
Is the oil on the condom harmful to the body? The answer is......

author:China Commercial Health Release

These days, there shouldn't be many people who don't know about condoms, right?

Especially some old drivers, the model, material, color, and brand of the sleeve are ...... It can be said that everything is well understood.

But, having used condoms for so many years, do you know what the oil on the condoms is?

Those who are familiar with the condom believe that they are no strangers to this oil.

However, if you want to understand, it is estimated that few people know, because most people only pay attention to the brand and the sense of use.

So, what exactly is this oil, and is it harmful to the body if you use too much?

Today, the editor will take you to a long insight!


What exactly is the oil on the sleeve?

Is the oil on the condom harmful to the body? The answer is......

Let's not beat around the bush, let's just say that the oil on the sleeve is actually a lubricating oil. As for why the lubricating oil is put in, it is very simple, so that it can be carried out more smoothly when it is indescribable.

There are quite a few types of lubricants, and there are three main types: water-based, silicon-based, and oil-based.

Water-based lubricants: the main ingredients are water, glycerin, etc., which are soluble and receptive to the body, and can be used with condoms and sex toys, and are easy to clean.

But it is easy to volatilize, and it generally has no effect in about 15 minutes, and you need to add it halfway.

Silicone-based lubricants: slightly more expensive, durable, can be used with condoms, has a good lubrication effect, and is waterproof.

The disadvantage is that it can damage products of the same material, so it cannot be used at the same time as silicone toys, which is more difficult to clean.

Oil-based lubricants: their biggest advantage is that they last longer, but they are difficult to clean and dissolve condoms, so they can't be used with condoms.

In addition, it is not easy to decompose in a woman's vagina, which is not conducive to women's vaginal health, so it has been gradually phased out.

The oil on the sleeve is generally a silicon-based lubricant, and the main component is dimethylsilicone oil, which can ensure that the sleeve is not damaged during sexual life.


Is this oil harmful to the body?

Generally, regular manufacturers use edible grades, which are not harmful to the human body, and mainly play the role of lubrication.

So, if necessary, you can use it with confidence.

Is the oil on the condom harmful to the body? The answer is......

However, when using it, you should pay attention to the following four points:

(1) If you buy lubricants for use by yourself, you must buy big brands, and don't buy some three-no products, so that the quality will be guaranteed.

(2) It is best to be cautious about buying lubricants with smells, as they may cause allergies. The simpler the safer, the better colorless and odorless.

(2) Don't replace lubricants with cooking oil, baby oil, hand cream, petroleum jelly, etc., in order to save money, those things are not safe.

(3) Lubricants also have a shelf life, so don't use expired products.

Having said that, there are still many women who have scruples about thinking that the oil on the men's butts can be washed off immediately, while the oil in the women's vagina is not so easy to wash off, worrying about affecting their health.


Will it affect the health of women's private parts?

The core of this problem, in fact, is to discuss the safety of the lubricating oil.

This concern is not unreasonable, because the dimethicone on the condom is weakly alkaline, and the vaginal environment of healthy women is weakly acidic.

This weakly acidic environment can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, engulf and kill foreign harmful bacteria, and play a role in defending against the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms.

However, this does not mean that the use of condoms predisposes to the occurrence of gynecologic inflammation.

Because the vagina itself has a strong self-cleaning effect, as long as a qualified condom is used correctly, it will not increase the risk of gynecological diseases. On the contrary, it is also effective in preventing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

Is the oil on the condom harmful to the body? The answer is......

So, girls, if a man doesn't wear a condom on the grounds that "he uses too many condoms and is prone to gynecological diseases", don't be in a hurry to be moved, it's just an excuse that he doesn't want to wear a condom.


If you want to have sex without getting sick

The key is to do it well

Pay attention to hygiene! Both men and women, before and after sex, should pay attention to cleaning their private parts.

Especially for male compatriots, they must wash their private parts before doing things, otherwise it is very easy to cause women to suffer from gynecological diseases.

01 The area around the anus is dirty

In men, the sweat glands around the anus are well developed and the skin is folded, making it a very easy place to hide dirt and dirt (urine, sweat, semen, etc.).

It can be said to be a hotbed of bacteria, viruses, and dirt, and a blind spot for men's hygiene.

If you do not wash before sex, you will definitely bring a lot of dirt into the vagina, causing vaginitis, that is, urinary tract infection.

02 The foreskin is prone to dirt and dirt

Smegma is a carcinogen that can induce penile cancer in men, and it can also be brought into the vagina of women through sexual life, which can cause vaginitis and even cervical cancer.

Women should also pay special attention to hygiene, and focus on washing the vulva area and near the anus before sex to prevent dirt and residual stool in the skin folds.

In addition, men and women should also wash their private parts in time after sex to prevent semen and vaginal secretions from attaching to the external genitalia, so as to provide a favorable environment for the survival and reproduction of bacteria.

During the cleaning process, there is a special reminder to all girls: do not wash with private lotion lotion, normal people can wash with warm water, and using too much private lotion will destroy the balance of the vagina and lead to bacterial infection.

Source: Dean Online (O31)

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