
The official announcement of the Spring Festival Gala changed to "look in the demon mirror", and after Sun Tao and Cai Ming were suspected, the defense-breaking people understood it

author:Lao Chen's curiosity

The Spring Festival of 2024 is approaching, and people are looking forward to the joy that the new year will bring. However, when the official news of the Spring Festival Gala was released in a low-key manner, it aroused a high degree of attention and various associations from the whole people.

The official news release of the Spring Festival Gala this time was extremely brief and low-key, and only one theme was announced - "Reunion and Reunion". Such a simple subject is inevitably surprising and confusing.

The official announcement of the Spring Festival Gala changed to "look in the demon mirror", and after Sun Tao and Cai Ming were suspected, the defense-breaking people understood it

For a time, all kinds of speculations about the content and quality of the Spring Festival Gala flooded the Internet.

Based on this theme, some people try to predict the content and style of the Spring Festival Gala. The theme of "reunion and reunion" seems warm, but it is too simplistic, and people worry about whether the whole party will be reduced to a preaching of "family ethics".

There is also speculation about whether some of the "evergreen" artists who sparked controversy last year will take the stage again.

It can be seen that this simple and low-key official announcement of the Spring Festival Gala did not alleviate people's concerns about the quality of the Spring Festival Gala, but instead triggered more associations and speculations.

The official announcement of the Spring Festival Gala changed to "look in the demon mirror", and after Sun Tao and Cai Ming were suspected, the defense-breaking people understood it

People express a complex psychology of expectation and apprehension, which just reflects how much people care about this brand show that carries the memories of generations.

When the detailed lineup of the Spring Festival Gala was announced, the news that a number of "Spring Festival Gala regulars" were selected again seemed to verify people's fears. Among them, it is particularly disappointing that Yu Lei, who was officially announced as the chief director again.

The Spring Festival Gala she directed last year was a failure and had no bright spots, which made people worry about whether she was capable of leading the entire production team.

In terms of specific programs, sketch actor Sun Tao was also selected again. He has been on the stage for nearly 30 years, but the problem of the patterning of his works has never been solved, and he is still "changing the soup but not the medicine", which makes people feel aesthetic fatigue.

The official announcement of the Spring Festival Gala changed to "look in the demon mirror", and after Sun Tao and Cai Ming were suspected, the defense-breaking people understood it

Jia Bing's works also have similar problems, with a single ending and technique, which is difficult to bring surprises. Cai Ming's performance style is becoming more and more exaggerated, using some outdated Internet memes to make jokes, which is out of touch with the present.

Even Yue Yunpeng, who is more famous among the new generation, was shocked by the performance of the last Spring Festival Gala and was criticized for "four dislikes".

This series has once again put a question mark on the audience. Whether some of the famous characters are really too conservative and whether there is still the possibility of a breakthrough are undoubtedly questions about the production team.

If there is nothing new like the previous session, just a mechanical pile-up, I am afraid that the reputation of "breaking five" will be unavoidable.

The official announcement of the Spring Festival Gala changed to "look in the demon mirror", and after Sun Tao and Cai Ming were suspected, the defense-breaking people understood it

Despite all of the above doubts, we also need to realize that these regulars have brought joy to the audience, and they have all had their best periods. For example, Sun Tao has brought classics such as "I am proud", and Yue Yunpeng's "Song of Chinese New Year's Eve" is also quite personal.

They are also reflecting on and improving their own problems. So mere grievance criticism may not be complete. A large-scale stage like the Spring Festival Gala requires a tolerant and encouraging mentality, and it cannot be completely denied just because of a few failures.

In fact, the responsibility of the production team is not small.

Of course, I hope that these artists can also open their hearts and listen to suggestions and keep up with the times. And the directors of the Spring Festival Gala need to listen carefully to public opinion and pay attention to the real needs of the public.

The official announcement of the Spring Festival Gala changed to "look in the demon mirror", and after Sun Tao and Cai Ming were suspected, the defense-breaking people understood it

After all, this national event is for the people. Only when the general public really likes to see it can it maintain its vitality forever. That's the way to go.

So, in the midst of these doubts, where should the Spring Festival Gala go this year? Perhaps only through improvement and progress can the situation be truly broken.

The first to bear the brunt is the production team, especially the chief director Yu Lei. She needs to reflect and learn from the lessons learned, not simply copying last year's failures, but also being sensitive to the needs and suggestions of the public, and trying to come up with new ideas. The selection of materials and aesthetics cannot be separated from the masses.

The participating artists should also be bold and innovative in their creative ideas and pursue breakthroughs. It's not enough to be old-fashioned, you need to keep up with the times. It is also necessary to discover and cultivate new talents and new strengths, whose novelty may bring new vitality to this old stage.

The official announcement of the Spring Festival Gala changed to "look in the demon mirror", and after Sun Tao and Cai Ming were suspected, the defense-breaking people understood it

Of course, we must also see here that no matter the newcomer or the old, the most fundamental thing is to stick to the original intention of the Spring Festival Gala - to bring positive energy and joy to the audience.

This is the foundation on which it stands, and it needs to be kept in mind from time to time.

Let's look forward to the 2024 Spring Festival Gala will shine with new brilliance after some twists and turns.

After this series of official announcements and doubts, we have reason and hope to believe that the 2024 Spring Festival Gala will break through the cocoon into a butterfly and shine more brightly with the reflection and efforts of all parties.

The official announcement of the Spring Festival Gala changed to "look in the demon mirror", and after Sun Tao and Cai Ming were suspected, the defense-breaking people understood it

The voice of criticism in the field of public opinion may be the help of the progress of the Spring Festival Gala. It is important to value every constructive suggestion and not to limit the horizon and see only the nitpicking of the negative.

Growing up in brainstorming and reinvigorating in tolerance and encouragement may be the main tone of this Spring Festival Gala. Let us look forward to the old faces who have brought us joy with appreciation and tolerance, and explore more surprises and possibilities.

In the warm and beautiful season of the New Year, I hope that this Spring Festival Gala, which connects the memories of several generations, can be rejuvenated by breaking out of the cocoon into a butterfly, and may every participating heart be filled with warmth and joy.