
Tianxin replied to netizens' bad comments: It is not advisable to maliciously evaluate children, and it is commendable to show courage

author:Brother Yong Entertainment Club
Tianxin replied to netizens' bad comments: It is not advisable to maliciously evaluate children, and it is commendable to show courage

In the age of social media, the children of public figures are often inevitably the object of public attention and discussion. Recently, Jia Nailiang and Li Xiaolu's daughter Tianxin posted a video of going to school on social platforms, which attracted messages from netizens. Among them, the unfriendly comments of some netizens made the 11-year-old child reply, which sparked a heated discussion among the majority of netizens.

Tianxin replied to netizens' bad comments: It is not advisable to maliciously evaluate children, and it is commendable to show courage

In the face of the bad comments of netizens, Tianxin did not choose to be silent, but bravely stood up to speak out for her rights and interests. This kind of courage in defying the might is commendable. In this seemingly calm response, we see the tenacity and perseverance of a child. She didn't shy away because she was the child of a public figure, nor did she choose to swallow her anger because of her young age. This kind of courage and determination is something that many adults find difficult to achieve.

Tianxin replied to netizens' bad comments: It is not advisable to maliciously evaluate children, and it is commendable to show courage

Of course, we should also see that Tianxin's reply is not without controversy. Some netizens believe that children should stay away from adult strife and remain innocent and kind. There is some truth to this view, after all, children's minds are fragile and they should grow up in a healthy and harmonious environment. However, we can't ignore Tianxin's special status as the child of a public figure. In the spotlight, her words and deeds will be amplified, and even become the target of malicious attacks by some people.

Tianxin replied to netizens' bad comments: It is not advisable to maliciously evaluate children, and it is commendable to show courage

In this regard, we need to reflect on whether it is really appropriate to make malicious comments about children, and we should respect the rights and dignity of everyone, whether they are adults or children. Malicious evaluation will not only hurt the person being evaluated, but also affect the morality of society. We should learn to look at the people and things around us with tolerance and understanding, especially those who do not yet fully understand the world.

Tianxin replied to netizens' bad comments: It is not advisable to maliciously evaluate children, and it is commendable to show courage

In short, Tianxin's reply to netizens' bad comments has aroused our attention to the rights and interests of the children of public figures. We should respect the rights and dignity of each individual and not judge others lightly. At the same time, we should also encourage children to bravely face the difficulties and challenges in life, so that they can continue to exercise their courage and tenacity in the process of growth. Only in this way can we work together to create a harmonious and friendly social environment.