
Strange sex industry

author:Rukhvin Studios

(I haven't written anything about it lately, just talk about something that everyone doesn't know, I want to talk about this article wherever I want, there is no topic, everyone, please relax, please don't fasten your seatbelts, we started racing on the spot.) )

In the past, when I talked about Southeast Asia, I often said that "Southeast Asia is the sewer of China's economy", because there are a large number of industries that China is not allowed to operate, and they all went to Southeast Asia.

It turns out that Chinese mainland strictly prohibits the four major industries of "yellow gambling and drug fraud", and Chinese are relatively less engaged in drugs, but yellow gambling fraud has become popular in Southeast Asia, gambling everyone knows that it is online gambling, fraud is familiar to everyone, the police uncle almost overwhelmingly gave us publicity, but Huang's industry is rarely talked to, it happened that this buddy because his cousin's third brother-in-law's elementary school table did this kind of thing in Southeast Asia, said to him, so when this buddy came to Chengdu on a business trip, he said I listen.

Because I usually criticize Erika Momoya, Yua Mikami, Kana Momonogi, and Kaede Kaede, in order to continue to strengthen personal cultivation and moral construction, I pricked up my ears to listen to this buddy finish talking about these things.

Usually ordinary people think that making money by engaging in pornography refers to building a website to attract traffic, allowing LSPs to watch pictures and movies freely in it, and then sell advertisements to make money.

In fact, this road is not very safe, because this line is also really competitive, and the top spot in the world is firmly occupied by Canadians.

In Southeast Asia, these people engage in pornography, and the most profitable way is actually to chat online.

I don't say it's right, L talk about where your traffic comes from?

The other party said that it mainly came from a certain search engine, and now Southeast Asia mainly invests in the advertisements of this search engine, and this search party has classified the data that has carried out criticism and can accurately distribute it to them, which is very useful.

I say this search engine it ...... Does it not take care of anyone?

The other party said that no one cares, because LSPs are all going over the wall, using this search engine to search for content, and after searching, they enter their website, which is a big market.

Then they are responsible for this piece of BD personnel, but also often fly to Southeast Asia to contact his cousin's third brother-in-law's primary school table, in order to facilitate communication with these people, the relevant BD personnel are usually Chinese, they are in China to study TOP5 undergraduate, and then in the United States is also a master's degree in a famous school, and finally entered a famous search company, with an annual salary of 50-700,000 yuan.

When these people drink too much in Southeast Asia, they will hug them and cry, saying that they are local school tyrants when they are young, and they can easily run to famous companies in the United States, thinking that they will do some work as human elites and promote the development of human civilization, but as a result, they fly around the world every day to engage in pornography, and there is no sense of accomplishment at all.

Didn't I say that this search company said not to be evil?

The other party was stunned for a moment and said that it was legal for people to be abroad.

Then I was momentarily confused, and suddenly I realized that I was looking at foreign products with a Chinese mindset.

Europe and the United States are relatively open in this area, so they can come nonsense.

Prostitution is illegal in the United States except Nevada, but they have more than 60,000 adult websites, and 60% of the world's pornographic websites are hosted in the United States.

British sites are also legal, and the only crackdown they've ever done at sites is that "new users automatically block by default".

These countries have only fans who specialize in color services for their fans, Ashley Madison who specializes in extramarital affairs, and Sugar Daddy, a public website for sponsorship, and all kinds of weird Internet services.

As a result of not strictly prohibiting online pornography, there is fierce competition and that online pornography is cheap in these countries.

Come back and move on to Southeast Asia.

After listening to the complaints of the search website BD, I couldn't come back to my senses.

Because China bans pornography, but this part of the population always has demand, and finally the companies that operate these businesses go to Southeast Asia, and this industry is also earned by overseas companies, and in order to have strong ties with B-end and C-end customers, search companies hire Chinese to do BD, and finally a group of Chinese high-achieving students who grew up in ivory towers have inexplicably entered this industry, and they have to be condemned by traditional Chinese concepts, forming a strange ecological chain.

China has a completely different ecology from foreign countries, the United States now has Sugar Daddy, everything is clear, if women want to be supported, just write information on the website, and if male tyrants want to support others, they can also directly read the information on it.

Since China explicitly prohibits this kind of online ecology, another kind of gray industry chain has secretly developed, and some people will do the business of Sugar Daddy intermediaries under the banner of emotional counseling.

If you talk about the sex industry in a nutshell, you'll find that China is different from many other countries in the world.

China will take the initiative to exclude some industries, but because the customers are still in China, a springboard production chain closed loop will be formed, because the companies operating these industries are located in Southeast Asia, which is closest to China, and the companies that provide channels are Europeans and Americans, and these people serve the Chinese LSP that belongs to the shielded area.

This kind of thing should not only happen in the industrial chain of sex, but also in the three major industrial chains of gambling, fraud, and drugs.

And these countries all have something in common, they are all capitalist countries.

Of course, capitalist countries are not so extreme, after all, prostitution is illegal in most countries, and what they do is more like "allowing people to become commodities within a certain range".

Yes, whether or not there is objectification of people is the biggest difference between China and other countries.

Treating human beings as objects or commodities, treating human beings as resources, food, tools and other objects, and treating human beings as property is the materialization of human beings.

Objectification is not only forced objectification, but also self-objectification by some people, such as those who find sugar daddy on Sugar Daddy.

Some of the objectification has a strong concealment and is difficult to distinguish, and some people do not see themselves as human beings and sell their physical personality, while some people do not treat others as human beings and belittle the physical personality of others.

From Marx's point of view, slave owners regard slaves as property, which is a kind of objectification and oppression, so if the pornography industry is released, there will be a large number of objectification behaviors, and then there will be new oppression.

Objectification is not only about lust, but also about treating people as tools and disrespecting people, and as long as they do not respect themselves, they will extend to social oppression.

In order to protect people, in order to reduce oppression, socialist countries cannot tolerate objectification.

So in China, the sex industry will eventually not be able to lift the ban.

Finally, in conclusion, what is the biggest difference between China and other countries in the formulation of some laws?

China will never allow materialization, and other countries have a certain authority to allow materialization.

That's it, let's finish chatting, let's disperse everyone. (It's perfunctory today, isn't it?)

★★★ Luke has previously introduced several Southeast Asian countries in articles such as "Why Cambodia is So Messy" and "Garbage Goes to Southeast Asia", explaining why they are "the sewers of China's economy".

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