
When you wake up in the middle of the night, you will have a dry mouth and a bitter mouth, and you will always wake up at three or four o'clock in the morning

author:Cute big cat medical notes

In the silence of the night, Mr. Zhang suddenly woke up from his deep sleep, found that his mouth was dry, and his heart was vaguely irritable. Gazing at the hands of the clock slowly pointing to three o'clock in the morning, it was already the third time this week that he woke up at this exact moment. Like Mr. Zhang, many middle-aged and elderly people have experienced this situation: waking up in the middle of the night with a bad taste, accompanied by deep exhaustion and helplessness. These symptoms seem to be ordinary, but behind them may be "liver qi stagnation" at work.

When you wake up in the middle of the night, you will have a dry mouth and a bitter mouth, and you will always wake up at three or four o'clock in the morning

Understanding Liver Qi Stagnation and Its Symptoms: The Body's Whisper

Liver Qi stagnation, a term that appears frequently in traditional Chinese medicine theory, essentially refers to the dysfunction of the liver, which affects mood and physical health. With the fast pace and high pressure of modern life, it has become a silent health killer for many.

The role and influence of the liver

The liver plays an important role in our body, responsible for detoxification, making bile to aid digestion, etc. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver is the main drain, regulates the body's qi and blood, and maintains emotional balance. When the liver qi is normal and smooth, the person's mood is stable and the person sleeps well. On the contrary, when the liver qi is stagnant, symptoms such as low mood, poor sleep, dry mouth and bitter mouth will appear.

Symptoms: Signals from the body

Symptoms of liver qi stagnation are varied, but the most common include:

Mood problems: irritability, mood swings, feelings of depression.

Sleep disturbances: As mentioned by the subject, waking up in the middle of the night, especially at three or four o'clock in the morning, feeling unwell or anxious.

Oral problems: Dry mouth and bitter mouth, which is a sign of liver inflammation or liver depression.

Physical discomfort: such as chest tightness, flank pain, etc., may be a reflection of sluggishness.

Understand the reasons behind the symptoms

Behind these symptoms, there may be a combination of factors, including an unhealthy diet Xi, long-term emotional depression or excessive stress in life. Understanding these symptoms is the first step to finding a solution. Only by recognizing these whispers from the body can we take appropriate measures to adjust our lifestyle and relieve the distress caused by the stagnation of liver qi.

When you wake up in the middle of the night, you will have a dry mouth and a bitter mouth, and you will always wake up at three or four o'clock in the morning

Solving the Mystery of Liver Qi Stagnation: Where Is the Source?

Liver Qi stagnation, a term commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine, refers to liver dysfunction and poor internal factors such as mood and body fluids. It is not caused by a single factor, but is the result of a combination of factors, and the impact is far-reaching. Let's dive into the causes of liver qi stagnation and provide targeted insights.

Mood swings: The inner shock of mood ups and downs

Constant emotional stress, such as anger, depression, and anxiety, directly affects liver function and makes liver qi sluggish. Emotion management techniques, such as regular relaxation training and mindfulness meditation, are essential for channeling liver qi.

Irregular life Xi: day and night are reversed, and eating is excessive

Lack of sleep or excessiveness, especially staying up late, can seriously interfere with the liver's normal metabolic cycle. Improper diet, such as excessive intake of greasy and spicy food, increases the burden on the liver. It is recommended to have a regular schedule and a balanced diet to reduce the pressure on the liver.

Imbalances in the internal environment: long-term drug effects and chronic disease

Long-term use of certain medications or chronic diseases such as hypertension and abnormal glucose metabolism may induce or exacerbate liver qi stagnation. Work with medical professionals to adjust treatment options and monitor health status.

Environmental factors: external pollution and seasonal changes

Environmental pollutants such as harmful gases and heavy metals in the air may increase the detoxification burden on the liver. Seasonal changes, especially in spring, are closely related to liver qi in traditional Chinese medicine, and lifestyle adjustments are needed to deal with them in a timely manner.

When you wake up in the middle of the night, you will have a dry mouth and a bitter mouth, and you will always wake up at three or four o'clock in the morning

Practical advice: Lift the clouds and see the sun and untie the knot of liver qi

Liver Qi stagnation is not just a physical state, more often it is closely related to our lifestyle. To improve this, here are some tips to help you gradually ease discomfort and rejuvenate your life, starting with your daily routine.

Adjust the diet: light and light, and reconcile the five flavors

Pay attention to the effects of diet on liver health. Easy-to-digest, bland foods such as fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are recommended. Moderate intake of antioxidant-rich foods such as green tea, nuts, and deep-sea fish to promote liver detoxification. At the same time, reduce the intake of greasy, spicy and high-fat foods to avoid aggravating the burden on the liver.

Regular exercise: relieves stress and activates qi and blood

Engage in moderate amounts of physical activity, such as walking, tai chi, or yoga, on a regular basis. These light to moderate exercises help to promote blood circulation, relieve emotional stress, and regulate the flow of qi and blood in the body, thereby reducing the symptoms of liver qi stagnation.

When you wake up in the middle of the night, you will have a dry mouth and a bitter mouth, and you will always wake up at three or four o'clock in the morning

Emotion management: Release stress and maintain peace of mind

Mood swings are one of the main causes of liver qi stagnation. It is advisable to manage emotions through meditation, breathing exercises Xi or consulting with a professional psychologist. Learning Xi release anger and stress and maintain an optimistic and peaceful mindset can help relieve inner stress and emotional tension.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Moderate use to reconcile the body and mind

Explore TCM treatments that are suitable for individuals, such as acupuncture, cupping, or Chinese herbal therapy. These methods can be carried out under the guidance of a professional doctor to help regulate qi and blood and relieve the symptoms of liver qi stagnation.

Regular work and rest: Develop good Xi and ensure adequate sleep

Maintain a regular sleep schedule, avoid staying up late, and ensure 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Doing relaxation activities, such as reading or listening to soft music, before bed can help improve the quality of your sleep.