
The old man couldn't understand English and was accused of being rude when he strayed into the women's toilet, netizens: Is it so difficult to mark Chinese characters for men and women?

author:Lu Sir's way

"I really don't know English, and I don't understand the icons! How can I tell which is the men's toilet and which is the women's restroom?" A few days ago, an elderly man in Guangzhou was accused of "indecent assault" because he did not know English and strayed into the women's bathroom. Everyone at the scene was in an uproar, and the old man looked embarrassed, saying that the logo was too artistic, and he really couldn't tell the difference.

The old man couldn't understand English and was accused of being rude when he strayed into the women's toilet, netizens: Is it so difficult to mark Chinese characters for men and women?

The place where the incident occurred was the bathroom of a shopping mall in Guangzhou, and the logo used English words and icons. As a result, this fashionable design concept directly hit some of the elderly. In the face of the alphabet phrase, the old man was even more confused, and in a hurry, he broke into the women's toilet.

As soon as this incident came out, it immediately sparked heated discussions on the Internet. A large number of netizens said that they often "get lost" on the toilet signs outside, and they really can't tell what those English and pictures mean. Clearly marking the words "male" and "female" can solve the problem, and you have to play some fancy and unconventional tricks, but instead create trouble for users.

The old man couldn't understand English and was accused of being rude when he strayed into the women's toilet, netizens: Is it so difficult to mark Chinese characters for men and women?

Indeed, in reality, we often encounter public toilets with signs that are close to art installations. Netizens even posted several icons that were completely incomprehensible. What the hell is a golden boy and a beautiful girl, a diagonal in a circle? This makes the elderly and children dare not enter at will, for fear that they will make a mistake and cause trouble.

In fact, public instructions such as toilet signs should be concise, clear and inclusive. It needs to take into account users of different ages and levels of education, and make information accurate to all through a straightforward visual language. A logo that is too abstract or even misleading is nothing less than a dereliction of design and disrespect for the user.

The old man couldn't understand English and was accused of being rude when he strayed into the women's toilet, netizens: Is it so difficult to mark Chinese characters for men and women?

Therefore, the repeated staging of similar events is also questioning our public consciousness. Relevant departments need to unify standards, so that the logo can return to its original function and truly play the role of guidance. Users also need to give positive feedback on their experience to drive continuous improvement of public services. Only in this way will our cities and lives be more livable, smart and inclusive.

This incident reflects the blind spot in the design of many public places at present. The artistic atmosphere is too strong, but the basic use function is neglected. Behind it, the mainland's shortcomings in barrier-free, environmental protection, humanistic care and other aspects have been once again exposed.

The old man couldn't understand English and was accused of being rude when he strayed into the women's toilet, netizens: Is it so difficult to mark Chinese characters for men and women?
The old man couldn't understand English and was accused of being rude when he strayed into the women's toilet, netizens: Is it so difficult to mark Chinese characters for men and women?

The elderly, the disabled, tourists and other groups may face similar embarrassing difficulties. They become outsiders in the communication of information in the public space. Therefore, it is necessary to consider different needs as a whole to create a truly humanized and intelligent guidance system.

This requires the competent government departments to play a guiding role and study the introduction of public sign specifications. Make it more intuitive and clear, taking into account the old and the young, the weak and the disabled. At the same time, digital technology can also be used to bring convenience to the needy groups through voice instructions. Volunteers can also be set up in hotspot areas to provide manual assistance.

The old man couldn't understand English and was accused of being rude when he strayed into the women's toilet, netizens: Is it so difficult to mark Chinese characters for men and women?
The old man couldn't understand English and was accused of being rude when he strayed into the women's toilet, netizens: Is it so difficult to mark Chinese characters for men and women?

Of course, individual citizens should also consciously abide by public morality and reflect deviations in a timely manner. Let's work together to inject more humanity and warmth into the city. So that every little detail of life can reflect the care and respect for the disadvantaged, which is the sign of civilization progress.

The old man couldn't understand English and was accused of being rude when he strayed into the women's toilet, netizens: Is it so difficult to mark Chinese characters for men and women?
The old man couldn't understand English and was accused of being rude when he strayed into the women's toilet, netizens: Is it so difficult to mark Chinese characters for men and women?
