
How terrible is the Amazon River? Why is there no bridge to cross it, and why no one even dares to go into the water?

author:Curator of the Brain Cave

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How terrible is the Amazon River? Why is there no bridge to cross it, and why no one even dares to go into the water?

When it comes to the Amazon River, many friends will immediately think that it is the world's longest river, and its turbulence and rapidity can be called the most river. But the Amazon River has many lesser-known secrets, one of which is the widespread distribution of piranhas.

How terrible is the Amazon River? Why is there no bridge to cross it, and why no one even dares to go into the water?

Piranhas, as the name suggests, are man-eating fish, how terrible is this piranha? The answer is the nemesis of large mammals. Because any large mammal that falls into the trap of a piranha will soon end up with no bones left.

How terrible is the Amazon River? Why is there no bridge to cross it, and why no one even dares to go into the water?

The spectacle is no less spectacular than the apocalyptic scene of the locust plague. It is worth mentioning that locust plagues are not very common, but piranhas devouring all kinds of creatures are quite natural, as they are often staged on the Amazon River.

However, the ferocious creatures in the Amazon River basin are not only piranhas, but also unique creatures such as forest snakes and electric eels will also pose major hidden dangers and threats to human life. If targeted, this sense of urgency does not disappear for a while.

How terrible is the Amazon River? Why is there no bridge to cross it, and why no one even dares to go into the water?

Secondly, the Amazon River flows through a very wide range and is not very densely populated. This has led to the need for a bridge to be questioned. And the creatures of the Amazon River are so dangerous, it will certainly not be very calm during construction.

Therefore, in this situation, it is actually a very wise choice not to build the Amazon River Bridge. Because from both a practical and natural point of view, the construction of this bridge is very difficult.

The characteristics of biodiversity are remarkable

How terrible is the Amazon River? Why is there no bridge to cross it, and why no one even dares to go into the water?

In the Amazon basin, there are many species that are beyond the reach of human beings in their daily lives.

If you travel in the Amazon basin without preparation, the end result is very likely to be death. Because there are so many exotic beasts here, there are many species that many people have never seen in their lifetimes.

How terrible is the Amazon River? Why is there no bridge to cross it, and why no one even dares to go into the water?

According to statistics, about 10% of the world's species of plants and animals inhabit the Amazon basin as a complete ecological cycle. The many animals and plants that live here have formed a biological chain over time.

The integrity of this biological chain must not be challenged or destroyed, otherwise the animals and plants that have lost their homes will take their anger out on humans. It's like getting angry when the only house you own is stolen.

How terrible is the Amazon River? Why is there no bridge to cross it, and why no one even dares to go into the water?

For the many flora and fauna that live in this watershed, the Amazon River is their only home. Therefore, it is undoubtedly not a very suitable choice to carry out large-scale development and large-scale construction here. On the contrary, it will complicate the situation of the Amazon River.

How terrible is the Amazon River? Why is there no bridge to cross it, and why no one even dares to go into the water?

The technical requirements for the construction of a bridge across the river are too high

From the point of view of human engineering, the technical level of the construction of the bridge across the river must be high enough. Because the Amazon River flows so much, its currents are much more dangerous than any other major river in the world.

How terrible is the Amazon River? Why is there no bridge to cross it, and why no one even dares to go into the water?

The turbulent water flow and the complex water potential complement each other, which together hinders the construction of the bridge across the river. What's more, the Amazon River basin is inaccessible and there are no major conditions for the concentrated development of modern civilization, so the construction of the bridge is basically a waste of money.

Looking at the large-scale development of many natural landscapes in the world, the development conditions within the Amazon River basin are not particularly friendly. The first is that biodiversity is too prominent, which hinders the normal development of human activities, and the second is that the development of river basins is not very large.

How terrible is the Amazon River? Why is there no bridge to cross it, and why no one even dares to go into the water?

The lack of development here certainly refers to the fact that the Amazon basin is generally closed and surrounded by towering forests. Large-scale development of such nature reserves would only be counterproductive.

How terrible is the Amazon River? Why is there no bridge to cross it, and why no one even dares to go into the water?

What's more, the water potential of the Amazon River rises very high during the flood season, and the corrosive effect on the bridge is undoubtedly very strong. The Amazon River during the flood season can be described as an above-ground flood to a certain extent, which is not conducive to people's safety.

The impact of the overall development value is not high

How terrible is the Amazon River? Why is there no bridge to cross it, and why no one even dares to go into the water?

The Amazon River flows through a wide range of countries, including Brazil, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela, among seven others. It can be said that the overall strength of these countries is very average, and most of them are relatively close.

In such a situation of moderate economic power, it must be very difficult to coordinate the development of the Amazon basin. Because such a large project requires a lot of money and energy, it is unlikely that it will be successfully developed without a large country to take the lead.

How terrible is the Amazon River? Why is there no bridge to cross it, and why no one even dares to go into the water?

Secondly, there are no decent and developed human cities in the Amazon Basin, so the overall development value is not very high. Since there is not much development value, there is naturally no need to build an international bridge across the river.

It is worth mentioning that it is possible to build a small bridge in the tributary part of the Amazon River, i.e. in cities where human activity is more intensive and concentrated. This is the case with the Black River Bridge built by the Brazilian government over the Negro River. It's just that the cost is very high.

How terrible is the Amazon River? Why is there no bridge to cross it, and why no one even dares to go into the water?

The Black River Bridge alone cost the Brazilian government more than $620 million. If a large bridge across the Amazon River were to be built, the cost of such a bridge would certainly not be much lower. It may never even be able to build it.

How terrible is the Amazon River? Why is there no bridge to cross it, and why no one even dares to go into the water?

To sum up, the reason why people dare not go down the Amazon River is that there are too many biological species, coupled with the influence of relatively primitive natural landforms. Of course, people are very wary of this unfamiliar environment.

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