
Recently, there have been many media outlets that have sung the praises of China's stock market and misled ordinary people to invest in the stock market

author:Qiuqiu looks at finance

Recently, some media have frequently reported on stock market cases, predicting that the stock market outlook is pessimistic, such as "a man loses a year's salary in one day of stock speculation" and "investors show their earnings from stock trading: a loss of 10.4 million yuan a year". This has caused widespread concern. However, we need to be cautious about these kinds of stories, because they have very guiding problems.

Recently, there have been many media outlets that have sung the praises of China's stock market and misled ordinary people to invest in the stock market

First, there is the problem of selectivity in this type of reporting. They report a lot of failed stock market investments, but very little on successful investors. According to incomplete statistics, China's stock market has risen more than twice in the past 10 years, and many value investors have made considerable returns through long-term holdings. For example, investors who buy shares in state-owned banks such as the Agricultural Bank of China can hold shares for 10 years and receive more than twice the share price growth and generous dividends. These success stories are rarely reported.

Recently, there have been many media outlets that have sung the praises of China's stock market and misled ordinary people to invest in the stock market

Second, this type of story likes to highlight negative information about the market and ignore the positive fundamentals. In recent years, China's economy has maintained an overall stable and rapid growth, corporate profitability has generally improved, and many high-quality listed companies have performed well. There is a certain disconnect between the stock market and the economic fundamentals, but in the long run, the good economic fundamentals will continue to support the development of the stock market.

Thirdly, these reports promote short-term hype and mislead investors. The securities market needs rational analysis and long-term investment in high-quality assets. Short-term speculation is not only risky, but also easy to be manipulated by capital groups. Ordinary investors should adhere to the long-term value investment thinking, choose high-quality company stocks for diversification, and hold stocks to obtain dividend income.

Finally, negative reports may be suspected of guiding investor sentiment. At a time of stock market volatility, these reports further exacerbate the negative sentiment of investors, exacerbate market panic, and are not conducive to market stability. They may be suspected of leading investors to misread the market and misjudge the situation.

Recently, there have been many media outlets that have sung the praises of China's stock market and misled ordinary people to invest in the stock market

Stock market investment requires rational analysis and cannot be misled by individual cases. Investors should pay attention to the following points: first, choose high-quality listed companies with good economic fundamentals and national policy support, such as blue chips of state-owned enterprises; the second is to diversify investment, do not "put all your eggs in one basket"; the third is to control the scale of investment and do what we can; Fourth, adopt a long-term shareholding strategy and hold high-quality stocks for a long time.

Regulators should also actively guide rational investment, crack down on fraudulent activities, and maintain market stability. Recently, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) has investigated and dealt with a number of cases of market manipulation to further regulate market order, which is a positive signal.

At present, the long-term positive trend of China's economy has not changed, and the prospects for the stock market are still broad. Investors should establish a rational long-term investment philosophy, adopt a dialectical attitude towards media reports, and avoid being misled by negative news.

As long as we have a stable mentality and look at it rationally, we will definitely be able to get reasonable returns in the vast world of the stock market.

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