
How fast do you lose muscle in old age? If you don't want to get old and shriveled, it's best to do three things

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors

63-year-old Uncle Zhang, who has been feeling powerless recently, often steps on the air after climbing the stairs, and even slips at home. Before his retirement, Uncle Zhang was a sportsman who loved climbing mountains and riding bicycles, but now, these have become unattainable dreams.

The family was worried about him and took him to the hospital, and after some examination, the doctor diagnosed Uncle Zhang with "sarcopenia syndrome", which is commonly known as "sarcopenia".

Uncle Zhang was shocked when he found out, and he couldn't believe that he would get this disease because of his love of sports. The doctor explained that as we age, we gradually lose muscle, which is a normal physiological phenomenon.

How fast do you lose muscle in old age? If you don't want to get old and shriveled, it's best to do three things

1. After the age of 35, muscles disappear at a rate of 1%-2% per year

Muscles are one of the vital organs of life in the human body, with more than 600 pieces in total, ranging from small muscles weighing only a few grams to large muscles weighing up to 2 kilograms. Generally speaking, muscles account for 35%~45% of the total body weight.

When we reach the age of 35, we start to lose muscle, and the rate of decline is about 1% to 2% per year. After the age of 50, this rate of decline accelerates, and after the age of 75, the rate of muscle loss peaks.

How fast do you lose muscle in old age? If you don't want to get old and shriveled, it's best to do three things

In addition, muscles have the characteristic of "use and waste", and growth only occurs when stimulated. Excessive sitting or lying down without exercise for long periods of time can lead to muscle loss, atrophy, and functional deterioration.

Studies have shown that if you don't use your lower limb muscles for two weeks, you can lose 14% of your hamstrings (the group of muscles in the back of your thighs) and up to 20% of your quadriceps.

How fast do you lose muscle in old age? If you don't want to get old and shriveled, it's best to do three things

2. What problems may be faced by the lack of muscle in the body?

We have the impression that muscles are a symbol of strength and only play an important role in sports. In fact, studies have shown that the amount of muscle is closely related to immunity.

  • When muscle tissue decreases by 10%, immune function decreases significantly, increasing the risk of infection;
  • When reduced by 20%, there may be a significant feeling of fatigue, decreased ability to perform daily living, easy to fall with imbalance, and slow wound healing;
  • With a 30% reduction, the human body will become weak, may not even be able to sit and stand unaided, and the wound's ability to heal will be significantly reduced.

And with the continuous loss of muscle, in the later stage, it is likely to suffer from "sarcopenia".

How fast do you lose muscle in old age? If you don't want to get old and shriveled, it's best to do three things

According to the epidemiological survey data of sarcopenia in the Chinese population, the prevalence of sarcopenia among the elderly in the community ranges from 8.9% to 38.8%. Moreover, with the increase of age, the prevalence of sarcopenia increases significantly, and the prevalence of sarcopenia can even be as high as 67.1% in the elderly population aged 80 years and above.

Sarcopenia can cause serious harm to the elderly and is closely related to frailty, falls, disability, reduced quality of life, and death.

In addition, sarcopenia may also lead to a series of problems such as frequent postoperative complications and prolonged hospital stays, which brings high medical costs and financial burden to families.

If you observe that the elderly in the family have gradually weakened strength, are prone to falling, feel fatigued, slow gait, or lose weight suddenly in a short period of time, you should be alert to the possibility of sarcopenia.

How fast do you lose muscle in old age? If you don't want to get old and shriveled, it's best to do three things

In addition, share a way to preliminarily judge sarcopenia at home, which is to use the index finger and thumb around the thickest part of the calf, if you just hold it, it means that there may be risks, if you can hold it easily, it is likely that you have suffered from sarcopenia, and it is best to go to the hospital for further examination.

3. If you don't want to get old and shriveled, you should act as soon as possible in these 3 things

Prevention of muscle wasting is more important than cure, and a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise are the most fundamental means. If you don't want to get old and shriveled, the following 3 types of things are best to do often:

1. Stock up on muscle

In middle and young adulthood, it is very important to consciously store muscle tissue by strengthening nutrition and exercise. The muscles stored in this way can not only continue the physical beauty of youth, but also "health savings" in the future.

It is recommended to correct unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, drinking, and sedentary lifestyles as soon as possible, and actively prevent and treat underlying diseases related to sarcopenia, such as diabetes, osteoporosis, tumors, etc.

How fast do you lose muscle in old age? If you don't want to get old and shriveled, it's best to do three things

2. Eat a balanced diet

Older people should maintain a balanced diet and adequate nutrition in their daily lives, with special attention to protein and vitamin D intake. Eating more protein-rich foods, such as eggs, milk, fish, shrimp, etc., while supplementing with enough vitamin D, can improve muscle strength and effectively reduce the risk of falls.

3. Science Campaign

The exercise regimen for older adults should be individualized and can be a combination of active and passive exercises. Impedance exercises recommended by the expert consensus of the Geriatric Nutrition Branch of the Chinese Nutrition Society, including sitting leg raises, static squatting against the wall, lifting dumbbells, and pulling elastic bands, can effectively improve muscle strength and function.

How fast do you lose muscle in old age? If you don't want to get old and shriveled, it's best to do three things

Muscle wasting is a common challenge for older adults, but with a healthy lifestyle and targeted preventive measures, we can effectively delay the process of muscle loss and embrace a healthier, more energetic later life.


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[2] "Preserve "muscle" as soon as possible, do these six points to stay away from sarcopenia!", Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital.2023-10-31

[3] "[Vigilance] "Silent Loss"—How Much Do You Know About Senile Sarcopenia?, Yunnan Health, 12320.2023-11-02

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