
Drum Tower: Double-line promotion and resonance at the same frequency to create a first-line supervision and wisdom model in the urban area

author:Home in the Drum Tower

Since 2023, the Gulou District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has been based on the actual situation in the central urban area, focusing on people's livelihood hotspots and standardizing the operation of small and micro powers, grafting the original information platform at a high level, creating a smart supervision platform for small and micro powers in Gulou, exploring the smart mode of front-line supervision in urban areas, strengthening grassroots supervision, and improving the level of refinement of grassroots governance.

Drum Tower: Double-line promotion and resonance at the same frequency to create a first-line supervision and wisdom model in the urban area


"Normalized" data collection

The Gulou Small and Micro Power Smart Supervision Platform has established and improved the normalized work mode of data collection, while collecting the demands of the masses of the grassroots small and micro power supervision platform, it has introduced the appeals of the 12345 convenience service platform, improved the five mechanisms of "triggering, responding, collaborating, feedback, and guaranteeing", and built a supervision model of "central push, self-finding, regular consultation, and light up".

Drum Tower: Double-line promotion and resonance at the same frequency to create a first-line supervision and wisdom model in the urban area

The picture shows the schematic diagram of the operation process of the "Drum Tower Small and Micro Power Intelligent Supervision Platform".

The platform has connected 357,000 real-name authentication users of the "Gulou Community Happiness Pass" WeChat public account, more than 130,000 registered market entities in the jurisdiction, 511 WeChat groups for small and micro power supervision and nearly 100,000 people who have joined the group, and the supervision coverage has been further expanded. Discipline inspection and supervision organs play the role of "re-supervision of supervision", and supervise in real time the handling of mass appeals by 86 district-level departments, 10 towns and towns, and 10 municipal-level public enterprises.


"Intelligent" O&M improves efficiency

The platform establishes a data comparison model around the appeal problem, and automatically captures the appeals such as "overdue", "dissatisfied with the masses" and "repeated complaints" through "keyword" comparison, and generates key supervision items. Based on their own responsibilities and positioning, discipline inspection and supervision organs should thoroughly find out the responsibilities and work style problems behind the demands, promote the resolution of problems through strict supervision and investigation, and form a daily supervision model of "data analysis, timely early warning, and promotion of rectification", so as to achieve "front-line handling of problems and front-line supervision by discipline inspection commissions".

Drum Tower: Double-line promotion and resonance at the same frequency to create a first-line supervision and wisdom model in the urban area

The picture shows that the Gulou District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision uses the big data supervision platform to accurately screen outstanding problems such as work style and government services, and follow up and deal with them in a timely manner.


"Iron footboard" exerts force to improve quality

Implement online and offline integrated response to the early warning information found by the platform, remind the functional departments at the first time online with a "red light", and follow up and supervise the "room group street" linkage. At the same time, the "small and micro power supervision" mobile phone APP was developed, and the discipline inspection and supervision cadres checked the demands of the masses in real time according to the work SMS reminders, quickly responded to the tracking and supervision, and effectively gave full play to the effectiveness of supervision and governance.

Drum Tower: Double-line promotion and resonance at the same frequency to create a first-line supervision and wisdom model in the urban area

The picture shows the discipline inspection and supervision cadres of Gulou District visiting the project site for follow-up and supervision.

In view of some hot and difficult problems, formulate a plan of "one theme and one supervision", hold regular meetings with various towns and functional departments, optimize the handling process, form a joint force of supervision, and realize the same question and answer in the same direction.


"Visual" closed-loop supervision

The platform sets up a supervision process interface, and the discipline inspection and supervision organs track and supervise on the spot, and give feedback online on the disposal results such as "rectification and reform" and "four forms of processing", so as to truly achieve "the progress of the handling can be tracked, the processing conclusion can be queried, and the supervision results can be feedback", so as to realize the closed loop of supervision.

Drum Tower: Double-line promotion and resonance at the same frequency to create a first-line supervision and wisdom model in the urban area

The picture shows the statistical analysis interface of the "Drum Tower Small and Micro Power Intelligent Supervision Platform".

In addition, the platform has also developed a statistical analysis function, which can intuitively view the source and handling process of supervision matters, among which data such as the use of the platform by discipline inspection and supervision organs and the effectiveness of supervision can also be queried in real time through the platform.

Since the operation of the platform, a total of more than 73,000 public appeals have been screened, and 1,494 problems have been supervised and handled, of which 159 people have been dealt with by using the "first form", 6 cases have been filed and 6 people have been filed, and 167 disciplinary inspection and supervision proposals have been issued.