
"A cold can heal itself in a week without treatment" is a lie that harms people's lives

author:The lilies are blooming


This winter is so cold, the cold is raging, how many people are struggling with the cold.

The respiratory department of the hospital is overcrowded, and many doctors themselves have a severe cold, and they have to endure the pain and insist on seeing patients.

I would like to ask how many people have a cold and do not take medicine or injections, and they will be fine for a week.

"A cold can heal itself in a week without treatment" is a lie that harms people's lives

I'm not a doctor, I'm not a medical expert, I only speak with facts.

I rarely catch a cold, usually once or twice a year. But once you get it, it's heavy. Lung infection, sore throat, nasal congestion and runny nose, coughing, coughing all night long, coughing so much that my eyes are shining, my head is buzzing, I don't even have the strength to get out of bed, I feel dizzy, it's very uncomfortable.

Excuse me, if you lie down and don't see a doctor, will you wait to die?

What's more, even if I take injections and medicines, it will take me ten days to get better!

My child is only one or two years old, and he is not good at talking, and he will catch a cold when he is not careful in winter, sometimes his little face is burned red, he talks nonsense, coughs to vomit, and cries endlessly.

"A cold can heal itself in a week without treatment" is a lie that harms people's lives

My grandmother, who is over 80 years old, is most afraid of winter, and when she has a cold, she often drags on for a long time, and she can barely survive the winter by taking injections and taking medicine and hanging water every day.

Therefore, if you have a cold, you must treat it, treat it early, suffer less, spend less money, and get better quickly. Don't listen to the fallacy that "a cold doesn't need to be cured, it can heal itself", and it will become a serious illness, a serious illness, or even a life-threatening one, and then others will say that you are stupid.

"A cold can heal itself in a week without treatment" is a lie that harms people's lives

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