
Why are men prone to prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia after the age of 40? Chinese medicine will explain it to you clearly

author:Zhang Qi, Department of Andrology of Traditional Chinese Medicine

To say that the two most common diseases of andrology, one is kidney deficiency, the other is prostate disease, and prostate disease is the most common in men after the age of forty, of course, in recent years there is a trend of getting younger and younger, many people have prostate disease in their thirties, but most patients are still after the age of forty. Why are men susceptible to prostate disease after the age of 40? There are several main reasons.

Why are men prone to prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia after the age of 40? Chinese medicine will explain it to you clearly

1. As we age, male hormone levels gradually decline. Testosterone has an important impact on the normal function of the prostate, and increasing age can lead to lower hormone levels, which can increase the risk of prostate disease.

2. Changes in lifestyle Xi can also affect prostate health. As men age, men exercise less and sit or stand for long periods of time increases, and these Xi habits can lead to slowing down of blood circulation in the prostate and the occurrence of prostatitis. In addition, changes in dietary structure, such as the development of high-fat, high-salt, high-sugar dietary Xi, will also increase the risk of prostate disease.

Why are men prone to prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia after the age of 40? Chinese medicine will explain it to you clearly

3. Male resistance will gradually decline after 40. With age, the function of the human immune system gradually weakens, and pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses are more likely to invade the prostate, leading to the occurrence of prostatitis. In addition, immune-related diseases can also increase the risk of prostatitis, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

4. Mental stress is also one of the factors that lead to prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia. Middle-aged men face occupational pressure, family responsibilities, social pressure, etc., which will increase the mental burden, and excessive mental stress will affect the stability of the neuroendocrine system, resulting in prostate dysfunction, prone to prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia.

5. Poor lifestyle Xi habits are also one of the key factors leading to prostate disease. For example, irregular urination, unclean urethra, unhygienic sexual life, etc., will increase the chance of bacterial infection of the prostate, thus causing prostatitis. In addition, holding urine for a long time, drinking too much alcohol, riding a bicycle for a long time, etc., can increase the risk of prostate congestion and inflammation.

Why are men prone to prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia after the age of 40? Chinese medicine will explain it to you clearly

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