
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects

New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects

As we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, when reviewing and summarizing the achievements of 2023, we must not leave behind the New Year's plan for 2024. In this issue of Architizer, here are 8 tips to encourage architects to go above and beyond in the new year.


读更多书/Read more

New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects

Robarts Library Reading Room by Superkül,加拿大,获机构类-教育空间室内设计,2023 A+Awards专业评审奖

Reading more books is a plan that people often mention, but it is usually shelved, especially in the current era of information explosion, people's attention is attracted by short videos, pictures and other entertainment content, even if it is popular science or knowledge-based content, most of them are fragmented information that you have seen and forgotten. So why not make a change and try joining a book club or other way to focus on reading and focusing on Xi architecture, history, technology, and more.

Nowadays, the functions of the library are more and more diverse and inclusive, whether it is to consult materials, rest and exchange or office Xi, which can greatly meet the needs of readers, and the cultural atmosphere created by the library can also better help us immerse ourselves in a state of concentration.

New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects

Robarts Library Reading Room by Superkül,加拿大 © doublespace photography inc


画更多画/Draw more

New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects

The Iceberg by CEBRA architecture,获图纸类-手绘,2023 A+Vision公司奖

New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects

The Last Resort by Nikhita Sivakumar,获图纸类-手绘,2023 A+Vision学生奖

Hand drawing is a necessary skill for architects, whether it can be written down with pen and paper at a moment's notice, or it can be used to organize ideas and try solutions when they don't have a clue. Although hand-drawing is no longer an essential skill as it used to be with the development of computer software technology, its role in the field of design is still very important.

When learning to Xi hand-drawing, you don't have to stick to traditional drawing tools, newspapers, wrapping paper, napkins, ipads, and mobile phones can be used to doodle anytime and anywhere, stimulate creativity and inspiration, and slowly progress unconsciously.

New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects

Treehouses Without Trees by Thomas Wells Schaller,获图纸类-手绘,2023 A+Vision专业奖

New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects

New Layer. Exchange of structure: From block to sculpture by Sergei Tchoban,获手绘,2023 A+Vision特别提名奖


拓宽视野/See more

New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects

By Francisco Tirado - Cobe Architects,获年度最佳类-年度建筑摄影师奖,2023 A+Vision公司奖

Seeing more doesn't mean spending a lot of money and time to travel around the world, but you can also broaden your horizons by paying attention to your surroundings and exploring and discovering local architectural stories. At the same time, using a mobile phone or camera to photograph a building to highlight the form, material, spatial structure or details of the building can not only be observed from more angles, provoke reflection and reflection, but also improve photography skills, and even have a chance to win the 2024 A+Vision award.

New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects

Karen Lee, Architectural Photographer of the Year in the Category of the Year, 2023 A+Vision Student Award


寻找灵感/Find Inspiration

New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects

Architizer: The World's Best Buildings

Finding inspiration is not an easy task, but how can creativity be stimulated and enhanced? When you don't have a clue, you can learn about the architectural styles, historical heritage, and famous architects of different countries and regions, and draw inspiration and experience from them, and Architizer: The World's Best Architecture has many excellent examples. After a few months of perseverance, you will not only be able to learn about the architectural styles of different regions, but also make your design more diverse and bring unexpected surprises.

In addition, it is also a good way to start with specific building structures, such as columns, roofs, windows, etc., and pay attention to the style characteristics, materials, and forms of these local structures, which can quickly expand the design horizon and effectively improve work efficiency.


绿色环保/Go Green

New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects

Eucalyptus Society Garden by SWA GROUP / Los Angeles,中国,获公共公园&绿色空间,2023 A+Awards大众评选奖

To be sure, there are many architects whose goal is to create more eco-friendly and sustainable projects to combat climate change. This may sound overly ambitious, but would it make a difference if we insisted on at least one additional sustainable design element in every project?

Or setting up penalties for not adopting sustainable design practices, such as paying a monetary price every time an unsustainable material is used, can be an effective way to monitor oneself, and conversely, to donate the funds to more valuable causes.

New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects

Eucalyptus Society Garden by SWA GROUP / Los Angeles,中国广东,图片来自Architizer


为未来做好准备/Prepare for the future

New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects

Unsupervised: Refik Anadol by Refik Anadol Studio,获视觉作品类-人工智能视觉作品,2023 A+Vision公司奖

New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects

Silk & Stone by Mohammad Qasim Iqbal,获视觉作品类-人工智能视觉作品,2023 A+Vision学生奖

There's no denying that technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality will continue to evolve in the future, so it's a good year to be prepared to embrace change and use virtual reality technology, whether it's demonstrating a project to a client via VR or exploring a virtual building on your own.

If you want to be at the forefront of AI, you need to learn Xi what AI is and how it can help get the job done, listen to Evelyn Lee's Architectural Practice podcast, or sign up for Nikita Morell's ChatGPT for Architects Masterclass, among others, as a way to learn Xi AI.

New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects

The habitat of life by WEI TIANJUN,获视觉作品类-人工智能视觉作品,2023 A+Vision专业奖

New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects

Sustainable Bee Hive High School by Adin Kachisi,获视觉作品类-人工智能视觉作品,2023 A+Vision特别提名奖


把握尺度/Rein it in

Normally, the field of architectural design is complex and exclusive, but this year, is it possible to challenge the simplification of things? Try to avoid using obscure architectural jargon, express your ideas concisely, and facilitate mutual understanding, so as to reduce communication costs and help the business grow.

Or, perhaps, this complex situation does not stem from expression and communication, but rather from the architect's pursuit of overly ambitious ideas. Admittedly, this may be a pleasure for designers, but care needs to be taken to grasp the scale. Architects are advised to be more "restrained" and in control, rather than arguing about the need to install a three-fold ceiling in the bathroom, and to focus on themselves.


摈弃单调的米白色/Banish the beige

New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects

GRiD by Spark Architects,新加坡,获商业类-零售,2023 A+Awards专业评审奖 © Fabian Ong

In design, the use of off-white is often a high level of safety, but at the same time, it can also lose the creative energy, it is time to break the mold and embrace bold and innovative design. Think back to the last time you stepped out of your colour comfort zone, and this year, you can challenge yourself to create eye-catching buildings with vibrant colours, as it is likely to be the reason for the future A+Awards winners.

New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects
New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects

GRiD by Spark Architects,新加坡 © Fabian Ong

撰文:Samantha Frew

Editor: Red deer

Proofreading: Jane

Original link:

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Please check the 2024 A+Awards Essential Entry Guide and look forward to Chinese design making great achievements on the world stage!

New Year, New Atmosphere, 8 Tailor-Made Recommendations for Architects