
This time, Yang Kun, who is over half a hundred years old, completely revealed his true face

author:Lao Chen's curiosity

The rise of musical genius

In 2001, Yang Kun, a young singer from the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, became a sensation in the music scene with an album "It Doesn't Matter". This album is full of melancholy and rebellious passion, and Yang Kun's slightly vicissitudes of voice is like a sincere confession of a country boy, which has moved countless music fans.

This time, Yang Kun, who is over half a hundred years old, completely revealed his true face

Perhaps due to the environment in which he grew up, many of Yang Kun's songs reveal the helplessness of life and the vision for the future, unlike most glamorous pop singers, this real emotion shocks people's hearts.

No one would have thought that this rustic rural youth would have such a touching singing voice, but this is where Yang Kun's unique charm lies.

In 2002, Yang Kun appeared on the stage of The Voice of China as a star judge. His slightly shy smile and point-to-the-point comments perfectly combine the simplicity of a rural youth with the wisdom of a musician.

At that moment, Yang Kun proved that an ordinary person can also achieve great success through hard work, and he became the pride of the vast number of Inner Mongolian audiences.

This time, Yang Kun, who is over half a hundred years old, completely revealed his true face

If Yang Kun can maintain that ordinary heart and stick to his original intention, the rest of his life story may usher in a different ending. But success gave him too much vertigo and exposed too much pride, which eventually led to a complete turn in his life.

Pride and exposure after success

In 2003, Yang Kun, who had reached the peak of his career, began to publicly criticize the strength of other singers, which accumulated a lot of disgust for him. Some commentators believe that this is because Yang Kun was unable to resist the vertigo of success, gradually lost himself, and was carried away by fame and fortune.

In fact, Yang Kun can remain humble and low-key, and continue to work hard to create more moving songs, his familiar voice and direct lyrics and songs could have won more people's love.

However, success brought him too much pride, and instead caused him to lose his most precious thing.

This time, Yang Kun, who is over half a hundred years old, completely revealed his true face

Immediately afterward, the quality of Yang Kun's new works began to be uneven, and his musical talent seemed to be rapidly degrading. Many fans began to be disappointed, thinking that this was no longer the Yang Kun they were familiar with.

What's more serious is that Yang Kun was accused of plagiarism or too similar in many works, which is undoubtedly the most fatal blow to a creator.

Perhaps this is the price of business and popularity, which can quickly increase a person's fame, but at the same time wear out too many real emotions. From a grassroots singer to an overnight hit, Yang Kun couldn't adapt to such a huge change.

In the end, success has made a proud and complacent star, and at the same time, it has also buried a young talent with ideals.

This time, Yang Kun, who is over half a hundred years old, completely revealed his true face

Career decline and moral decay

Since then, Yang Kun's career has been declining. He tried to get a second chance through live streaming, but it quickly failed. With the decline of his career, Yang Kun gradually lost his self-control.

He began to drink heavily to kill his sorrows, and drunken dreams and deaths became a daily routine. On several occasions, he got drunk in public, molested passers-by and beauties, and even used his hands and feet to commit indecency. This caused dissatisfaction from everyone, and Yang Kun's reputation also fell to the bottom.

Today's Yang Kun has fallen from a superstar to a street rat, and everyone shouts and beats him. Whenever he thinks of his former glory, Yang Kun will drink it all, and then cry loudly.

He began to complain about the injustice of fate, but he was unwilling to face the evil and arrogance in his heart.

This time, Yang Kun, who is over half a hundred years old, completely revealed his true face

In fact, former fans and the public also expected Yang Kun to regain his strength, but he was disappointed in the end. They don't want to accept such a Yang Kun who is ruined by pride and wine, this young talent who they once admired so much.

However, people are responsible for their own choices. Yang Kun constantly blamed fate for his failures, but he never thought of reviewing himself. He allowed the evil in his heart to grow rapidly, and finally devoured his youthful and frivolous dreams.

In stark contrast to the fallen Yang Kun, he once attacked Daolang. No matter what setbacks Daolang encounters, he continues to be original with the most humble and sincere attitude, and every new work can cause a sensation, and he has gradually become a new favorite in the music world.

If Yang Kun could remain humble and low-key, focus on his own creation, and stick to his original intention, the subsequent life story may usher in a different ending. However, success and pride overshadowed his reason and conscience, and led him to a point of no return.

This time, Yang Kun, who is over half a hundred years old, completely revealed his true face

Yang Kun's experience is a wake-up call for us. We must learn from this and remain humble, focused, and prudent. Don't get carried away by short-term achievements, always review yourself and adjust your attitude.

At the same time, we also need to cherish everyone around us who recognizes and supports us. Just as Yang Kun eventually lost the support of most of his fans, we will also lose all the hard-won career gains due to arrogance.

No one can move forward alone, and success requires too many external conditions to operate and cooperate. We must be grateful and turn that gratitude into motivation to move forward, so that we can go further and longer.

Yang Kun's experience is a lesson that every successful person should remember. As the majority of young people, we must draw wisdom from it, do not repeat the mistakes of the past, strengthen our ideals, face hardships, and finally move towards the peak of life and career.