
Why should I cheat? A woman's inner monologue!

author:A fairy spirit

I am a 33-year-old woman with a baby at home with a lovely daughter and a loving husband. We've always been happily married, but lately I've found myself unable to control my desire to cheat.

It all started by chance. That day, I took my daughter to the park to play and met a strange man. He was so handsome that it made my heart move. We chatted and found out that we had a lot in common. Gradually, we started to keep in touch more often and talked more and more deeply.

Why should I cheat? A woman's inner monologue!

I knew it wasn't right, but I couldn't control my emotions. I started to miss that man, and every time I got a call or text from him, my heart beat faster. I tried to tell myself to stop this behavior, but every time I saw him, I couldn't help but be attracted to him.

My husband didn't know about it and I felt very guilty. I knew it was a betrayal of my family and my marriage, but I still couldn't control myself. The man told me that he also had a family, but it felt like it was meant between us.

I was caught up in contradictions and entanglements and didn't know what to do. I don't want to hurt my husband and daughter, but I can't resist the man's attraction to me.

Why should I cheat? A woman's inner monologue!

When I needed help the most, I found an old friend. She is a career counselor who often helps people with marital and emotional issues. I told her about my predicament, and she listened to my story and gave me some valuable advice.

She told me that my actions were a betrayal of my family and marriage, but that everyone makes mistakes sometimes. It is important that I think carefully about my decisions and take responsibility for myself. She reminded me that if I chose to continue dating that man, I had to be prepared to pay the price.

Why should I cheat? A woman's inner monologue!

After much deliberation, I decided to stop this immoral relationship. It was clear to me that my husband and daughter were the most important people in my life and that I could not afford to lose them. I said goodbye to the man and told him I was going back to my family.

I talked to my husband a lot and we finally came out of this shadow. We decided to strengthen communication and make our marriage stronger. Now, I deeply understand that there is no second time after cheating once. Now, I will cherish my family and marriage even more and no longer be unable to control myself.

However, the matter does not end there. Although I have chosen to return to my family, I still find it difficult to calm down. My heart beats involuntarily whenever I think of that man, and the good times I had with him always come to mind.

Why should I cheat? A woman's inner monologue!

I began to wonder if I could really control myself. If the next time, I meet someone who attracts me again, can I refuse the temptation again? I began to realize that it takes more inner practice and perseverance to control my emotions.

I started looking for professional help, some advice and guidance. I understand that many people experience similar problems when it comes to family and marriage. They need someone who supports and guides them and helps them control their emotions.

Why should I cheat? A woman's inner monologue!

Through professional counseling and self-cultivation, I gradually came out of my inner shadow. I learned that cheating once doesn't mean there will be a second time. As long as we truly cherish and love our family, we will be able to control our emotions and make our marriage more beautiful and stable.

Now, I have become a family counselor to help those who are experiencing similar problems. I will share my experiences and lessons to help them control their emotions and cherish and love their families. I believe that if we persevere, we can create a better future.

Okay, friends! This issue is shared here for you, what else do you know? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share~

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