietary fiber, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc., can help promote intestinal peristalsis and help with bowel movements. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a regular diet, avoid overeating, and avoid spicy, greasy and other irritating foods.

Second, develop good bowel Xi habits. Have a regular bowel movement every day, as much as possible after breakfast, because the colon propulsion is active after breakfast and it is easy to defecate.

Which is healthier, "defecation" in the morning or "defecation" in the evening? Most people may be wrong

It is necessary to avoid bowel movements during busy work, study Xi time or uncomfortable occasions, which can easily cause irregular bowel movements and affect intestinal health.

In addition, maintain good Xi habits. Proper exercise can promote bowel movements and help with bowel movements. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain adequate sleep and avoid staying up late, overwork, etc., which can affect the body's metabolism and intestinal function.

Finally, keep a good mindset. Emotional stability and happiness can help with intestinal health and avoid problems such as constipation. If you encounter a problem with poor bowel movements, do not be overly anxious and nervous, as this will only aggravate the problem. It can help with bowel movements by relaxing the mind, adjusting the state of mind, etc.


Is there really 6 kg of stool in the human body?

The human intestine is a very complex system that includes parts such as the small intestine, large intestine, and rectum. The small intestine is mainly responsible for absorbing nutrients from food, while the large intestine is responsible for absorbing water and forming stool.

Which is healthier, "defecation" in the morning or "defecation" in the evening? Most people may be wrong

Stool forms gradually in the large intestine, but sometimes, for some reason, some of the stool may become trapped in the intestine, forming a so-called "stool".

In fact, this figure is a widely spread misconception that while some people may experience intestinal retention for a period of time, it does not mean that they have 6 kg of stool in their body.

In fact, according to medical research, the length and curvature of the human intestine are very complex, and the distribution of feces in the intestines is not uniform, so it is difficult to determine whether there is 6 kg of stool in a person's body.

In addition, there are many microbial flora in the gut of the human body, which play an important role in human health. These flora can help digest food, synthesize vitamins, and maintain gut health. Therefore, even if a small amount of stool is lodged in the intestines, it does not necessarily have a negative impact on human health.

Which is healthier, "defecation" in the morning or "defecation" in the evening? Most people may be wrong

In conclusion, there is no such thing as 6 kg of stool in the human body, a number that has been widely disseminated, and although some people may experience intestinal retention, this does not mean that they have a large amount of stool in their body.