
Apple's new product: Apple Vision Pro is here!

author:Fruit powder to check

Hello, all fruit fans and digital enthusiasts, today we're going to talk about something big - Apple's new gadget. Have you ever heard of the Apple Vision Pro? If not, you're probably going to OUT! It's not just a product, it's the opening of a visual feast! Let's explore this eye-catching headset.

Apple's new product: Apple Vision Pro is here!

Hardware configuration: a powerful combination of two chips

Apple's new product: Apple Vision Pro is here!

Chip vs. screen

First of all, we have to talk about the heart of this little guy - the M2 and R1 dual chips. This pair of CPs is a match made in heaven. Coupled with two 23-megapixel micro-LED screens, everything looks like you're there. It's not just about watching a movie, it's just going into a movie!

Sensors & Latency

Moreover, the headset also has a super brain, the R1 chip, which can process information from 12 cameras, 5 sensors, and 6 microphones at the same time, and the latency is as low as 12 milliseconds. What does this mean? It means that you turn your head in the virtual world, probably more naturally than in reality!

Software experience: A completely new operating system

Apple's new product: Apple Vision Pro is here!

Perfection of visionOS

In terms of software, Apple is not vegetarian either. The new spatial operating system, visionOS, is almost ready. I heard that the operation of this system is as smooth as paddling, and it is not difficult at all.

Market dynamics: price vs. time to market

Pricing & Launch

Okay, let's get practical. The price of this headset in the United States is 3,499 US dollars, which is equivalent to about 25,000 yuan. Although it is expensive, it can be a worthwhile investment for those who are looking for the ultimate experience.

Listing date

The latest grapevine revealed that the Vision Pro may be available on January 27. However, this news will have to wait for official confirmation, after all, we all know that Apple is sometimes more elusive than children.

Inventory & Sales Strategy

Estimated stock volume

It is said that Apple will not stock too many Vision Pro this year, only about 500,000 units. This means that if you want to get started, you may have to fight for it.

Follow-up products

But don't worry, Apple is likely to launch more affordable iterations that will allow more people to experience this cutting-edge technology.

New product preview: anticipation of the spring launch

Apple's new product: Apple Vision Pro is here!

New for Spring 2024

Next, let's guess what surprises Apple's spring new product launch will be. iPad, Mac, accessories, you name it. The iPad, in particular, has had new products every year since its birth in 2010, with the exception of 2023. It seems that Apple may have a big fight in 2024!

iPad new product forecast

  • The new iPad Pro: It may use an OLED screen and is equipped with an M3 chip, which will greatly improve performance and battery life.
  • The new iPad Air: A larger 12.9-inch version is likely to be introduced, but the price will naturally rise.

Conclusion: Expectation and discussion

Well, that's all for today's introduction to Apple's new products. What new products are you most looking forward to Apple releasing this year? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area and let's discuss!

Vocabulary analysis

  • micro-LED screen: A new display technology with higher brightness and contrast, as well as lower power consumption.
  • Dual-chip configuration: This refers to the use of two processor chips inside the device to provide more processing power.
  • Latency: Refers to the time it takes for a device to receive an instruction and respond to it.
  • Stock Quantity: Refers to the amount of product inventory that the manufacturer has prepared to meet market demand.
  • Iterative product: refers to a new version of a product that is updated or improved on the basis of the original product.

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