
Why does the baby always spit up milk? It is dangerous to hold the back vertically! The experience of avoiding pits has helped you sum up

author:Pharmacist Zhou talks about health

When your baby suddenly spits up, you may feel panicked and helpless. This scenario is common and worrying for many new parents. However, did you know that when dealing with your baby's spit-up, some seemingly safe and harmless routines can actually hide risks. In particular, the long-standing method of holding and patting the back may not be as safe as you think.

Why does the baby always spit up milk? It is dangerous to hold the back vertically! The experience of avoiding pits has helped you sum up

Demystifying baby spitting up: the science behind it and prevention strategies

Spitting up is a common problem for many parents, but the reasons behind it and the prevention strategies are often misunderstood. This section will delve into the main causes of baby spitting up and provide scientifically effective prevention recommendations.

1. Characteristics of the digestive system of the newborn

Your baby's digestive system is not yet fully mature in the early years of life. In particular, the sphincter muscle between the esophagus and the stomach is not well developed, making it easy for food to reflux from the stomach back into the esophagus, leading to spitting up. In addition, newborns have a small stomach capacity, and too fast or excessive feeding can easily cause the stomach to overdistend, which can induce spitting up.

2. The importance of feeding posture

Incorrect feeding position is a major cause of spitting up in babies. When your baby is lying flat or with his head too low, milk flows more easily back into his esophagus. The correct feeding position should ensure that your baby's head is slightly elevated, which helps the milk flow smoothly to the stomach and reduces the occurrence of spitting up.

Why does the baby always spit up milk? It is dangerous to hold the back vertically! The experience of avoiding pits has helped you sum up

3. Adjustment of feeding rhythm and amount

The pace and amount of feeding are also critical to preventing spitting up. Feeding too quickly can cause your baby to swallow air, increase gas and pressure in the abdomen, and encourage spitting up. It is advisable to use a slow and steady feeding rhythm and to properly control the amount of each feeding to avoid overfeeding at one time.

4. Consideration of gastrointestinal dysfunction

In some cases, spitting up milk can be a sign of abnormal gastrointestinal function. For example, poor fat metabolism or lactose intolerance may cause your baby to experience indigestion symptoms, including frequent spitting up. In case of such conditions, it is advisable to seek professional diagnosis and guidance from a pediatrician.

5. Parents' observation and record

It is important for parents to observe and record their baby's feeding Xi and spitting up to prevent spitting up. Keeping track of your baby's feeding time, amount, frequency and spit-up will help your doctor make a more accurate diagnosis and make recommendations.

Through the above analysis, we can see that the baby's spitting up is not a simple physiological phenomenon, but the result of a combination of factors. Parents need to adopt scientific feeding methods and seek help from medical experts if necessary to ensure the healthy growth of their babies.

Why does the baby always spit up milk? It is dangerous to hold the back vertically! The experience of avoiding pits has helped you sum up

Back pat mistake: an invisible threat to your baby's health

When a baby spits up, parents usually instinctively use a vertical hug and a pat on the back to help the baby burp, thinking that this will reduce the spitting up. However, this practice may not be safe and may even be potentially harmful to the baby.

1. The risk of holding up and patting the back

First of all, if the force is not properly controlled, it may cause uneven force on the baby's spine and neck, and may even cause minor neck injuries. Your baby's neck muscles are not yet fully developed, and too much force can adversely affect these delicate areas.

2. Problems with respiratory tract compression

The wrong back pat position can also cause your baby's airway to become compressed. When a baby is lifted upright, especially if they are not properly supported, their head may tilt forward, which can not only make breathing difficult, but can lead to suffocation in extreme cases.

3. Increased pressure in the stomach

When holding upright, your baby's abdomen may experience additional pressure, which is not good for your newborn baby. Excessive abdominal pressure can increase the likelihood of stomach contents backing up into the esophagus, which can exacerbate the condition of spitting up.

Why does the baby always spit up milk? It is dangerous to hold the back vertically! The experience of avoiding pits has helped you sum up

4. Advice on safe hiccups

To avoid these potential risks, it is advisable to adopt a gentler and safer way of burping. For example, you can have your baby lie on his stomach on his or her lap and gently pat or rub his or her back while making sure his or her head and neck are properly supported. This not only reduces stress on your baby's spine and neck, but also avoids unnecessary pressure on the abdomen.

From the above analysis, we can see that while a vertical hug and back pat is a common practice, it is not always the safest option. Parents need to better understand the physiological characteristics of their babies and take more scientific and reasonable ways to help their babies burp to ensure their health and safety.

Why does the baby always spit up milk? It is dangerous to hold the back vertically! The experience of avoiding pits has helped you sum up

New tips for baby burping: safe and effective

Burping, for newborns, is an important and delicate process. The right burp method will not only help your baby digest more comfortably, but also prevent spitting up and stomach bloating.

Vertical Lift: Gently lift your baby vertically with his head resting on your shoulder. This position helps your baby's stomach to relax naturally and expel air more easily.

Stable support: Gently support your baby's head and neck with one hand and pat your baby's back with the other. Make sure your palms are calm and gentle, and avoid overstraining.

Techniques for burping

Gently and consistently: Gently and consistently pat the middle and lower part of your baby's back, which can help release air from the stomach.

Change Angle: Adjust your baby's position slightly, sometimes with a slight movement to help the gas pass.

Why does the baby always spit up milk? It is dangerous to hold the back vertically! The experience of avoiding pits has helped you sum up


Avoid excessive slapping: Excessive force may cause discomfort to your baby and even cause injury to the small intestine.

Observe your baby's reactions: If your baby shows discomfort, stop burping and try to change positions.

When to stop burping

In general, 5 to 10 minutes of burping is sufficient. If your baby burps or appears more comfortable during this time, you can stop burping.

Burping is a simple but necessary form of care that is essential for the comfort and health of your newborn. With the right approach and attention, you can ensure that the process is both safe and effective. Through careful care, we can provide a more comfortable and healthy environment for your baby to grow up.