
Revealed: The dangers of stomach polyps and intestinal polyps, and why should they be removed in time?

author:Breeze 3I1H

Why should stomach polyps and intestinal polyps be removed in time after they are found?

Gastric polyps and intestinal polyps are some of the common digestive disorders, and early detection and timely removal are essential for the health of patients. This article will explore why it is important to remove these polyps as soon as they are found, and the benefits of timely removal.

Revealed: The dangers of stomach polyps and intestinal polyps, and why should they be removed in time?

1. Timely removal of gastric polyps:

Gastric polyps are small tumors that protrude on the lining of the stomach that can be benign or malignant. Here are the reasons why gastric polyps should be removed promptly after they are found:

  • Risk of cancer: Gastric polyps have a certain risk of becoming cancerous, especially some large polyps or polyps with irregular morphology. Prompt removal can reduce the likelihood of this cancer.
  • Symptom relief: Some larger stomach polyps may cause symptoms such as indigestion, abdominal pain, etc. Removal of these polyps can relieve symptoms and improve the patient's quality of life.
Revealed: The dangers of stomach polyps and intestinal polyps, and why should they be removed in time?
  • Prevent bleeding: The surface of stomach polyps is susceptible to damage and can sometimes lead to bleeding. Prompt excision can prevent bleeding and avoid serious complications.
  • Prevent comorbidities: Some malignant gastric polyps may invade surrounding tissues, causing comorbidities such as ulcers or perforations. Prompt excision can reduce the probability of these serious comorbidities.

2. Timely removal of intestinal polyps:

Intestinal polyps are protrusions in the lining of the colon that also need to be removed promptly. Here are the reasons why intestinal polyps should be removed in time after they are found:

  • Cancer prevention: Intestinal polyps are precursor lesions of colon cancer, and some intestinal polyps may gradually evolve into cancer over a long period of time. Timely resection can effectively prevent the occurrence of colon cancer.
  • Reduced risk of recurrence: For intestinal polyps that have been removed, regular follow-up is important to monitor for new polyp formation. Timely detection and removal of new polyps can reduce the risk of recurrence.
  • Reduced symptoms: Some intestinal polyps may cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, blood in the stool, and more. Prompt excision can alleviate these symptoms and improve the patient's quality of life.
  • Reduced comorbidities: Some larger intestinal polyps may cause colonic obstruction or bleeding, and prompt removal can prevent these comorbidities.
Revealed: The dangers of stomach polyps and intestinal polyps, and why should they be removed in time?

Benefits of timely excision:

  • Improve the success rate of treatment: Early removal of polyps can improve the success rate of treatment, especially for benign polyps, and surgical outcomes are usually good.
  • Reduces the risk of cancer: Prompt removal reduces the probability of polyps becoming cancerous, which is essential for the prevention of precancerous lesions.
  • Improved quality of life: Removal of polyps that are causing uncomfortable symptoms can significantly improve the patient's quality of life, reducing pain and discomfort.
  • Prevent complications: Timely removal can prevent complications caused by polyps and prevent patients from facing more serious health problems.
Revealed: The dangers of stomach polyps and intestinal polyps, and why should they be removed in time?

Overall, timely removal of gastric and intestinal polyps is essential for the health of the patient. Regular medical check-ups, dietary hygiene, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are effective ways to prevent the occurrence of these polyps. For polyps that have been discovered, doctor's advice and prompt treatment are key to ensuring the patient's health.