
Harvard University Study: People with Long Gray Hair Are Not Prone to Cancer? Is There a Scientific Basis? Here comes the answer

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors

Aunt Liu is 58 years old this year, and she has had gray hair on her head since about 10 years ago, but she doesn't take it too seriously, thinking that it is a normal situation when she is old.

Recently, Aunt Liu found that there were not so many gray hairs on her head, and her skin had also improved. People around me say that this is a good phenomenon, and they have regained their youth.

But Aunt Liu felt that it was not a good thing, because she had seen an article saying that people with long gray hair were less likely to get cancer, and she was worried about whether this was a sign of bad health.

Harvard University Study: People with Long Gray Hair Are Not Prone to Cancer? Is There a Scientific Basis? Here comes the answer

1. People with long gray hair are not susceptible to cancer? Is it science or a rumor?

Rumors online claim that a Harvard study says that gray hair grows to reduce the body's risk of cancer. This claim has been widely discussed, but is it really credible?

In fact, the so-called study did not come from Harvard University, but was an experiment conducted by Japanese researchers on mice, published in 2009, which explored the mechanism of gray hair turning gray.

Previously, it was thought that hair color was determined by the melanin produced by melanocytes, but this study found that both humans and mice can turn gray and gray as long as there are not enough melanocytes in the body. DNA damage in the body allows melanocytes to convert into mature melanocytes, which in turn turns hair gray.

Harvard University Study: People with Long Gray Hair Are Not Prone to Cancer? Is There a Scientific Basis? Here comes the answer

Looking at this study alone, there seems to be no relationship between cancer and cancer, so why is it misrepresented as gray hair that reduces the risk of cancer?

This was due to a misreading of a news translation in the British Daily Mail, which quoted the head of the Department of Dermatology at Harvard University as interpreting the study.

The professor believes that melanocytes that have suffered DNA damage do not transform into melanocytes and still exist in the form of stem cells, which can produce melanin and promote cancer. However, if these stem cells are converted into mature melanocytes, the risk of cancer is reduced.

To put it simply, this report compares the effects of the presence of melanocytes in two forms on the body, not the risk of cancer in people with black hair or graying hair, which have nothing to do with each other.

Harvard University Study: People with Long Gray Hair Are Not Prone to Cancer? Is There a Scientific Basis? Here comes the answer

Zhou Xiaobo, a medical doctor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, said the so-called study itself was not logical. We all know that old age is the age of high incidence of cancer, and the so-called people with gray hair are less likely to develop cancer, which is obviously contrary to the facts.

2. Premature gray hair may indicate physical abnormalities, and 3 places should be paid special attention to

The appearance of gray hair in the elderly is actually a normal physiological manifestation, and with the increase of age, the tyrosinase activity of melanocytes in the hair follicle will decrease, and gray hair will gradually appear after the pigment disappears.

But now many young people also have less whiteheads, Ni Lei, deputy chief physician of the Department of Hematology and Oncology at Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, said that this is likely to be related to two reasons.

Congenital genetic factors: such as albinism, congenital deficiency and kidney essence deficiency, which will lead to a lack of melanin in the body, making the skin and hair white;

Acquired factors: such as mental factors, malnutrition, etc., long-term poor mental state, excess fat intake, and too little protein intake may also cause gray hair to appear.

Harvard University Study: People with Long Gray Hair Are Not Prone to Cancer? Is There a Scientific Basis? Here comes the answer

It should be reminded that when gray hair appears on these three parts of the body, it may be some warning signs from the body.

White hair on the temples prematurely, you need to pay attention to the health of the liver, this part belongs to the foot less yang gallbladder meridian, and the appearance of gray hair should pay attention to regulate the liver.

Forehead gray hair: There is a foot Yang Ming stomach meridian on the forehead, and the appearance of gray hair may be related to Yang Ming failure, so pay more attention to stomach health.

White hair on the top of the head and back of the head: The back of the head is the part of the pulse and the foot sun bladder, and if there is gray hair accompanied by symptoms such as backache and knee weakness, forgetfulness, etc., we must pay attention to nourishing qi and blood and tonifying the kidneys.

Harvard University Study: People with Long Gray Hair Are Not Prone to Cancer? Is There a Scientific Basis? Here comes the answer

3. Supplement 4 kinds of nutrients, and this kind of gray hair may also turn black

Ni Lei, deputy chief physician of the Department of Hematology and Oncology of Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, reminded that gray hair caused by primary diseases, mental factors and nutritional deficiencies is expected to turn black after improving the triggers.

In particular, gray hair caused by nutritional deficiencies can be quickly improved by supplementing nutrients, and these nutrients are essential.

1. Trace elements copper and iron: the main raw materials for the synthesis of melanin

The hair follicles on the hair need to absorb iron, copper and other raw materials to synthesize melanin, and you can eat more animal liver, red meat, sesame, nuts and other foods to supplement it every day.

Harvard University Study: People with Long Gray Hair Are Not Prone to Cancer? Is There a Scientific Basis? Here comes the answer

2. Iodine: promote hair growth

Iodine is one of the important nutrients to maintain thyroid function, and can promote the growth of hair.

3. B vitamins: important metabolites

Vitamin B is a big family, in which a variety of vitamins are good for improving gray hair, the focus of vitamin B supplementation is to eat a balanced diet, daily can eat more green leafy vegetables, dairy products, animal liver and whole grains.

4. Protein: the raw material of hair

When there is a lack of protein in the body, the body cannot synthesize enough keratin, which in turn causes hair to turn gray and fall out. Daily protein supplementation can eat more eggs, dairy foods, fish, beef, etc.

Harvard University Study: People with Long Gray Hair Are Not Prone to Cancer? Is There a Scientific Basis? Here comes the answer

The appearance of gray hair is mostly a normal physiological manifestation, and there is no direct relationship between it and the reduction of the risk of cancer.


[1] "Don't panic if you have gray hair, the risk of cancer will be reduced", is there such a good thing?".

[2] "Where the gray hair grows, where does the disease come from? CCTV Life Circle.2023-11-26

[3] "Is the sudden increase in gray hair old?Attention!It may be that the body lacks these 4 nutrients...".Popular Science China.2022-07-06

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