
About 90 percent of the diseases in the human body are related to it! Serious or life-threatening! Beware of these warning signs

author:Family Doctor Famous Doctor Online

A team of experts from Peking University Third Hospital has published a paper in the internationally renowned journal "Gut Microbes", pointing out that the intestinal flora plays an important role in the reproductive endocrine system of women. An imbalance in the gut microbiota can lead to a variety of diseases and conditions, such as adverse pregnancy outcomes, polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, etc.

A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that the dysbiotic intestinal flora can stimulate the intestinal wall cells to secrete a large amount of serotonin by secreting secondary bile acids, causing blood sugar levels to rise, making patients in a state of hyperglycemia for a long time, and then leading to diabetes.

Numerous studies have shown a strong link between gut biology and human mental health. For example, experimental studies have shown that patients with depression may be associated with a lack of a specific type of intestinal flora (faecalicoccus, bacilli).

It can be seen that intestinal health and the balance of microflora in the internal environment are important for maintaining life and health.

About 90 percent of the diseases in the human body are related to it! Serious or life-threatening! Beware of these warning signs

How does the gut affect overall health?

As the largest digestive organ, the food that people eat every day will reach the intestines, be metabolized by various flora, and converted into nutrients needed by the body, and then enter the bloodstream, and then supply to various organs and tissues for use.

There are hundreds of millions of intestinal flora living in the intestine, which can be roughly divided into three categories: beneficial bacteria, pathogenic bacteria, and neutral bacteria, which maintain a dynamic balance in order to ensure good health of the intestine and even the human body.

If the intestinal flora is unbalanced, it can lead to the loss of various functions of the host, such as inflammation and immune function, barrier function loss, etc., and then lead to obesity, allergies, diabetes, depression, autism, cancer and other more than 50 diseases.

Be wary of the gut for an "aging alarm"

Graying hair and wrinkles are signs of aging. The gut is a "smart" organ that also gives a series of signals when it begins to decline.

1. Loss of appetite

This is mainly caused by a disturbance in the digestion, absorption, or motor function of the intestines. In addition, it may also be related to psychiatric factors, drug side effects, etc.

2. Frequent flatulence

This means that there is excess gas in the intestines. There are many causes of flatulence in life, such as eating too fast and eating too many foods that are prone to flatulence. In addition, some gastrointestinal-related diseases, such as chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis, etc., can also have symptoms of flatulence.

About 90 percent of the diseases in the human body are related to it! Serious or life-threatening! Beware of these warning signs

3. Constipation

Significant changes in bowel Xi and stool quality may also be a sign of intestinal aging. Healthy stools should be golden yellow and loess in color, chestnut-like stools are typical of rectal constipation, and watery and muddy stools may be associated with indigestion.

4. Frequent diarrhea

Acute onset of diarrhea is mostly related to intestinal bacterial infection and bacterial toxin damage to the intestinal mucosa. Chronic persistent diarrhea may be caused by Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, etc.

6 ways to clean up intestinal garbage

Once the intestines are blocked, diseases are easy to find. In order to better clean up intestinal waste, people need to pay attention to the following:

1. Arrange drinking time reasonably

Drinking water early in the morning is crucial, and drinking a glass of water after waking up will not only replenish the water lost during the night, but also stimulate the gut. However, it is important to avoid high-sugar beverages, as excessive sugar intake will accelerate the intestinal aging process.

2. Timely bowel movements

People with frequent constipation have a higher risk of cancer than those with inconvenient constipation, so they should try to have regular bowel movements, and stick to a "routine" even if they don't feel the urge to defecate to form a biological clock.

3. Eat more fiber-rich foods

Eat more vegetables and fruits, such as cabbage, celery, leeks, etc. They act like a dishwashing ball in the intestines, removing bad cholesterol and absorbing water so that feces can easily pass through the intestines.

4. Give your bowels plenty of rest

Snack as little as possible between meals to give your gut enough time to recuperate for the next job. In addition, it is not advisable to eat too much food before bedtime.

About 90 percent of the diseases in the human body are related to it! Serious or life-threatening! Beware of these warning signs

5. Exercise in moderation

Exercise can promote the metabolism of body organs and tissues, and has a certain positive significance in promoting bowel movements.

6. Use less antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc

These medications tend to disrupt the balance of intestinal flora and cause diarrhea, so it is important to use them under the guidance of a doctor.

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