
A heavy goods vehicle caught fire, and the high-speed toll collector fought bravely

author:Modern Express


Modern Express News (Correspondent Ge Han Reporter Gauda) A few days ago, outside a high-speed toll station in Suzhou, a heavy truck burst into flames, and the fire extinguisher could not control the fire at all. With the explosion of the front wheels of the vehicle, a pillar of fire about 10 meters high rose up, thick smoke billowed from the scene, and the fierce fire quickly spread to the cab and fuel tank. At the critical moment, the toll station staff calmly rescued and controlled the scene together with the traffic police and obstacle removal team members to assist the fire brigade to extinguish the fire.

A heavy goods vehicle caught fire, and the high-speed toll collector fought bravely

At around 9:30 a.m. on January 2, 2024, a heavy truck left the lane from the exit of the Changshu East Toll Station of the Suzhou Expressway and stopped in the outer square. After the driver of the car got out of the car, he hurriedly ran to the toll station, indicating that the brake pads of the right front wheel of the vehicle had a serious smell and there was a possibility of fire, and asked the toll station staff to assist.

Wu Junfei, a staff member, and Tang Mengxi, a safety administrator who was patrolling the lane at the time, immediately picked up a fire extinguisher from the miniature fire station in the station area and went straight to the accident vehicle. At this time, the smoke of the right front wheel of the car has burst out of the fire more than one meter high, two staff members immediately rescued, and at the same time used the walkie-talkie to explain the situation to other personnel on duty. The toll squad leader reported to the duty center, and the management personnel dialed 119 to call the police, and then joined the firefighting team.

A heavy goods vehicle caught fire, and the high-speed toll collector fought bravely

It is possible that the tires overheated due to the long driving time of the vehicle, and even if the staff used up multiple fire extinguishers in a row, the flames still rushed out wildly, and the fire was difficult to control for a while. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the right front wheel of the vehicle exploded, and the fire quickly spread to the driver's cab, and the pillar of flames about ten meters high was formidable. Since the fuel tank is behind the tires, if the fire gets out of control, it will pose a serious threat to personal safety. The administrator instructed the on-site rescue personnel to immediately retreat to a safe area.

A heavy goods vehicle caught fire, and the high-speed toll collector fought bravely

Soon, firefighters from the Changshu Fire Squadron arrived at the scene and successfully extinguished the flames after 20 minutes of hard work.

The Modern Express reporter learned that at present, Suzhou Expressway Company has built 19 miniature fire stations around the purpose of "saving early, extinguishing small" and "3 minutes to the scene", continuously improving fire emergency response capabilities, and effectively building a "firewall" for highway fire safety to ensure the safety of people's property.

(Photo courtesy of Suzhou Trading Investment Group, proofreading Zhang Jingchao)