
2024 electric vehicles, tricycles, motorcycles driver's license test process, cost, age limit, understand in one article

author: Longnan Wen County released

Electric vehicles and motorcycles are one of the important means of transportation for daily short-distance travel, without traffic jams and convenient parking, so the number of shares in the market is getting higher and higher.

In order to better maintain the order of public transportation, all localities have to strengthen management, for some of the electric vehicles included in the management of motor vehicles, license plates, driver's licenses are indispensable, from the management of various places, because the documents are not in order, there are not a few.

2024 electric vehicles, tricycles, motorcycles driver's license test process, cost, age limit, understand in one article

Today, Xiao Pepper will give you a look at the age, process and cost of the examination, etc., everyone should hurry up and handle it to avoid being fined, let's take a look.

2024 electric vehicles, tricycles, motorcycles driver's license test process, cost, age limit, understand in one article

1. The type of driver's license required for all types of vehicles

1. Electric bicycles are non-motorized vehicles and do not require a driver's license;

2. Electric mopeds are motor vehicles and require one of D/E/F on the road;

3. Electric three-wheeled motorcycles need to be tested for D driving on the road;

2024 electric vehicles, tricycles, motorcycles driver's license test process, cost, age limit, understand in one article
2024 electric vehicles, tricycles, motorcycles driver's license test process, cost, age limit, understand in one article
2024 electric vehicles, tricycles, motorcycles driver's license test process, cost, age limit, understand in one article

2. Age for driver's license test

F driver's license, the test age is 18 years old or older, 70 years old and above can apply for the test;


D driver's license, the test age is 18-60 years old.

2024 electric vehicles, tricycles, motorcycles driver's license test process, cost, age limit, understand in one article
2024 electric vehicles, tricycles, motorcycles driver's license test process, cost, age limit, understand in one article

3. Driver's license test process

The motorcycle driver's license test is not very difficult, because there are two ways to get a license, one is self-study, and the other is to apply for the driving school. And whether it is a self-test or a driving school, there is basically no difference in the process.

The exam is not as complicated as the C certificate exam, which is usually completed within one day, generally subject 1 and 4 are taken together, subject 2 and subject 3 are taken together, and they are all qualified, and the certificate will be obtained on the same day at the earliest.

2024 electric vehicles, tricycles, motorcycles driver's license test process, cost, age limit, understand in one article

In recent years, many places have launched convenient measures such as "sending exams to the countryside", and it has become more and more convenient for everyone to take the test.

2024 electric vehicles, tricycles, motorcycles driver's license test process, cost, age limit, understand in one article

The specific exam registration process is as follows:

1. Bring your ID card to the traffic management department such as the vehicle management office to register;

2. Take photos and physical examinations;

3. If you are physically qualified, make an appointment for the exam;

4. After paying the fee, the examination will be passed and the certificate will be obtained.

2024 electric vehicles, tricycles, motorcycles driver's license test process, cost, age limit, understand in one article

Fourth, the driver's license test subjects

1. Subjects 1 and 4 belong to the theory test, with a full score of 100. Take the test on the computer and pass with a score of 90;

2. Subject 2 is a field test, with a full score of 100. 80 points passed, including unilateral bridges, piles, ramp starts, fixed-point parking;

3. Subject 3 is a road test, with a full score of 100. 90 points passed, including light simulation, straight detour, U-turn and crossing the sidewalk.

2024 electric vehicles, tricycles, motorcycles driver's license test process, cost, age limit, understand in one article

5. Driver's license test fee

1. E driver's license and F driver's license driving school application, the cost is generally 600-900 yuan;

2. The general fee for applying for a driving school with a D driver's license is 700-1000 yuan;

3. After self-study, apply for a D, E, and F driver's license, and the general fee is only 200-400 yuan.

However, the charging standards are not uniform in different places and depend on local conditions.

2024 electric vehicles, tricycles, motorcycles driver's license test process, cost, age limit, understand in one article


With the simplification of the driver's license test process, there will be more and more people who take the test, and the management of electric vehicles on the road is slowly strict, so everyone should not take chances, not to mention that they may be fined, and they will also endanger the safety of themselves and others.

2024 electric vehicles, tricycles, motorcycles driver's license test process, cost, age limit, understand in one article

I hope that you will try to get a driver's license after understanding the details of the type of driver's license required for electric vehicles and motorcycles, the age of the test, the specific process and the cost. Comply with the law and go on the road, so you don't have to worry about being fined one day, right?

What do you think about the content related to electric car and motorcycle driver's licenses summarized for you today?

Source: Electric car Little Pepper

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