

author:Dark Witch Hat

Shihiko Takawa is one of the most interesting characters in the entire Jujutsu Kaisen, mainly due to his mysterious and powerful spells.

  • Takawa Shihiko's spells, a comedian, allow him to distort reality by representing interesting things, whether it's objects, situations, or healing himself.
  • The strength of a comedian depends on Shihiko Takaha's imagination and maintaining confidence in his comedic abilities.
  • This technique proved to be extremely powerful, and it healed Takawa Shihiko, saving him from harm, and even defeating a super-grade spell spirit. However, if Shihiko Takawa loses confidence in his comedic abilities, it will weaken.

The Dead and Dead Journey chapter of Jujutsu Returns introduces a number of new characters, each with their own unique personality and combination of moves. Most of these characters' abilities are unlike anything the series has shown before, with some being mediocre and weak, while others are strong enough to have the potential to rival Satoru Gojo. Of all these characters, few stand out as well as Shihiko Takaha.

Fumihiko Takawa is quite possibly the most humble combatant in the entire Jujutsu Kaisen, his true strength and abilities hidden behind his personality and antics that he loves to enjoy. He has an extremely powerful spell called "The Comedian", and it is said in the manga that he is so powerful that he will probably be able to defeat most other warlocks. However, the only problem is that Shihiko Takawa doesn't even know how it works! So, in this article, let's analyze the role of the comedian and why it's one of the most powerful techniques in Jujutsu Kaisen!

Shihiko Takaha's love of comedy shaped his spells


As revealed in Shihiko Takaha's backstory, everything in his life revolves around his love of comedy and making people laugh, and even more so his spells. The comedian allows Shihiko Takawa to effectively distort and alter reality by thinking about things he finds interesting. Thus, it allows him to transform these interesting things into reality, which means that he can manifest objects and concepts that did not exist before.

The full scope of this spell power depends entirely on the user's imagination, as long as they think it's interesting to choose to manifest or do something they choose to do. The comedian can allow Takawa Shihiko to heal without using the reversal technique, enhance his abilities, completely undo all damage to him, and even conjure up entire situations or scenes out of thin air. If Shihiko Takawa fights Satoru Gojo and finds it interesting if his No Limit Jutsu suddenly stops working, then the Jutsu actually stops working.


The reason why this technique is extremely effective is also because of the mana reserves of Takawa Shihiko, which is said to be very abundant, because when he just told a joke, both Huang Yu and Reggie became vigilant, just because Takawa Shihiko's mana began to surge. In addition to this, he is also a very skilled hand-to-hand fighter as his skills and powers are further enhanced by his spells.

However, Takawa Shihiko didn't know how his spells worked. Despite its incredible power, the comedian can only really work if Shihiko Takawa is confident in himself and in his ability to remain funny, as seen in his fight with Kesuo, the technique stops working when he starts to feel insecure about how funny he is. This caused him to lose his strength for a short period of time and become vulnerable to the attacks of the Shoso.

Shihiko Takaha's "comedian" spell has played a huge role in the past


The comedian is probably the most powerful spell in Jujutsu Kaisen. In his battle with Huang Yuzu, it can be seen that Takawa Shihiko healed the wounds inflicted on him by the former's technique. This is a particularly powerful feat, as it is the only time in the entire series that someone has healed themselves without using a reversal spell.

In the ensuing fight, Shihiko Takawa can be seen covering himself with a very slippery sauce, which causes all of Huang Yu's punches to bounce off him without causing any damage. However, it wasn't until the battle with Kisuo that Takawa Shihiko showed his true potential for what his spell was capable of. During the battle, Suo used many powerful attacks against Takawa Shihiko, but none of them affected him.

It is also shown here that the comedian influenced not only Shihiko Takaha, but also others, as throughout the fight, Shihiko Takawa continued to make fun of Suo, causing random clothes to appear on his body, as well as random words to appear on his face. However, in the same fight, Kisuo was able to show the weakness of this technique, as he used his unparalleled intelligence to deduce that the technique worked was something that Takawa Shihiko found interesting. Taking advantage of this, he criticized a joke by Shihiko Takawa and shattered his confidence that the technology was no longer working.

However, Shihiko Takawa reconciles with himself and regains his self-confidence, thus fully demonstrating the power of the comedian. He is able to manifest completely new and extraordinary scenes, in which Kisso is forced to participate. In one of the scenes, Shihiko Takawa drives a truck over a super-grade spell and exorcises it very easily, showing everyone how powerful this technique is. At the end of the fight, Fumihiko Takawa was able to achieve his goal, which ended up making Takesuo laugh.